Macaws or Cockatoos


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Nov 3, 2012
Hi everyone, i am new here :) I'm Jillian, I'm soon to be 17 on thanksgiving day. I have experience with large parrots, from age 12-15 i worked at a parrot rescue rehab clinic. I'm ready to actually own my own parrot, the reason being is because they help me with my problems- i have a medical condition known as dysautonomia and whenever I'm with the birds i feel so happy and i don't even worry about my health when I'm with them. That's how i am with animals, i guess you could say animals are like therapy to me :) I am home-schooled so i do have enough time to spend with him/her, but I'm worried who would take care of him/her when I'm at the hospital that's the only problem. My mom won't go near a bird ever since she seen one bite me- It wasn't the birds fault, his old owners did so many horrible things to him so he didn't trust anybody and when i went to clean out his cage at the rescue he ended up biting me in my back pretty deep. I don't blame him though, he was just scared and didn't know better. My mom did say i could get one but i would be the one taking full care for him/her, i have no problem with that at all. I could always have my friend come over to watch him/her when I'm in the hospital so that could work. I have enough money saved up for a good quality large cage and supplies the only thing i need to save more money up for is toys. Vet cost is free since my aunt is a vet, so i don't have to worry about affording any medical cost. I love blue and gold macaws, and also cockatoos. I know cockatoos scream, but i don't mind that since i live in the country i have no neighbors who would complain. I'm not sure which would be best for me, i love them both! What would be your choice between the two?


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Nov 3, 2012
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I'll have to attend a online college because of my medical problems


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Jul 20, 2012
Hi Jillian, and welcome to the Forum. :)

I'm VERY sorry to hear about your dysautonomia. That must be quite difficult for you and your family.

When you said your mom is afraid of birds, and couldn't possibly help you out with him/her, does this mean you would want to keep your bird in your room? And if so, how long do your hospital treatments last? Days, weeks?

Both cockatoos AND macaws are rather high maintenance parrots, who need a whole lot of attention and care. Additionally, they are highly sociable animals (as are all parrots), so leaving them alone for prolonged period of times is really not in their best interest.

I do NOT mean to sound discouraging, I'm just trying to find out some more information here so that we can advise appropriately and wisely :)


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Nov 3, 2012
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My mom doesn't mind if the bird is in the living room, she just doesn't want to be too close to him/her - i think once she gets comfortable with the bird then maybe she will slowly start getting closer to him/her, she's just scared of being bit. My hospital stays really depend - but normally my treatments are for 2 days once a week or sometimes every other week. I get most of my treatments at home through a at home nurse who comes to my home with everything i need so i won't need to go to the hospital every time for treatment but during the treatments at home i could still take care of him/her i just need to be careful that he/she doesn't get close to my PICC line. I was thinking when i get treatments at the hospital i could pay my friend to "parrot-sit" for me while I'm gone, she has a cockatiel and lovebirds but I'm sure she will do fine with a larger parrot. Do you think a cockatiel would be better for me?


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Sep 4, 2012
What bird do you think your mother can accept/handle?
Perhaps a smaller parrot? To involve you mother I think will be the best.


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Jul 20, 2012
If your heart is set on either a Mac or a 'too, how about you AND your mom look into getting a youngster/baby (just weaned). Your mother might be afraid and hesitant right now, but once she sees how sweet a baby Mac can be, she may actually overcome her fear ;)

I'm going to be honest, I'm not all that familiar with your unfortunate illness, but I do know it has to do with immune system. Do you think a Cockatoo, with all the feather dust, would be a good idea?

Are there places near you that sell baby birds? Perhaps if you and mom go together, like I said before, she may actually instantly fall head over heels in love - you never know. And I'm sure you know the saying: Let the birdy pick you. :D


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Nov 3, 2012
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I haven't notice any problems being around cockatoos, but then again I've never been around them long enough for their dust to actually affect me (mainly handled Amazons,Macaws,African Grey's in the rescue) maybe a cockatoo isn't for me then. There is a bird breeder who has his own store a few cities away from me, I'll talk my mom into going their so she can work on getting used to them. Thanks for the advice! I'll let everyone know how it goes :)
Eloy- My mom can handle any bird that is not close to her, if it gets close she will start getting very nervous - hopefully i can get her used to them though! :)


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Jul 31, 2012
You mentioned a cockatiel-- I think that is a great idea to pursue!
I agree that a cockatoo would likely be a problem with the dust and allergens.


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Oct 13, 2012
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Mana the manic female galah; yet to be named male corella
personally I think a conure would be a perfect match... they are great little non-intimidating birds and are very friendly and cuddly. They are also not going to scream the place down if you are away for a couple of days.


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Aug 23, 2012
Long island
Pepsi and sprite, both are American male budgies
I think you should either have a conure or a macaw . It's your choice , I think it will be a great idea for your friend to bird sit. If you mom is intimidated by the large size of a b and g then they are smaller sized ( not like really small but like inches ) . I think you are great for a macaw since you had so much experience . Cockatiels make dust too since they are realated to cockatoos. Maybe you could reaserch some macaw breeds ?


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Jul 25, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Male Eclectus- Oscar and Female Eclectus- Scarlet
Have you considered an Eclectus parrot?
They have the nice bright colors like the Macaws, without the huge size. And there wonderful pets :)


Jun 29, 2012
United States
'Jack' (Blue & Gold),
'Maynard' (Military),
'Zaffer' (Hyacinth),
'Salsa' (Green-wing)
Macaws also come in medium and mini sizes. If you're fond of Macaws, one of those may be well worth considering.


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Jun 17, 2012
United States of America/ Kansas
Captain Jack (Hahn's macaw)

Clover (green cheek conure)
Though I never owned either bird I will tell you from my research Cockatoos produce dust and as stated before I don't think inhaleing bird dust would be healthy for you. I imagine they produce alot of dust seeing how big they are. As a child my room was dusty and I had a small cockatiel. A Macaw is peronaly my dream bird so I would say lucky duck if a Macaw turns out to be the bird for you. I do have a conure and due to size they may be less intimidating. A friendly tame conure can be nice to the whole family. And would be fine if you are gone for a good amount of the day. And who says if you decide that you couldn't have both a conure and a Macaw? Conures are related to a Macaw, they are cheaper and you can have a parrot and prepare and organize for a Macaw in the meantime while you do classes and work on your health.
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New member
Mar 9, 2011
7 Year old SI Eclectus named Guapo, I have a 6 year old GW Macaw named Neleno
Jillian, welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm very glad to hear that you are interested in Macaws and U2s, They are truely amazing animals and I can tell how much you must love to be with them with all that you are going through. I love to hear that you help out at the rescue, I know these birds must love having you spend your time with them.

I would advise you to get a smaller Parrot to start to see how they interact with you and your Mom. I would advise you to look into the SI male eclectus. They are not to small and large enough for you and your Mom to handle. They are true love bugs and bond very strong with their owners. They do not give off dust and for the most part are very clean Parrots.

Having a Large Macaw or U2s take a lot of time and money. Depending on the Macaw that you want can be $1200.00 and up. U2s can cost anywhere from $1000.00 to $1500.00.
Food per week, $25.00 to $30.00, this includes, pellets, nut mix, fresh fruit, veggies. Macaws are known to be chewers and toys can run approx $30.00 to $50.00 per month.

I don't want to be the person on this Board that says that a large Parrot is not for you. I can tell how much you love Parrots and that you want the best for them as well.

I hope the best for you and hope that whatever you deside is truely best for both you and the Parrot. Please keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. Thanks again Joe
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