Looking forward to meeting You!


New member
Feb 7, 2015
USA, Macon, GA
Military Macaw; Princess Storm, 25yo
CAG; Alex The Bird, 24yo
Eclectus; Ummbella, 2yo
New to the forums.
Hope to find a community full of avian loving humans who are as colorful as our birds :) .
I'm the fortunate guardian of : Princess Storm, a 25yo fe Military Macaw, Alex The Bird, a 24 yo m CAG, and Ummbella, a 2 yo fe Electus, all who are adopted, happy,and healthy.
Believe me when I tell you I'm so happy to be owned by them.
Looking forward to meeting many of you and your fine feathered friends.
LadiDy of Macon GA
Welcome. Sounds like you have a lovely flock:) Hope you'll share some pictures of your babies:)
Welcome! This is a great community for sharing and learning with others who are passionate about birds :)
Welcome!! Glad you joined us! I'd love see pictured of your flock!! :)
Hello and welcome! I love your babies names:)
I would love to see pictures as well!
Hello and Welcome! You have an interesting and colorful flock, I'd love to see photos.
Hi and Welcome to this awesome Forum, I Would love to see your parrots.

Feel free to ask any questions whenever you feel/need to. :)
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Thanks to all for the warm welcomes. I've added pics of my FIDS, in an album: LadiDy's Beautiful FIDS. Still trying to figure the site out. That's my favorite thing to do is take photos of my birds.

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