June 2023 Photo of the Month Contest!

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Tee hee, Tucker's really sockin' it to ya, isn't he?? Ok, I know, but somebody had to say it, and now I'll see myself out 😝
Booooooooooo! That's terrible! 🤣
Okay, JFF. Since we've had nothing but rain for 3-4 weeks, it makes drying laundry a little more of a challenge. We've been making do by hanging stuff inside wherever we can find a spot. My son had covered the rail upstairs with socks. Tucker decided this afternoon that he did not care for socks cluttering up HIS rail, and proceeded to toss every single one down to the floor. Worse yet, he growled at them as he threw them. The video starts in the middle of the extravaganza, once I realized what was happening. *Sigh* Oh, Tucker bird...
Haha I love this!! Silly Tucker!
They are pineapple conure & turquoise conure. They are only 6 weeks old

I thought so but what threw me off is the very light beak on the baby pineapple. I know they are GCC mutations but I didn't realize that the blackish beaks of the wild type had been lightened this much in the paler mutations. They are both beautiful babies!
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