Need Help With Travel Anxiety!


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Middlebury, VT
CAG Quincy - BD 3/27/00. Gotcha 6/00 ~ GW Macaw Savannah - BD 6/21/93. Gotcha 4/13 ~ B&G Macaw Coqui - BD 9/3/03. Gotcha 10/13 ~ Blue Crown Conure Sidney - BD Unknown Approx 5 Years Old. Gotcha 6/15/
I currently bring Quincy my CAG back and forth to my candy store. I do have a problem and maybe some of you can give some good suggestions. I bring Quincy in and he gets in his carrier and arrives and gets in his cage fine, if I haven't brought him for awhile. BUT, the next day, he won't step up for me the next morning and clearly is telling me that he is upset. I think he does not likes the travel part of the experience because once he is here at the store he is fine and he loves the attention he gets from the customers! Big ham! LOL :D

If I do manage to get him in the carrier to bring him the second day, at the end of the day when I get ready to take him home, he gets aggressive again and doesn't want to step up or leave his cage. That's way I suspect it's either the carrier or the ride not being at the store. I changed his carrier because the cage I used before, the perch collapsed several times. I'm not sure if this caused the issue. Plus I wanted something easier to carry so now I use a dog crate. I've brought him in once and he did ok. But the next morning he was being very stand offish again, but not really bad. This was last Wednesday so I am going to try again this Wednesday. So I am just trying to figure out a better approach so he will enjoy the travel and coming to work. I just started clicker training yesterday so I may work up to working with his carrier and car rides. I am hopeful to get him in a harness and some point and eliminate the need to use the carrier to come to the store. But that may take awhile.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I'm sorry Quincy appears to have a "bad reaction" to the carrier, Blanca. :( And it sounds that the carrier is indeed the problem.

Hmm...I don't know how far your Paradise...I mean Candy Store is from your home, but would it be possible to build him a car perch? It doesn't have to be elaborate.

I understand that a bird ideally should be in a carrier, belted in, in case of an accident...this is merely a suggestion. :)



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You know Wendy, I think you are absolutely right. I was thinking it was probably the carrier. I've been thinking about taking him back and forth just using a perch and see how that goes. I've seen car perches and figured I could build one. I am going to a big box hardware store tomorrow to buy some things to build more perches and play areas out of PVC. I think I will pick up some parts for a car perch and give that a try. Thanks for helping validate my feelings on what is bothering him. I hope we are right! I will let you know how it goes.

Oh and we are only 10 minutes from paradise! LOL, I love it! :D

Thanks for taking the time to post! :)

P.S. Thanks for the photos. They are a great help!
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Dulphinz - Do you use them?
I wonder is it the carrier or is he just tired from all the fun the day before and needs a day off? I am sure he gets little sleep time at the store as there is so much to do. I know that my TAG loves to go with me but never asks 2 days in a row.
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I never thought of that Shelly! He is behind the counter so people can't come up to him and he does seem relaxed throughout the day, but you are right, he probably doesn't have much time to sleep. He usually gets worse if I bring him in a few days in a row, too! Maybe the key is every 3 days to start then never more then every other day. Hmmm. Something to think about. Thanks, this was really helpful! :)
I love those car perches! But, safety could be an issue. Besides, my wife would throw us both (bird & I ) out of the car, if either of us pooped in her car! :)
I like the car perches, but they aren't the safest. Parrots are pretty tough, they can get knocked around quite a bit and be fine. But they would stand no chance if a air bag went off, they would be crushed! I've been thinking that I'm going to get Rosie a carrier for in the car that she can see out of.
I'm thinking the same as Shelly. It may not be the cage or transport, but the way he spends his day and/or lack of rest, over-stimulation, noise factor.
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Billsbirds -

Billsbirds & Ashley - I hear ya. I may stick with my carrier. I'm starting to wonder if the real issue is he is tired!

Wannabe - I think you and Shelly may have pinpointed the problem! I had never thought of it, but I think that could be the issue. Because the reality is, he gets in the carrier once I do bring him to it. He doesn't bite the outside to prevent me from putting him in and he doesn't seem nervous once he's in it. He's not shaking and he talks and whistles on the way to work. So I'm really beginning to wonder if it is just him being over tired. Even though he is behind the counter, if I look it at his perspective, there are a heck of a lot possible predators near by with all these people coming in and out. Plus, he is interacting with me a lot more during the day. So even if he appears relaxed he is probably always on the alert. I never really eased him into it. I would take him in a 2 to 3 days in a row at a time. I stopped for awhile because of him starting to be agitated. If this is the issue I am hoping over time that he will get better. My only question is, when he is cranky and not stepping up when we get ready to leave the store, could that be because he is tired, too? I suppose, I know a lot of people who get cranky when they are tired! :D

I think my plan is to take him in once a week for a month. Then ease him into 2 times a week and then build him up to 3 times. Always having a day of rest in between. And if he seems to prefer less the 3 days, I can do that, too! It is more for his benefit so he can be with me more while I'm working and not stuck at home.

Thanks everyone for your input! I am feeling a little hopeful that I can get this worked out and have my little buddy with me at work at least a few days a week!

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