Look how cute she is


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
I am going to use this post for videos of my girl from now on...

[ame="https://youtu.be/ikP9NS8dcXI"]Birdie Puberty? - YouTube[/ame]

gaaaah she just melts my heart. She went from being not cuddly anymore to suddenly super cuddly. I actually rushed her to the vet because I thought she was sick! Turns out she is just starting her molt, and possibly starting puberty.

<3 my little baby bird.
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[ame="https://youtu.be/ZdNTpwoBxxI"]Conure shenanigans - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame="https://youtu.be/ewdTQVBCp0o"]Kyo is snuggling like never before - YouTube[/ame]
I love it when they get snuggly and cuddly like this!
Awww, what a cutie! Sarah, I had to giggle about you rushing Kyo to the vet because she was being so sweet but I totally understand. Darling videos, I know you're loving every second.
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Awww, what a cutie! Sarah, I had to giggle about you rushing Kyo to the vet because she was being so sweet but I totally understand. Darling videos, I know you're loving every second.

My husband was shaking his head at me, he thinks I'm crazy because I take her to the vet for everything. But, one cannot be too careful when there is clause for concern. She had been in her carrier and at my parent's, so I thought she was seeking warmth like she was ill. It is very cold here so my brain went "oh no! She never does this! She must have caught a chill!"

I am happy she is seemingly super healthy still. :)
I tried watching the videos last night but my PC was giving me a hard time. I kept getting a pop-up on the screen that said "warning: cuteness overload"

hehe j/k, she is just too cute.

If I had a vet that was local, I'd do the same thing with Skittles. I'd probably bring him in for monthly check-ups! But my vet is an hour away so I have to rely on transportation from a friend so I only do the annuals unless it warrants an emergency visit. We do have an animal ER in town, but they don't normally see birds.

I actually think it is great that you are so mindful and protective of Kyo. I get that. Sad thing is, you'd be surprised how many bird owners don't take their fids to the vet cause they think its a waste of money. But it's about as much of a waste as us getting an annual physical from our own doctor. It's essential to ensure proper health. So kudos to you!
You sure have a cute little snuggle bug right there!

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