

New member
Feb 20, 2019
I thought itā€™d be good to share some of the, less obvious, differences between our conureā€™s likes and dislikes. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not just my Luca who goes against a lot of what I read šŸ˜‚

-Heā€™s really not into millet. Tried numerous times but he really doesnā€™t like it.
-Showers/spray- he loves you to wash him by dripping water from a cupped hand onto his head. He doesnā€™t like being sprayed anywhere! Especially showers.
-Soft toys. They seem to creep him out! Heā€™ll hide into you if you bring one near!

- Bopping to the music and trying to sing along.
- Giving kisses and making the kissy sound for one
- Mimicking ā€˜love youā€™ whenever you say it.
- Belly tickles whilst lying on his back on the bed
- I got some jelly from the pet store and he loves them!! He makes a right mess though as he shakes the excess off his beak and up the walls


New member
Jan 6, 2019
Pico, gender unknown, is a hand-fed Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure, born 2015.

FWIW, my conure's likes and dislikes are almost the exact polar opposite of yours.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2014
Lewiston, Maine
Neotropical Pigeon - "Skittles" (born 3/29/10)
Cockatiel - "Peaches" (1995-2015) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sammy"
(1989-2000) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sandy"
(1987-1989) R.I.P.
Skittles does the EXACT same thing with regards to "kissy noises" and he mimicks "love you" after I say it too!

As for his likes-
For foods: juice, grapes, apples, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, broccoli. He also likes pasta and crust/breads (he does NOT get these too often, but I do give them to him now and then as a treat). He doesn't get a whole lot of table foods because I feed him Harrisons, but I do give him fruits/veggies/nuts throughout the week regardless.

As for toys- he likes any thing he can chew on. He loves rope perches boings/bongs and just about any fabric he can get his beak on.

He also loves baths, but is the opposite of yours. Skittles likes to jump into a dish and splash around. Once he's done, he'll climb up my arm and fly over to his playperch and lean his head forward. So I go over and spray him with a mist which he loves.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
New England
Sunny the Sun Conure (sept '18, gotcha 3/'19). Mr Jefferson Budgie & Mrs Calliope Budgie (albino) (nov'18 & jan'19). Summer 2021 Baby Budgies: Riker (Green); Patchouli, Keye, & Tiny (blue greywings).
My Sunny Likes wax beans, green beans, peas in pod. Shredding broccoli. Red and orange Bell Peppers. Chopped radishes.

She ONLY wants showers via fine-mist sprayer, only whilst on her spiral perch in a window. Only other bathing option she accepts is to use a tiny water dish located about an inch from the ceiling of her cage.

She likes dried papaya & mango. She really likes tropical NutriBerries. She does like fresh orange juice (only allowed rarely, in very small quantity.)She does NOT like bananas, cranberries, blueberries, or pecans.

She likes about a few teaspoons a week if the Harrison's superfine pellets. The were originally purchased for the budgies. But, the budgies won't touch pellets. And Sunny says "meh" to romaine lettuce, which the budgies LOVE.

(The budgies are actually little Lettuce Piranhas. I hang some (fairly large) leaves of romaine about their cage, come back after a while, and just find little strings of lettuce hanging in their place.)
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Feb 20, 2019
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Haha interesting read. Thanks. Itā€™s nice to see what our conures are like


New member
Apr 10, 2019
Central Minnesota, USA
Callum- GCC Hatchday: October 15th, 2016
(nonparrot friends include rats, a dog, and a few reptiles :))
Sounds almost exactly like Callum! Funny little quirks I've recently discovered is he will not willingly bathe in the sink unless my hand is there, gently splashing the water or making a waterfall-- essentially creating "moving" water for him. except if it's food bowls with water. For whatever reason, those are fair game. Smh.

And recently he's started following me to the shower. He'll even fly to the top of the curtain rod as I'm getting ready to take a shower and then he'll wait.

Callum LOVES millet. He also LOVES pomegranate seeds. As soon as I get one out, he is vying for my attention to grab a few seeds. He just has... colored poops afterwards. Mango was not a hit for him, unfortunately. Callum tends to be very picky about his food. Until I'm feeding veggies to my rats, then he suddenly wants what they're having!

Callum's afraid of baseball hats, even when they're turned backwards lmao. My little pickle chicken (Callum's current nickname) is very angry at barefeet and will bite them HARD. only after rushing at you, all puffed up and tail feathers flared out. He also hates my inhaler. He's broken the cartilage in my ear because of his very intense dislike of it.

As long as Callum can tear it up, he thinks it's a toy.


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Feb 20, 2019
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I love their little characters! You can read as many books as you like but each little one is so different to any other ��


Well-known member
May 31, 2017
Yoda, Green Cheek Conure - Trigger, Congo African Grey
Yoda loves:

Laughter, making us laugh or laughing at us. He's such a clown.
Baths in the sink, or in a glass of water.
Dried papaya
Fresh apple, banana, carrots
almond slivers
Peanut shells
Kissing, and making kissy noises like all of yours :)

Yoda does NOT like:
fresh papaya
dried banana, apples, carrots
Green bottles, especially if you try to drink from one with him nearby


New member
Feb 26, 2019
Remi loves oranges, bananas, cherries, and watermelon.
He also loves beak rubs and sitting on the shoulder snuggling in my hair.
He doesn't like the word "no", lol.
Petey loves the same kind of fruit, preening my face, and looking through the window. He doesn't seem to like sitting on shoulder. We are still learning about him though.


New member
Jul 22, 2019
Black-Capped Conure
Fun thread to read and share with!

Jesse hates to be even lightly misted with a spray bottle. He bathes every morning in his water dish, but he likes to wait til after I've washed it and put nice, fresh, cold water in it. After he's bathed, he likes to dry off underneath his "lovie." His lovie is something I ordered online. It's strips of fleece tied together and they hang down like a Christmas tree. I hung it above his favorite perch and he likes to snuggle up underneath it every night when he goes to bed.

He loves to shred those Chinese finger traps made of woven bamboo. Sometimes I'll tuck a millet seed or sunflower seed up in them to surprise him. If I put a raw pumpkin seed in there, he won't eat that. He doesn't seem to care for the pumpkin seeds. Funny how they have preferences just like people, isn't it?

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