Name That Bird Contest!

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
Let’s play Name That Bird!
This is the first Moderator sponsored game, and will have a One of a Kind prize for the winner…our very own Allee will make you a custom signature that includes a banner showing you won for bragging rights!

It’s pretty simple. There are 40 pictures of birds, each one of which is numbered. These pictures are representations of each species, and not necessarily pictures of actual member’s birds. Members can enter once a day about only one of the 40 birds (extra posts from a member won’t count and someone can steal your answers who hasn’t played yet that day).

For extra points, we would also like to know which members on the forum have one or more of each bird. Not every species is owned by a member, but most are. You can name more than one member in your entry. More extra points for knowing their bird’s names! The species must be correct for the member’s birds to count in your post.
The search function in the forum will come in quite handy with finding members birds!

The game ends when all 40 birds have been identified. Twice a day I will move the pictures that have been guessed correctly into the member’s post who got it right to make it easier to see which pictures are still available for guesses. In between those times, please just look through the posts to see.

Points will be awarded as follows:
Species of the bird (exact Species, such as Moluccan Cockatoo, not just Cockatoo)
3 Points
Member Who Owns One:
2 Points for each Different Member
Member’s Birds Names:
1 Point For Each

For Example:
Anansi is the first to play, and he guesses bird number 50. His entry reads like this:
#50 — Zebra Finch
Members: Terry57 ,Bird’s Name: Pete, Herschel and Bob
Allee, Bird’s name: Dave

Anansi’s Point Breakdown:
Species: 3 Points
Member’s with a Zebra Finch: 4 (2 For Terry57, 2 for Allee)
Bird’s Names: 4 Points ( 1 Each for Pete, Herschel, Bob and Dave)
His total would be: 11 Points
A huge thanks to Meika’s BirdHouse (and others) for allowing me to use many of their wonderful pictures. The others will have to remain nameless until the game is over:)
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What a beautiful collection of bird pics you've gathered for this game, Terr! Most impressive!

Good luck to all contestants!
It is a lovely collection of avians! I'm rather alarmed that I can't identify more species without cheating. Good thing the contest is for members only.
Bird number 10=Budgie
Terry57 has two budgies named Mallie and Sawyer
RavensGryf has 3 budgies named Twigs Mink and the Adorable Chip
And Allee has two budgies named Piper and Twinkle


Thank you Mary for being the first to play!
You received :
3 Points for correctly identifying the Budgie
2 Points for Terry, 2 Points for Ravensgryf, 2 points for Allee
a total of 7 points for Twigs, Mink, Chip, Sawyer, Mallie, Twinkle and Piper.
I know poor Twigs passed on, but he is still with us in spirit and thus counts:)

You are at 16 Points! Great going! ~The Mod Team
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Number 27 male eclectus parrot.
Chrismd has Parker the eclectus.
Bruce the quail has an ekkie boy named Parker as well.
Brittany 741 has wrangler, pinto, and Oliver.


Thank you for your entry, WilliamKenyon! A huge thanks to Anansi for allowing me to use his picture of Jolly!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Male Eclectus (I fixed the typo:) )
2 Points for ChrisMD, 2 Points for BruceTheQuail and 2 Points for Brittany741
And a total of 5 for Parker, Parker, Wrangler, Pinto and Oliver
You are at 14 Points! ~The Mod Team
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#16 Congo African Grey

Me = Gracie
Terry57 = Justice
Taw5106 = Buzz
Birdman = Tusk
Aquila = Willow
Taprock = Buzz
DRB = Perjo
LeakP = Nigel
Blancaej = Quincy
Antoinette = Mishka
Bobby34231 = Ashley
Cowtown = Solomon & Dickens
Zkyevolved = Simba
Darkchi = cricket
Miloslave = Charlie
Chelsea304 = Echo
Cnyguy = Scooter
KevH = Gizmo
Mh434 = Reno
Sheeji = Leo
Lullx = Nephele
Wolf0994 - Kawie
TinkerBird = Tinker

LOL ok there are way more members w/CAGs then I could find I'm sure but I did enjoy reading up on a lot of threads, looking at pics & videoes while searching out the members


Thank you for your entry, GraciesMom! I'm so glad you had fun looking for the members:) Thank you to Meika's Bird House for this picture!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Congo African Grey
2 Points each for GraciesMom,Terry57,Taw5106,Birdman,Aquila,Taprock,DRB,LeakP,Blancaej,Antoinette,Bobby34231,Cowtown,Zkyevolved,Darkchi,Miloslave,Chelsea304,Cnyguy,KevH,Mh434,Sheeji,Lullx,Wolf0994 and TinkerBird
A total of 24 Points for Gracie,
Justice,Buzz ,Tusk,Willow,Buzz,Perjo,Nigel,Quincy,Mishka,Ashley,Solomon & Dickens,Simba,cricket,Charlie,Echo,Scooter,Gizmo,Reno,Leo,Nephele,Kawie &

You are at 73 Points! ~The Mod Team
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Ok, I'll play, tho I don't usually do these kind of games

2 hawk head parrot
Bill-e with Nike


Thank you for your entry, wrench13! It's only one bird species per day, so I took your entry with a member attached to it:)
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Hawk-Headed Parrot
2 Points for Bill-E
And a total of 1 Point for Nike
You are at 6 Points! ~The Mod Team
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U#17. Alexandrine parakeet.

Owners: bundiibird, terry57, Drlanik, redauxr6ii, liar4life, lee a, mrs_peters, Reagan, khaiqha, betrisher.

Names: bundiibird, xander, ??, mish, ??, Rio, ??, ??, Bro, Barney and Madge.


Thank you for your entry, Bundiibird!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Alexandrine Parakeet
2 Points each for bundiibird, terry57, Drlanik, redauxr6ii, liar4life, lee a, mrs_peters, Reagan, khaiqha, betrisher.
And a total of 7 for Bundiibird,Xander,Mish,Rio,Bro,Barney and Madge
You are at 30 Points! ~The Mod Team
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# 5 is a Rose Breasted Cockatoo/Galah
Plum - Me
Rhubarb - Scooter
Chilli & Flower - Getwozzy
Rosie - Copperabian
Chewy - Chewy?
Ace- Sarai7
Charlie - Mypinklove
? - Oowl
Whirly and Frank - Loubie
Alice -Jayyj
Meme -Reem
Rosey - Mamaof3
Lina - Gentleheart
Marley - itchyfeet
Lady Rose - PrincessSarah
Loki and Gaya - juoo
Dominic - Betrisher


Thank you for your entry, plumsmum2005!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Rose Breasted (Galah) Cockatoo
2 Points each for plumsmum2005, ScooterMcTavish,Getwozzy, Copperabian,Chewy,Sarai7,Mypinklove,Oowl,Loubie,Jayyj,Mamaof3,reem,Gentleheart,itchyfeet, PrincessSarah,juoo,and Betrisher
And a total of 19 for Plum,Rhubarb,Chili, Flower,Rosie,Chewy,Ace,Charlie,Whirly,Frank,Alice,Meme,Rosey,Lina,Marley,Lady Rose,Loki,Gaya and Dominic
You are at 56 Points! ~The Mod Team
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Fun game! I'm going to pick one that won't produce many points because some of the species that are widely owned I'd NEVER get all of the owners and names!
So, I pick #14 - Blue throated macaw.
thekarens have Zoe
Jordan has Indigo
I have Teagan
Bobby34231 (who hasn't visited the forum for 2 years but is still a member) has Quincy

I have my eye on another one of the photos above - I can't wait to see if the pic is a member's bird!


Thank you for your entry, sonja! Great pick, and a big thanks to thekarens for allowing me to use a picture of Zoe:)
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Blue Throated Macaw
2 Points each for thekarens,Jordan,sonja and Bobby34231
And a total of 4 for Zoe,Indigo,Teagan and Quincy
You are at 15 Points! ~The Mod Team
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Fun game! I'm going to pick one that won't produce many points because some of the species that are widely owned I'd NEVER get all of the owners and names!

So, I pick #14 - Blue throated macaw.

thekarens have Zoe

Jordan has Indigo

I have Teagan

Bobby34231 (who hasn't visited the forum for 2 years but is still a member) has Quincy

I have my eye on another one of the photos above - I can't wait to see if the pic is a member's bird!


Thank you for your entry, sonja! Great pick, and a big thanks to thekarens for allowing me to use a picture of Zoe:)

You received:

3 Points for correctly identifying the Blue Throated Macaw

2 Points each for thekarens,Jordan,sonja and Bobby34231

And a total of 4 for Zoe,Indigo,Teagan and Quincy

You are at 15 Points! ~The Mod Team

Biggest trouble makers ever! [emoji5]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pic 26
Hoping I got this one right with the name :)

Type of bird is female Solomon Island Eclectus
Member Camo name of bird* Pebbles
Member OutlawedSpirit name of bird Aria Aka the pretty chicken.
member Taw5106 name of bird Venus
Member Coopedup name of bird Liesl
Member Anansi name of bird Maya
Member Sandra7.Spiteri mame of bird Stella
Member Jess.reco name of bird Tequila


Thank you for your entry, BIRDIGIRL! Eclectus sub-species are sometimes hard to identify, so Female Eclectus is fine:) A huge thanks to Anansi for his beautiful picture of Maya!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Female Eclectus
2 Points each for Camo, OutlawedSpirit,Taw5106,coopedup,Anansi, Sandra.Spiteri and Jess.reco
And a total of 7 for Pebbles,Aria,Venus,Liesl,Maya,Stella and Tequila
You are at 24 Points for this entry!
Total Points from all entries: 40!~The Mod Team
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#34 - Hyacinth Macaw
S_car_Go - Harley
Fergie - Ringo


Thank you for your entry, GraciesMom! Thank you to Meika's Bird House for this picture!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Hyacinth Macaw
2 Points each for S_car_Go and Fergie
A total of 2 Points for Harley and Ringo
You are at 9 Points for this entry!
Total Points from all entries: 82!~The Mod Team
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My suggestion is Poicephalus Senegalus for #12

Konceppt - Male and Female
Newbsi - Gollum
Dewfield - Sinbad & Dewey
Lindi S - Gizmo
LadySiobhan - Honeybird
BEWolf - Kiki
RainbowRose - Baby
Ally - Maxwell
Kae - (Her Dad's ??)
Senegaled - Moxie
Anita1216 - Dax


Thank you for your entry, plumsmum2005!A big thanks to Meika's for the picture!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Senegal Parrot (Poicephalus Senegalus)
2 Points each for Konceppt,Newbsi,Dewfield,Lindi S,LadySiobhan ,BEWolf,RainbowRose ,Ally,Kae,Senegaled and Anita1216
And a total of 10 for Gollum,Sinbad, Dewey,Gizmo,Honeybird,Kiki,Baby,Maxwell,Moxie and Dax
You are at 35 Points for this entry!
Total Points from all entries: 91!~The Mod Team
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#40 - (Corella) Goffins Cockatoo
Member: Scott name of bird: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn
Member Chrishel name of bird being babysat: Christina
Member: Korie Korie name of bird: Ruka
Member: Mare Miller name of bird : Sassy
Member: Thingamagigs not sure of birds name but in one og the posts Thinamagig said he could end up being called Unicorn.

Thank you for your entry, BIRDIGIRL! A huge thanks to Scott for his beautiful picture of Gabby!
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Goffin's Cockatoo (Corella)
2 Points each for Scott,Chrishel,Korie Korie,Mare Miller and Thingamagigs
And a total of 9 for Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn,Christina,Ruka,Sassy and Unicorn (great searching, counting it:) )
You are at 22 Points for this entry!
Total Points from all entries: 62!~The Mod Team
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#23 Quaker / Mock
looks like Sammy the resident builder in the pic :)

Allee = Harry & Sammy
Birdigirl = PeterPan
Cnyguy = Ralph
Msdeb = Little Bird
Metalwraith = floki
Wter5989 = ?


Thank you for your entry, GraciesMom! Thank you to Allee for this wonderful picture of Sammy! (Good catch on identifying the builder!)
You received:
3 Points for correctly identifying the Quaker (Monk) Parakeet
2 Points each Allee,BIRDIGIRL,cnyguy,Msdeb,Metalwraith and Wter5989
A total of 6 Points for Harry, Sammy, PeterPan,Ralph, Little Bird and Floki
You are at 21 Points for this entry!
Total Points from all entries: 103!~The Mod Team
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