Introducing... The King of Romance :)


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Super Moderator
Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
This is the newest member of our little flock. He arrived on St. Valentine's Day so naturally we called him Valentino, and he is about 6 months old. His introduction to our world must have come as a bit of a shock to him because not only has he had to endure the hyperactive maelstrom that is HRH Lilly Pilly, but the day after he came home he got shunted off to the vet's for a wellness check, blood work, faecal samples etc etc and so forth. Poor little guy wouldn't have known what hit him!

Valentino is not particularly tame but he is very sweet natured and still a bit quiet and finding his way around his new home. His doctor suggested he was a little overweight and he's not the best flyer yet (I imagine Lilly will work a few grams off him PDQ!) However he isn't doing too badly working out the layout of his new digs. Happily he has tested negative for psittacosis and all those other nasties my CAV routinely checks so he is free to do his budgie thing. He almost landed on me yesterday but of course HRH took one look at that and said "oh no you don't!" and zoomed in to mess up his landing.

We haven't had a budgie in the flock for a good decade or thereabouts so it's wonderful to have Val the little chirpmeister indahouse :)

And here's a picture ...

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Are you sure you are the same lady complaining about "not getting anything" for Valentines Day? ;) You are SO busted!! :D

He is a cutie!

(and you should change your avatar to 00LaManuka, licenced to thrill! You are way to good in keeping secrets and covert operations )
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That was the condition of getting another bird, hubby would have to spend part of his day off going down to the vet ASAP. Other than the overweight issue his doc was very happy with his demeanour & condition, and he’s a very handsome boy. He’s started on pellets already (thanx to Fang’s fine example) and seems to like his greens too.

HRH however taunts him quite mercilessly, she half-rolls onto her back and waves her claws in his face, she jumps in his food dish, flips herself upside down and sticks her feet in the air at him, she’s such a little toad! I have to lock her out of his cage to give him a break from her!
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LOL- love it!

What a cute little king. I love his mustache.

(I must admit, I was expecting to see "Ricky Bird" when I read the title without looking at the poster LOL)

PS: I said little king as a term of endearment---I am sure he is very large in terms of intelligence and personality!!!
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I absolutely loooove his colors, the yellow faces with the blue and green really are soooo beautiful!!

Congratulations on a handsome boy!
Congratulations! A beautiful boy! I gave myself two pets over the years as Valentine's gifts to self!! Cuz I didn't have a wonderful hubby like you!! He is cute, love his name too.
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Thank you all for your warm welcomes, I have passed on your well wishes to Val. He is getting strafed by a low-flying lorikeet this morning, poor guy!
This is the newest member of our little flock. He arrived on St. Valentine's Day so naturally we called him Valentino, and he is about 6 months old. His introduction to our world must have come as a bit of a shock to him because not only has he had to endure the hyperactive maelstrom that is HRH Lilly Pilly, but the day after he came home he got shunted off to the vet's for a wellness check, blood work, faecal samples etc etc and so forth. Poor little guy wouldn't have known what hit him!

Valentino is not particularly tame but he is very sweet natured and still a bit quiet and finding his way around his new home. His doctor suggested he was a little overweight and he's not the best flyer yet (I imagine Lilly will work a few grams off him PDQ!) However he isn't doing too badly working out the layout of his new home. Happily he has tested negative for psittacosis and all those other nasties my CAV routinely checks so he is free to do his budgie thing. He almost landed on me yesterday but of course HRH took one look at that and said "oh no you don't!" and zoomed in to mess up his landing.

We haven't had a budgie in the flock for a good decade or thereabouts so it's wonderful to have Val the little chirpmeister indahouse :)

And here's a picture ...


Cute guy. Pretty sure he will adapt quick.
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Thanx ParrotGenie, Val is pretty quick on the uptake. He is already working out how to get back into his cage when he wants a feed - he is bunking with Fang since that cage is ENORMOUS!

The hope is that Val and Lilly will become buddies like our previous purple-crown Sludge used to be with his little mate Pete the budgie (see very cute photo below, those two were inseparable!) Lilly is a completely different personality to Sludge though, Sludge was a male lorikeet and much more relaxed whereas Lilly is totally hyper! It's OK if they don't become friends but Lilly will persist regardless!


(Sludge & Pete doing their cuteness thang together - awwwww!)
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