

New member
Nov 14, 2013
Tecumseh, MI
Cosmo-Blue Quaker born 11/11/2013; Mattie-Green Quaker born 3/2010; Tiki, Timneh African Grey, RIP 11/2017; Pogo, Congo African Gray
Hi everyone! I moved back to Michigan about 2 years ago. While spending time with my sister and her family, I was introduced to birds....I worked with a 1 year old sun conure hand training for them so it could get it's permanent home. Most of their birds are large and cannot be handled by anyone except my brother-in-law. My bf has a bg macaw that also prefers men but will talk to me and take treats. The macaw seems a bit lge to me....I am intimidated sometimes... I am interested in getting a feathered friend for myself, but unsure what to get. I don't want a parakeet or cockatiel...but I'm not real interested in having a bird bite my finger off either. I love the med. to lge birds. I love to chat with a talking bird and would love to be able to teach or communicate with the bird. I have a lot of time to work with a bird. What do you recommend? Why?
Welcome to the forum!!! The problem is when you get into med to large birds you should expect to be bitten one way or another. If your afraid of being bit, then birds aren't really for you. Especially when you say the macaws intimidate you, birds catch on real quick when they intimidate you and use it to their advantage. Birds can talk as some may be great talkers while others aren't, please don't get a bird and expect them to talk! What I'm trying to say is don't get a bird or any animal based on what you expect them to be or do.
Welcome to the forum!

Quaker Parrots are GREAT medium-sized parrots. They are among the top 10 best talkers. Most gain vast vocabularies that rival the African Grey. I've only had mine a couple of months and he is talkin a bunch already. He says "MILLET!!!!" when he wants me to give him some millet haha. They are very snuggly and really freaking smart. I taught mine the tricks Step Up, Step Down, Spin, Wave, Kiss, and Dance within the first 2 weeks I had him. My family couldn't believe it.

He is very very nice and snuggly and loves scratches and talking. I would definitely recommend a quaker parrot a million times to anyone. He is my best buddy and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Good luck with all your future feathered endeavors,

Yes, I think regardless of the size of the bird at some point you are going to get bit. It just comes with the territory. I've seen cockatiels draw blood and I know my peach faced lovebird Nico (rip) got me quite a few times, and my tiny parrotlet latched onto my finger and practically had to pry him off ! It's just how it goes. If you are afraid of getting bit, then really I would stay away from the larger birds.
Welcome to the forum!!! There are bunches of good birds that aren't like tiels or budgies but not as huge as toos or macaws! I think you would like some birds in the parakeet family such as the Indian ring neck, mustache parakeet, African ring neck and much more. those are all bigger then a tiel by a few inches. Then there's the small cockatoos that wouldn't hurt a fly! So it really depends on how smart you want them witch makes them louder and a little harder to have. Then there's Green cheek conures! They are pretty awesome! :D
Welcome! All birds bite. Bigger ones bite harder. Once you get used to that fact you maybe able to choose what bird is best for you. Even though you state you want a certain sized bird, don't discriminate against the smaller species. Many of the smaller birds are a great way to introduce you to the bird kingdom. Gifted ones can talk, hand raised one are down right comical when they dive into your shirt pocket, preen your hair, and talk nonsense into your ear. Take your time in choosing and find the bird who fits your style of bird keeping.
Welcome! I have a blue headed pionus and he is a fantastic bird. He does bite (very rarely) but it is usually only a nip. He did draw blood once. He talks, and although he sounds like a little robot you can still understand him. He says Good morning, pretty boy, pretty bird, hello and what ya doing. He is a playful little clown & we love him to pieces. Here is a picture of him with my friend, who he had just met:)
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The conures that I worked with would bite periodically. I just don't want the level of damage that I believe a macaw could do......that is what intimidates me. I do know of a couple of macaws that would invite you close to attempt the bite....those particular macaws definitely have a mean streak in them.... The pinching that the conures do does not bother me.... Considering a Quaker Parrot.....small, easy to handle and smart, but before I get one I want to make sure that I've investigated the best for me. I prefer my pets smart....more opportunity to interact with them. I don't work outside of the home and no children involved so I do have the time it takes to enjoy a bird....I definitely don't want a pet just for viewing....interacting, yes.
That pionus looks like the beak is over grown. You might want to have it checked.

OP, if you want a talker, but not large, you might consider a Quaker. They are one of the best talkers.
Yep, his beak is overgrown...the vet trimmed it twice already, as she said she wants to do it a little at a time:) He goes back next week for another trim. It was going into his chest when we first got him, and you should have seen his nails.
I know, I couldn't believe how long it was when we got him! But if you could have seen his cage and what he'd been eating, yuck. Hopefully another trim or 2 and he will be back to what he should be:)
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The Hahn's Macaw is interesting.....
Oh yes! The Hahans Macaw is a peppy little bird! I don't own one or ever have but if you don't want a big macaw like the blue and gold's then a hahans is perfect! They are literally a big macaw in a tiny body! They talk a lot and are very curios! My friends aunt has one and boy does he keep her on her feet! I love them and someday I just might get one of those little guys! :D
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The mini-macaws have really drawn my there one type that's better than the others? What is the defining feature or personality trait of each or they all very similar?
The small macaws have the big macaw personality! So be cautious if the big ones intimidate you.
The small macaws have the big macaw personality! So be cautious if the big ones intimidate you.

They do. Jo is my gf. Simba LOVES her...but still tries to bite her if she reaches for the cage latch. She's not afraid of getting bitten, she's afraid of losing a finger. ;)
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I love Simba....Bruce's blue n gold Macaw, but he isn't my bird and he would like to bite me.... Simba has the personality and voice/talking that I like, but he's to strong and his bite to much for me.
This is just my opinion, but small bird bites scare me much more than large birds. When I have been bitten by a smaller parrot, it has always been an "I mean business" bite. They go straight for the kill, no warning. With larger macaws, it is usually slow and I have always been warned. Rosie has not drawn blood or seriously hurt me....yet. I feel like the larger macaws know they can really hurt you and don't feel the need to go in for the kill. The smaller birds seem to get more anxious and have more of a fight/flight reaction.

That is just my experience and of course it depends on personality/experience the bird has had in its life.

Not to say you should get a larger Macaw, but once you get over your initial fear of Simba, you may fall head over heels. From the first video I saw of him trying to get your attention, he loves you already. :)
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I do love Simba! But I am Bruce and Simba's back-up. I'd like a bird of my own and therefore a different type of bird..... I expect Bruce to be my back-up.....

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