Might be off line..................


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Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
As from Wednesday 14 I may have to be offline for a while, :( My putor is playing up yet again, and I have the engineer coming to take yet another look at it. The putor isn't yet 2 years old and already I've had the engineers out 4 times for it. Thank goodness for Extended Warranty. I will try to get on with Hubby's laptop when he gets home from work, but as he is usually using it to do more work at home I may have to resort to bribery. :D

Anyway if you don't see me online thats what will be happening. Am busy doing a backup of all the files I have that I can't lose.
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Thanks Kelli, I'm hoping that the engineer will be able to fix it here, but I doubt it.
Man, I think I will go through PETA, BUCC, KITO and the rest of the crew withdrawls ... if anyone needs me, I will be over in the corner shaking uncontrolably and talking to myself ... :52:
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I'm starting to get withdrawals now and its still 3 days to go before I'm off. I even tried to get a really old and very nearly dead computer that we had to work, Anything just to be able to get online. :eek:

You know what this means I might just have to sit and talk to Hubby in the evenings :eek: :D Am trying to convince him to finish off all work while he is still at work, then I can pinch his laptop in the evenings, I've even said I would help him finish off the work while I've still got my computer, he took me at my word and now I've got a pile of reports to type up for him, I swear the pile is about a mile high. :eek: (That'll teach me to open my big mouth)
you might have to talk to the kids too ... so sorry!

Hurry up and get through those reports ... how would we all survive withoout you??
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you might have to talk to the kids too ... so sorry!

Hurry up and get through those reports ... how would we all survive withoout you??

hadn't thought of that one. Right those reports are gonna be typed up by tomorrow, thats a great incentive to get them done.

Talk to the family, never heard anything so ridiculous. :eek: :D
Ok, so I am still bleary eyed (I was just woken up cause someone wanted his morning "cuddle time" I still don't understand WHY we can't teach him to tell time ... "don''t wake daddy up on Sunday until AFTER 8 am" ... ) and that response from you just about made me fall off my chair ....

"Talk to the family, never ... " hahaha :09:
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Ok, so I am still bleary eyed (I was just woken up cause someone wanted his morning "cuddle time" I still don't understand WHY we can't teach him to tell time ... "don''t wake daddy up on Sunday until AFTER 8 am" ... ) and that response from you just about made me fall off my chair ....

"Talk to the family, never ... " hahaha :09:

I'm sorry, I'm just kidding, as long as they don't try talking to me when I'm with my birds it will be okay. :16: Thats only 24/7 so if they can find any extra time then they'll be okay. :D
You know what is amazing to me ... I would much rather spend time with Hamlet (even at 7:30 am on Sunday morning) than many family and friends. How is it that our fids grow on us like that so qucikly? :confused:
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Its amazing isn't it. And what amazes me more than anything is these poor fids that have been mistreated, they learn to love and trust humans again. After hearing some of the horror stories I'm not sure I could trust again.
I know ... if someone 'burns' me once I don't trust them again. I guess there must be something ingrained in birds to trust in their flocks no matter what is going on in them ... new flock = new chance that everything will be ok!

Just think about what Tracy is doing with Pepsi ... what a great job she is doing ... and how she is getting Pepsi to trust her!
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Oh yeah, its really hard and sometimes very heartbreaking, but with love and patience she is winning Pepsi over. Well done Tracy.

I had 5 rescues at one time, only 3 didn't make it and that was heartbreaking and maddening. The other two are doing great. We also have Georgie who is a little brain damaged, but she's great and I wouldn't part with her for all the tea in China. It really is so worthwhile taking on a rescue bird, as long as you are sure you can do it, and its not for everyone. All my rescues have been smaller birds, could I take on a larger bird, well I just don't know, so for the time being I wouldn't do it, not fair on a bird unless I could say I was 100% sure.

Yeah we need more people like Tracy and Alison around. Alison used to run a rescue.
Would I try to rescue a sunny ... if I wasn't in an apartment I would say yes in a heartbeat ... but right now, I couldn't do it because I can't have the yelling that comes along with a rescued conure ... When I am in a better living situation, in a heartbeat ... (as long as it's ok with the fiancee ... wait, probably by then it'll be the wife :eek:)
Peta you better find a way to stay online!!!!! Get Bucc to threaten the husband to let you use that laptop :p

I think from now on I will probably stick with adopting rescue birds. Much more of a challenge but what a reward. The way you feel when you make the littlest bit of progress!!!

I would love to run a rescue well maybe you never know... Oh my the boyfriend would kill me and I could forget about getting that engagement ring like planned :eek:

Pepsi is a big bird but she has been a joy so far, with the exception of not understanding how to step up at all. She will learn when shes ready. Thats the only big difference with her as opposed to Popsicle. With Pepsi things are done when she is ready and it takes 10 times as long then it does with Popsicle.

Well we love Pepsi, she is our baby (The baby that is older then us :eek: ) We wouldn't trade her for anything, Popsicle well maybe, ha ha ha just kidding!!! We love the two we got just hope they don't get us kicked out of our apartment, soon we should get a house!!!
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I think from now on I will probably stick with adopting rescue birds. Much more of a challenge but what a reward. The way you feel when you make the littlest bit of progress!!!

That is what makes it all worthwhile isn't it.

Personally I would love to see all the rescue centres out of business, WHY, well that would mean that there are no more animals being mistreated. Wouldn't that be something. Sadly that will never happen, so we need more and more people to take on these birds.

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