Just adopted a 3 year old amazon, advice please!


New member
Jun 2, 2013
Hello, I've just joined this forum so I'm trying to get used to it (took me ages to work out how to even post a forum haha)

anyway, one of our neighbours has a family member who has needed to make a big change in his life by re-homing his beautiful 3 year old amazon parrot. My family were fortunate enough to adopt her but we're new to this so need advice. She is absolutely gorgeous and we're told is usually very friendly and social, incredibly tame and loving and just adores interaction - so there is no problem with taming her or anything like that, the main problem is the move.

She initially lived in London so the 3 hour car journey must have been quite a traumatic experience for her as we live in the countryside, so there is enough of a big difference there! She's fine in her cage, let's us stroke her and give her little tummy tickles, she even said 'hello' when I did, the first time I met her. We've only got her today but I really want to ensure I look after her properly especially after this move.

Do you have any advice for letting her settle in? She won't come out her cage so I think it's best to leave her for a bit, we do open the door as an option occasionally to see if she wants to come out but never does. I think giving it a few days will be good.

She lets me stroke her and seems to really like me, hasn't even come near to biting me or anything. I seem to pick up on how she's feeling pretty well without knowing what signs I should be looking for but I'm being cautious and slow with her. However, my mom in contrast is a bit of a quick mover and puts opens the cage and puts her hand in there and then gets bitten, whereas I talk for a bit, really softly and sweetly then open the cage door and see if she wants to come closer to my hand, which I keep at a reasonable distance.

I can tell my mom isn't really doing it right haha, but I just really want her to settle in nicely as she's come from a completely different home.

So, basically, any advice on settling in a 3yr old amazon from London into a little rural home in the countryside? How to maybe calm her a bit, talk to her and eventually get her to come out of her cage (I'd love her to come sit with me in my room at some point)

I'm very new to this and don't know what to look our for or where to start, we're okay with food and cage and stuff like that, it's just the interaction and settling in.

Also, i've tried looking this up, I'm not sure if this is a sign or anything but after she was a bit agitated by my mom she turned her back to me and kept turning her head right around to stare at me, instead of facing me like usual or coming up the bars of the cage for a little pet.

Any advice is welcome, sorry for the long post, just don't really know where to start with this!!
Hello schwormstedt and welcome to the forum. :)

Firstly, MANY MANY congrats on your new family member. What's her name? What type of Amazon is she?

Since you JUST brought her home, I'd personally leave her be for a while. You can sit next to her cage and talk softly to her, offer her some treats, but please don't expect too much too soon.

Amazons are QUITE resilient, and many take to moves much quicker than other parrots, however, they still need some time to adjust to their new surroundings, new people, new sounds, new everything. :)

If she turned her back to you, and only turned her head to look at you, she may be telling you that she's a bit tired at the moment. ;)
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Hello schwormstedt and welcome to the forum. :)

Firstly, MANY MANY congrats on your new family member. What's her name? What type of Amazon is she?

Since you JUST brought her home, I'd personally leave her be for a while. You can sit next to her cage and talk softly to her, offer her some treats, but please don't expect too much too soon.

Amazons are QUITE resilient, and many take to moves much quicker than other parrots, however, they still need some time to adjust to their new surroundings, new people, new sounds, new everything. :)

If she turned her back to you, and only turned her head to look at you, she may be telling you that she's a bit tired at the moment. ;)
Ahhh excellent about the back turning thing, I was quite worried it was a really bad sign as we were getting on very well before!! haha

Her name is Phes haha, she's absolutely lovely. The previous owner told us but I can't quite remember her full breed, could you identify from this picture? the colour on her head is quite pale and under her wings it's red and yellow (from what I can tell, she hasn't lifted her wings in front of me yet) I think she's a mexican red headed though!


I think leaving her for a while is best, I'm printing off as much information about care as possible from different threads on the internet. I think today I'll let her chill, people are about and keep coming to talk to her occasionally, I'll keep opening the door as an option to come out throughout the week but not force her to, only if she wants to!
Wow shes gorgeous !!!! Im glad Wendy figured out what she was [I didn't know] . So neat never seen one before !!! Like Wendy said with her transition [Good advice :)]. I slow my energy down,put no pressure on them and wait for them to be curious about you . Good luck !! You will be great!
Hello Schwormstedt,
I'm new to the forum also. I'm also having some behavioural issues with my amazon, so take anything I might say with a grain of salt:)
When I first brought Norman home I had no idea how to handle him, still don't, sometimes. He wanted nothing to do with me & seemed afraid of my hands. I stopped trying to touch him. I just left the door open. I set up a chair next to his cage and read to him. This went on for a couple of days, slowly he came out of the cage, but If I moved he ran back in. One day I put my feet on his cage while I read and he walked over and started nudging my foot. I almost jumped out of my seat! And that's how it started. Also when he seems stressed out I put soft Music on and sing to him. Not sure why but it helps, he forgets that he's stressed and starts to sing back. Don't know if this helps. But I wish you good luck!

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