My websight


New member
Oct 6, 2006
Orlando, FL / Austin, TX
Misty ~ Cockatiel,
Sidney ~ Jenday Conure,
Paulie ~ Blue Crowned Conure
ok so I just started but here is the little bit I have done please feel free to comment and offer sugestions I would also like to include articles on bird care and such and maybe a question and answer section/shout box not crazy about the backround but we will work on iy I am going to add the I dream of jeanie song for the backround in a little bit too
Hey Kelli, its looking good.

Not sure I go much on the background either, Your birds are too beautiful to have the background looking old and ripped. (Please tell me to mind my own business if you like.) I won't take offence. :17: :D

I have to ask, Who is Paulie? It sounds as though its gonna be a great site, I'll bookmark it keep checking back. :D
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LOL so am I there is a movie here ( In US) called Paulie staring Tony Shalhoub about a blue crowned conure named paulie it really is an awsome movie you have to have it and Paulie is a little more orignal than Polly from "polly wanna cracker" I think I will do mostly an information sight and tell how to make things for those who do and then offer to make stuff for people who don't want to mess with it Darn school keeps getting in the way :)
here you can get it on Amazon seriously YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS MOVIE :)
That sounds great

We have a great site here Feel free to snag it if it helps.

I'll have to keep a look out for that movie, sounds great. You could even end up making a bit of money on the side.

I look forward to seeing the finished result. Keep us informed on how its going. :D
LOL so am I there is a movie here ( In US) called Paulie staring Tony Shalhoub about a blue crowned conure named paulie it really is an awsome movie you have to have it and Paulie is a little more orignal than Polly from "polly wanna cracker" I think I will do mostly an information sight and tell how to make things for those who do and then offer to make stuff for people who don't want to mess with it Darn school keeps getting in the way :)
here you can get it on Amazon seriously YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS MOVIE :)

omg i used to rent that movie ALL THE TIME when i was younger i loved that movie! i still remember it! i should really buy it, its one of thsoe movies where everyone should have.
The site is looking great, have added a bit about some of my lot, if you need anything else let me know.

You should add your site into your sig, that way its always gonna be nice and easy for us and guests here to find. lol.:D

Keep up the good work.
Hey Kelli, just checked your site again, hows it going on so far? You should include it in your siggie, i'm one of those stupid searchers....:D
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lol i haven't done anything to it in ages i've been so busy with school maybe I'll add some stuff a little later but I've kinda set it aside for right now.
Brill u guys are so "techno dude" BUT diapers for parrots ...swim wear....AAAAArgggg what next no dont tell me I dont think I could handle it.
OK sooo...there must be some one out there .. on this site ..who dresses their parrot..own up and post picis. May be as a feather protector t oprevent plucking but really beach wear...sweat shirts 25bucks:vomit-smi
Hey, your site looks great, looks like your making come really fun gyms and things for your guys.
Only thing I'd suggest is making the background a solid color. Been working on websites for awhile and while I'm no pro, I've always found text easier to read when it was on something flat/solid. I usually make mine white while I'm working on them and then, if something else pops into my head, it's easy to change!
Good luck!!

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thanks for the suggestion when I get ready to work on it again I'll consider that

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