Kings Cages won't be here in time !


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Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Cory: Short billed Corella -
Echo: Galah -
Max: Alexandrine -
Skye: Yellow Sided conure -
Luka: Green Cheek Conure -
RIP Shrek: Quaker
When I first had birds along with other animals, I found the hissing hilarious... I had no idea they could do that.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Cory: Short billed Corella -
Echo: Galah -
Max: Alexandrine -
Skye: Yellow Sided conure -
Luka: Green Cheek Conure -
RIP Shrek: Quaker
I'll call in a bit. We just got home and she is eating in the carrier. Then,....major (boxer dog) sniffed her, and she HISSED at him !
Way to go Shelby, tell'em Shelby !!! :p lol

Congrats of Shelby...


New member
Dec 1, 2011
When I first had birds along with other animals, I found the hissing hilarious... I had no idea they could do that.

I didn't either until Pete came here. My budgies and conures never growled or hissed, lol! I came near him and he growled like a big dog and I went, "Oh!"


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Jan 23, 2012
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The cage and stand were a ***** to put together, as the instructions sucked ! I've put together Taiwan made crap that had better instructions. :mad:

It took me and friend two hours to assemble the cage. The stand only had a small photo, no instructions at all.

I also have gotten very tired of company's not including instructions/manual with their product. You have to download their pdf file, thus using your own printer & ink !

I once had to print off 18 pages of a manual !!!

But, it all came together and both products from Kings are real high quality.
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I have a new camera and the photo's I've sent are too big, so I need to read how to lower the size with the camera or the software in my computer. I'm not to savvy with computers, so it may be a while. lol

We can't beleive, well the flight was, she was not scared at all and she acts like she's lived with us all her life !

I looked at her in the carrier at the airport, she was not breathing hard or heart fast. She even said, "Hi Baby" before we left the building. She was eating on the way home.

She says, Baby, you my baby and my baby. And something we don't understand. lol

She has not screamed, just squawks at sunrise & sunset for apx 5 minutes, but neither is too loud !

She lets my hug & kiss her. Loves to be scratched under her wings, head, neck and under her chin. I gave her a spray bottle bath in the shower and loved it. She is quiet at bedtime and my naps !!! :D

All is good & going MUCH better than we thought, but have some questions.

1- She won't eat any,....fruit ?

2- We have Supreme nut blend and is what she was fed at the rescue, but all she eats is the round brown cashew looking nut and the small light tan peanut looking nut. So that's all she's eating ?

(We haven't yet tried the fresh veggies we we got her)

3- Shelby will go to everyone so far, but last night she was on the outside of her cage and Patty had her hand on the side of the cage, and Shelby went over and bit her hand, enough to draw a little,....blood. Patty's feelings we hurt enough to make her cry. I made sure that when she came home tonight, that I had Shelby "step up" on Patty's hand and it went well, but when Shelby was on Patty's chest while sitting in her chair, Shelby acted like she was going to bite her when Patty put her hand out to her. I walked over and although Shelby didn't want to leave, I said step up a few times while touching her chest, and she did with no issues.

With me, when Shelby didn't like what I was doing, she simply touch me with her beak, which by what we've read, is having good manners saying no. Biting Patty is the only, problem we've had. Other than that, she is simply remarkable only being with us for a few days !!!

She's even told the cats & dogs who's boss ! lol

I was surfing you tube for music and so far she prefers Elvis. She rotates her head like a corkscrew, bob's her head, raises and shakes her head dressing (that's what we call it anyway, like a Indian's head dressing) and flutters her wings.

If I remember correctly, Anna at the rescue said she doesn't really play with toys, and what we have so far for her, she doesn't play or chew with anything.

This concerns me a bit- She has only been on the different sizes of perches a few times, she sits on the metal cage bars or hangs on the wires. Why does she not use them ?
I'm concerned about hurting her feet.

So, what do you think so far ?
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Sep 27, 2011
Aberdeen, Md
Safira (B&G Macaw)~~ Gracie (CAG) ~ Lucy (CAG)
She'll just need some time to settle down, try not to go too fast with her even though it might seem like she lets you do quite a bit now. I wouldn't let a bird you just got too close to your face either, not sure how high up she's holding her on her chest, but just be concious that Shelby can be very fast if she wants to bite.

Good luck with her! Definatly post pictures. :)


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I agree it'll take time, especially with Patty. But why won't she use her perches ?
And the other questions.


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Sep 27, 2011
Aberdeen, Md
Safira (B&G Macaw)~~ Gracie (CAG) ~ Lucy (CAG)
I'll to answer what I can. I'm no expert on toos (or any other parrot)

1) Just keep offering her different fruits, eventually she'll eat them. My macaw started with grapes, she still hardly touches anything. Definatly offer Veggies as well.

2) keep an eye on what she's eating, she may be picking at the other stuff when you're not looking. If after a week or two you notice she's still not eating her actual pellets you can look into a different brand for her.

3) Like I said take your time. She may like you more than Patty.

4) I've noticed niether of my CAG's like the new perches I bought them. Gracie will use the one, but won't really touch the others. It just may be new to her, she still needs to settle down. I wouldn't worry about it unless..a month or more has gone by, then you can try to re-arrange the perches or try other things. It can take a LONG TIME for a bird to adjust to a move.


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Dec 22, 2011
New York
*Yoshi* Goffins Cockatoo
* Rosie*Rose Breasted Galah
*Stella*Hyacinth Macaw
*Baby*Catalina Macaw

*Multiple Parakeets*
I'm no expert , but here's my crack at it.
Maybe Shelby just needs time to sort everything out.
Sounds to me "maybe" things are just happening too fast for her and she is doing her best to handle it all.
If you have alot of toys hanging around her cage and new perches and other items she hasnt seen before , try taking somethings out and making it less overwhelming for her. I think in time she will start eating and eating with a vengence. My cockatoo didnt eat for a couple of days when I first brought him home . He only had a short car ride to deal with , not a plane ride , but still , Shelby's whole world has just changed , for the better , yes , but she needs time to feel safe , secure , and generally at peace with her new world including her new parents.
I'm glad you got the cage and stand put together and your happy with it ! What a shame you had such a problem putting it together though.....being such a large and well known company, you would *think* it would come with proper directions !!:mad:

Anyhow , sounds like Shelby is really doing well for the time she has been with you :)
Maybe just make her life a little less "overwhelmingly wonderful" and take some toys away and just give her some time to de-stress a little. Just my two cents :)

All the best :D


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Aberdeen, Md
Safira (B&G Macaw)~~ Gracie (CAG) ~ Lucy (CAG)
That's a good point about the too many new toys/perches in her cage. It can be overwhelming.


New member
Dec 22, 2011
New York
*Yoshi* Goffins Cockatoo
* Rosie*Rose Breasted Galah
*Stella*Hyacinth Macaw
*Baby*Catalina Macaw

*Multiple Parakeets*
I just remembered that my Goffin wont go near the new stand I had bought him months ago and he refuses to even look at it !
He gets all flustered if I move it anywhere near his cage. I also have a nice white t-style perch I bought him and he will do whatever it takes to avoid this perch...I put it on the outside of his cage figuring he would go to it on his own time , but no way is he going near it . He has made it crystal clear that he doesnt like the stand and the perch at all and he has no plans on liking it anytime soon !

All I can say is they like what they like and they avoid what they dont like at all costs . :rolleyes:


New member
Dec 22, 2011
New York
*Yoshi* Goffins Cockatoo
* Rosie*Rose Breasted Galah
*Stella*Hyacinth Macaw
*Baby*Catalina Macaw

*Multiple Parakeets*


New member
Dec 22, 2011
New York
*Yoshi* Goffins Cockatoo
* Rosie*Rose Breasted Galah
*Stella*Hyacinth Macaw
*Baby*Catalina Macaw

*Multiple Parakeets*

Ha,..ha, that's funny !

Yeah , I'd end up with two TOO's that dont like perches , lolol.
Once she settles in , maybe try the rope perches if you havent already. My Goffin became braver when I brought home my other TOO who was 6 or 7 years old and quite sure of herself. She never hesitated to try anything. That gave my younger guy a sense of security I guess , he now will climb , or try anything she does.
Except the white perch and this freakin stand I bought.
Guess I will have to get another bird that will like it :09:


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Learn by your elders !

Good idea, I'll try a rope perch next.

Why won't yours use the stand ?


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Cory: Short billed Corella -
Echo: Galah -
Max: Alexandrine -
Skye: Yellow Sided conure -
Luka: Green Cheek Conure -
RIP Shrek: Quaker
Just wondering what kind of perches she's used to? Do you know? If she doesn't want to perch in her cage, put some newspapers down on the grate... don't try to force her, let her make her own decisions..

Good luck with her and congrats.... :D


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Dec 1, 2011
Pete has been afraid of every new perch I've given him as well. After some time he began using them all except that plastic Pedi-cure thing I bought him. He thinks it's slippery on top where there is just smooth plastic. He also didn't like one perch that was moving a bit when he got on it. I had to put a bolt in the other end as well. It almost reached across the width of his cage, but not quite, and only bolted on one side. I bought a super long SS screw and bolted in the other side and then he was happy with it.

Pete is also afraid of toys and I have to introduce them all very slowly. I agree Shelby might be overwelmed by so many new things at once. Some birds love toys so much they are happy to see a new cage loaded with them, and others are frightened by so many things. She may not have had toys in her original home. Pete didn't.

As for the pellet picking, one of my conures would do that, too. She would never eat any of the orange or purple ones (Zupreem FruitBlend). My other conure eats those colors first, then usually eats the red ones, and then the green or yellow. Not only that but some days she leaves all the yellow ones, then the next day she eats the yellow ones and leaves all the green ones, lol! I'm not sure why, but I guess she has different moods on different days.

Some birds are pretty picky on fruits. Merlin only likes one kind of apple. She also seems to have a preference for fruits that are very fleshy. Sometimes you have to just keep offering something for awhile before they will try it. I do think it helps to see you eat it first.

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