It has begun!

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  • #81
Lol a few strapping lads would be appreciated! And yes, the army does have people who sort of look out for the families, but due to our unique situation, the ones o would turn to are I. Hawaii, and this would not be an appropriate thing to request help for.

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  • #82
So after a couple of weeks of fighting with Home Depot to get the supplies I need (online was being a major issue; once I caved and actually went to the store and loaded it onto a cart everything was fine) we are FINALLY building the aviary! My ringies will have the flying space they deserve!!

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  • #83
Well, I'm in the hospital probably for the remainder of my pregnancy. My birds arrive Friday, my amazing mother is at my house frantically trying to complete my aviary, bless her heart!

My husband is on his way home on emergency leave thanks to the Red Cross, and should arrive in about 12-13 hours.

I still don't have my cat

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What would the world be like if not for amazing Mothers? Bet she'd love some strapping lads to pop round LOL? There is nothing for it so rest easy and think of the little one!
Take care now.

Sure it will be better with your husband home.
Well, I'm in the hospital probably for the remainder of my pregnancy. My birds arrive Friday, my amazing mother is at my house frantically trying to complete my aviary, bless her heart!

My husband is on his way home on emergency leave thanks to the Red Cross, and should arrive in about 12-13 hours.

I still don't have my cat

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Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. Will you remind me again when you're due date is? And thank you for your mother! And the Red Cross!

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  • #86
Birds are being packed in Hawaii as we speak!

My husband is on his way back from Savanah with my cat!

And I'm still in the hospital trying to get the doctors to be straight with me. Apparently either I have severe preeclampsia and need to have my baby induced on Tuesday (which is about 6 weeks early and very scary) or I don't have preeclampsia at all and no need for induction... both of these have been told to me by doctors TODAY within 30 minutes of each other so who knows what's going on!

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Birds are being packed in Hawaii as we speak!

My husband is on his way back from Savanah with my cat!

And I'm still in the hospital trying to get the doctors to be straight with me. Apparently either I have severe preeclampsia and need to have my baby induced on Tuesday (which is about 6 weeks early and very scary) or I don't have preeclampsia at all and no need for induction... both of these have been told to me by doctors TODAY within 30 minutes of each other so who knows what's going on!

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Oh no! That's ridiculous. They need to get straight with you. Do you need me to straighten them out for you? I can be pretty forceful [emoji23]

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I really hope they give you a straight answer! I honestly think the stress is exacerbating things, and hopefully now that things are getting straightened out, everything will fall into place. Take it easy, you have support and plenty of people are thinking of you!

Everything will work out fine!
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  • #89
I've decided to just lay here and let things happen. They aren't letting me out any time soon and by tomorrow night all my animals will be handled. It's really just a trust issue you know? Like my husband and mom are capable but they aren't ME!

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So sorry you're dealing with complications right now, Dani. Make sure to take it easy for a bit. While your husband and mother are not you, I bet they'll surprise you with how well they manage to hold down the fort in your absence.

I have faith that you and your baby will be healthy and fine, whether you go through induction on Tuesday or regular delivery 6 weeks from now. Just make sure to listen to doctor's orders! (Somehow I get the impression that you make a terrible patient. Lol!)
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  • #91
lol I'm trying to be good! Getting the news today that they are looking at other causes really helps my outlook. Also knowing the birds are packed safely and almost home is a huge relief!

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Don't hesitate to ask for multiple opinions, Dani. They ought be direct with you, but sometimes their reticence is due to overwhelming workload or conflicting symptoms.

You are special, make sure they take the very best care of you and baby!!
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  • #93
So today was a horrible day. My mother and husband both told me I had 19 IRNs in my aviary. Why is that horrible? Because I'm supposed to have 23. Cue hours of sobbing and frantically trying to figure out what has happened to 4 of my babies. Stolen? Shipped to the wrong location? Escaped? Both people were claiming they had counted multiple times and were sure it was 19 birds!

I was a mess all day. I refused to let the nurses take my blood pressure, lest my bird emergency magically become an early induction of my baby.

Finally my mom was able to send me pics. She sent me almost 50 pictures and I used them to identify every bird on my list one by one. Thank GOD turns out my 5 female/juvenile blues and my 5 female/juvenile violets just weren't sitting still to be counted. They were confusing the numbers and giving me a heart attack.

But since I have all the pics now I thought I would share a few. The aviary is still sort of "half constructed" due to me still being in the hospital, but it's sufficient for the moment thank God. They tell me I'm probably having my baby this week (not ideal since he would be about 6 weeks early) but at least I would be able to go see my birds soon after.

Of course I almost punched a doctor when he said my missing birds "didn't matter as long as my baby is healthy." I was livid. Yes I'm
In the hospital obeying their ridiculous restrictions just in case doing otherwise would endanger my child. But mysteriously LOSING 4 MEMBERS OF MY FAMILY DOES MATTER!

But they aren't lost. They are just miscounted thank God. So here are a few snaps of them.

Saeed, Creamino male

Ari and Mo, Lutino pair

Royal, Dark factor Violet Turquoise male

Kahili blue male, Ka'iulani Violet female

Maddison (remember when she was bald????) turquoise female

Kaleo, Violet green female

Nohea, green female, Blue, blue female, Priya, Violet female (Blue, Kaleo, and Nohea are full sisters)

Isana, our newest flock member, weaned after I left Hawaii, cinnamon green female

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  • #94
And a couple group shots. I'll post Morse pics of the aviary once it is actually done correctly! I've been hospitalized for over a week now and my family is doing their best buuuuuut they aren't me.



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What a day! I'm so glad your family can't count. Your IRNs are gorgeous- especially the violet ones. Have the docs decided what's going on?

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  • #96
Thank you! They have not decided, but there is still talk of delivering tomorrow (labor day, ironically). We will see!

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Awesome pics, so glad you were able to verify all of the fids.

That doc is an insensitive lout! Hope he is a good doctor with a very bad bedside manner. :eek:

If Monday is the day, hope the Labor goes easily, as smoothly as possible. The sooner you get home the better!
So pleased that you have all your flock and wow don't they look good. None the worse for sure. Remember that labour excuses all sorts so perhaps an odd kick or swear word aimed at the doc is more than justified IMO. Birds don't matter my foot, what a heathen.

Beautiful pics, thanks. Good luck!
So pleased that you have all your flock and wow don't they look good. None the worse for sure. Remember that labour excuses all sorts so perhaps an odd kick or swear word aimed at the doc is more than justified IMO. Birds don't matter my foot, what a heathen.

Beautiful pics, thanks. Good luck!

Oh good point! You can probably cuss him out pretty thoroughly and nobody will think twice about it. [emoji2]

Thoughts are with you today...

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  • #100
Just so y'all know; human baby number one is on his way into our flock

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