My Bourkes


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 23, 2018
Bourke's parrots, green cheeked conure
My thread about all parrots which I have is I wrote there I have 3 Bourkes: Rozalka (F), Fela(F) and Jaś (M)
From left to right: Jaś, Fela, Rozalka
They aren't tamed, when they see upcoming hands, they'll fly away :(

Fela and Jaś had 3 times little babies (1 in the previous year and 2 in this year)

2 babies, about 1 day old
Below are older chicks


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Another photos of babies, after leaving their nesting box. My English is terrible, I thought I'd write more...


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They are beautiful!!! I don’t know much about Bourkes, but now I want to know more and will have to go and read up :)
Wow, your Bourke's are stunning, thanks for the pics!

Your English is far better than many native-born speakers, so please keep posting with confidence!!:)
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Thank you for the nice comments. You don't know how long I write some posts. If I wrote faster, I'd make more mistakes. + I often use a translator. So I can be more correct here than in real.
Thank you for the nice comments. You don't know how long I write some posts. If I wrote faster, I'd make more mistakes. + I often use a translator. So I can be more correct here than in real.

I understand! I can mop a floor with a mop, but I cannot broom a floor with a broom! Your messages are so good, I would much rather put up with imperfections!
Another photos of babies, after leaving their nesting box. My English is terrible, I thought I'd write more...

Your babies are beautiful <3

I cant wait to see more posts from you in this section. Dont ever let your English stop you from posting. You write well, better than most Americans native to English. Thee hardly is a thing called standard English in America. We are too big, too varied in population. Please keep posting :)
Thank you for the nice comments. You don't know how long I write some posts. If I wrote faster, I'd make more mistakes. + I often use a translator. So I can be more correct here than in real.
Jump right in there. Normally , Americans arent snobby about English. We either have come from somewhere else non -English speaking, or we have relative that didnt and dont speak English well, or know and work with people who dont speak it flawlessly, or have friends who dont, etc... So dont be sh at all. And if you need help with something, dont hesitate to ask :)
What buurd said!

And... your Bourkies are beautiful. So delicately colored. I love their expressive little faces - just mischievous and so lively.
From left to right: Jaś, Fela, Rozalka
They aren't tamed, when they see upcoming hands, they'll fly away :(

My two birds look like yours; rosy & grey pebbling. They also have the baby blue down on their undersides.

How long have you had these 3 guys?

It's my hope that my birds will one day feel comfortable enough to not have to watch for hands and scoot away. But I dont know that that might be too much to ask of them.
Before me, they had 2 years with a crappy owner, so wonder if its not going to take 3 years now, for them to be completely comfortable.
But that's just human math, used to calculate when you bounce back from a break-up. I have no idea about how birds do their math ;p

Great pictures and adorable birds!

Your writing is better than many students attending American high schools (and I am an American, so I can say that lol). Honestly though, your posts have been very clear and I wouldn't have assumed that you were not a native speaker (had you not posted the disclaimer) :)
Bird math has no formula other than exponential time....and patience...You are right to over-estimate (at least that way, your will be pleasantly surprised if they beat your time estimates).
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From left to right: Jaś, Fela, Rozalka
They aren't tamed, when they see upcoming hands, they'll fly away :(
My two birds look like yours; rosy & grey pebbling. They also have the baby blue down on their undersides.

How long have you had these 3 guys?

I've had them 4 years. The male is a half year shorter with us because we thought Fela was a male :smiley5:
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  • #15
I found my favorite pic of babies. It was taken during cleaning their nest box (here the photo is darker)
Such a lovely fluff-balls :)
I’m so glad you started this thread for your Bourke’s - such happy, intelligent little faces they have :)
I’m so glad you started this thread for your Bourke’s - such happy, intelligent little faces they have :)

I've never had birds before and I wasn't aware of how expressive they are with their eyes. It's amazing to me. And yes; they are all adorable :smile015:
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  • #20
I see pictures don't work longer. They are in my private forum album. Here is the latest photo taken yesterday - 2-5 days old bourkes chicks

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