MUST READ! Bird flew away.. and the amazing miracle that happend.


New member
Aug 2, 2013
Hello! First before I share my story, I would like to tell you a little about my Jenday Conure. I have had him for about a year. I have tought him to do tricks and he is absolutely in love with me and I him.

Yesterday afternoon, I came home from a mini vacation (one night stay) and couldn't wait to get home to my baby. I was letting the dogs out to do their business, I also grabbed our african grey to let him outside to hang out along with my conure. This is a normal routine. We have a perch that sits outside under our veranda.
A while back I trimmed my conure's wings.. I was not aware that he was fully flighted. (dont judge me).. and I sure didn't think he would fly away. Sadly, something startled him and he FLEW AWAY. I panicked, afraid a cat may grab him wherever he is. Finally I found him.. WAY up in a tree.. (thank goodness for his LOUD LOUD SQWACK!) I got a ladder.. climbed it and tried to stick a stick so he would get on it. He didnt.. he flew FURTHER. I spent hours after hours.
He flew from tree to tree SO HIGH. All I could do was pray and cry. I cried so much. This morning I woke up and he was in the neighbors yard... far far behind. I gave up hope at this point, but it broke my heart because I could still hear his tweets. I went to lay in bed.. of course every bad thought going through my head.
A little while later... my mom came into my room and told me my conure had flown into our backyard. At this point I have said every prayer to Saint Francis (patron saint of animals) just hoping for a miracle. He was so high in the tree.. I put his cage under it.. but still nothing. I came back inside.. layed down again. But I just couldn't give up. I walked outside again with a thing of peanuts.. pasta. etc. slowly but surely he worked his way down and CLIMBED ON MY FINGER. I had tears streaming down my face. I was so happy I layed him up against my chest and ran into the house. It's a miracle. I thought I would never see him again. Now he is happily in his cage and has some of his favorite food and of course water... He seems very tired but he's home.
If your bird flys away..DO NOT GIVE UP, becuase you're bird will never give up. No matter how high up he is! As soon as he is rested and back to normal.. those wings are getting clipped and staying that way! I had to find a parrot forum and share this story. Especially to all my conure lovers. I will post pictures later. :orange:


New member
May 11, 2013
Rory ~ A male turquoise green cheek conure ~ Hatched 02-12-2013
Thank you for sharing I am so happy that he came home!!! I would just DIE if my baby every flew away!!!!


New member
Apr 8, 2013
Redding, CA
TAG Spirit,RLA Danny,Senegal Damon, Parrotlet Opal, B&G Paris
Even trimmed these little buggers can still fly to a degree! Along with the trim you may do some recall training with your fids. Even my zon who has no clue he even has wings will come walking across the floor to come when called!
I am so glad your baby came back!


New member
Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conure♂, Merlin the Camelot Macaw♂
Oh that must have been awful for you so glad you got him!!! I once had a Sun Conure I found as a baby she was my first bird and one day she flew away and was lost for three days before I found her at the neighbors house and got her back I knew it was her cause she was missing a toe she had lost it before I found her as a baby so I know NEVER give up finding a bird!


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Budgie, "Julie"
What a great turn of events! You are truly blessed! Now, try not to let your birds outside when they aren't on a harness :)


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Lewisville, TX
Alexandrine Ringneck,
about to be getting a Jardine's
I'm glad you got your bird back. For everyone that reads this post, clipped birds can still fly. Letting a bird outside without a harness, even clipped, can lead to disaster.


New member
Jun 17, 2012
United States of America/ Kansas
Captain Jack (Hahn's macaw)

Clover (green cheek conure)
I am glad this had a happy ending. Flight recall is a great thing to teach a bird. I have to practicing getting Captain Jack to come to me :). However, I have personally decided to use a aviator harness whenever I take him outside because I feel anything could happen.


New member
Jun 22, 2013
Franklin Sq, NY
Jacob a sun conure who found me!
I had the same thing happening with the one I found..
Unless trained they don't know how to descend which is likely why it took him a while to figure out how to come back..

jacob flew in circles and about one an hour he'd find a lower landing spot..
Eventually he landed in a small tree where he was close enough to comfortably start climbing down and I could reach him standing on tippy toe. It's scary.. Glad you gor your baby back!

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