New and somewhat confused


New member
Jul 15, 2014
We have decided to add a conure to our family. We are a retired couple It's just my husband and myself.
I was told by a breeder a gcc, specifically a red bellied or black cap make best first birds and tend to be not as loud. However another breeder says cinnamons or maroon bellied.
I also was told its best to get a well socialized older bird from a breeder. Then told by another to get a young weaned.
Too much conflicting info and not sure what to do.
Any conure in the genus pyrrhura will be quieter than one classified as an aratinga. I've got one from each (a green cheek and a sun) and the sun is definitely louder than the green cheek. She yells just as much as he does, she just can't get quite as loud :p

As far as getting an older bird or a just weaned baby, there are upsides and downsides of both.

With the older bird you already have an idea of what the personality is going to be, because the bird is old enough to have grown into one. If you're lucky, he's also old enough to be past the first blush of his little birdy puberty and you won't have to deal so much with that hormonal time. On the downside, you won't necessarily know what all has gone on in his life and if he has anything in his past that could make troubles for you (scared spitless of sticks because someone abused him with one, hates to be bathed because he was squirted with water as a punishment, etc).

With the just weaned bird you get to be with him while his personality is taking shape and he is growing. But -- you don't necessarily know how his personality is going to turn out. And you get to deal with that first brush with hormones.

They're both good, viable options. Just.. no matter where you decide to get the bird or how old he is, thoroughly vet whoever you are getting him from so you know what you're getting into.

You can have a wonderful, strong bond with your bird no matter how old or young he is when you get him.
Hello and Welcome to the forum!!

The best thing you can do is spend some time here reading about the parrots!

I always knew a lot about parrots but I have learned So Much More in my time at this forum!!

There is no rush, and this is a major commitment, Parrots are VERY smart loving creatures
(on the level of a 5 year old child, 4th right under Dolphins, Chimps, & Elephants)

Most people will tell you to use caution picking a bird based on people saying this breed or that breed is more quiet
Some people will say it might have a lot to do with the birds environment (quiet calm home leads to a more quiet bird)

There is a sub forum here for almost every type of parrot, if you visit those areas and do some reading you will get a better feel for the types of personalities, traits, and how they are all different
Look Here: Species Specific - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community

For example some breeds just LOVE to cuddle, Others are less "touchy feely"
Some are so loving they are referred to as "Velcro birds" LOL

Everyone here is very caring and helpful, I think you should take a few weeks to decide !!
Hello and welcome! It sounds like a lovely time to bring home a feathered family member. Keep in mind, the breeders want to sell you a bird. How well any bird fits into your lifestyle depends on you and the bird. Like all humans, even birds of the same species can have very different personalities. As far as the noise, it's really a matter of how sensitive you are to it. I've heard people complain about budgies being noisy. It's hard to say which bird would be the right bird for YOU. When you meet a bird you simply cannot go home without, you've found your bird. I suggest you spend some time researching different species, or if you have your heart set on a conure, then the different types of conures. There's nothing like visiting the species you're interested in though. It wouldn't hurt to read up on species specific, diet, housing, common health issues and behavior. There is a lot of helpful information in the conure forum. Good luck with your decision.
I bought Kiwi from a pet store and she was already familiar with humans at that point, but only friendly to certain folks. She LOVED me and we connected right away. I tried to walk away but I ended up bringing her home.
Then I was confused by what I've been reading about never buying on a whim, and from a pet store. How she might be unhealthy and difficult to bond. How my dog will have issues with her. There was so much I didn't know..the guilt and shame bore down on me.

I took her back.

One torturous week later I sped back to the store, bought her AGAIN and took her home for good. I couldn't bear it..from the time that little critter climbed onto my arm and snuggled into my elbow it felt so right, even though every other situation felt wrong.

Moral of the story..follow your heart and choose the bird that connects with you best. You'll probably have to go visit a whole bunch of them. Everything else will fall into place. ALL birds are noisy, messy and will nip and bite, are high maintenance. There is no breed that is better than the other. Don't let everyone else's opinion and experiences drive you to confusion.

If it feels right, it is right!

Good luck!
I fell in love with Larry as soon as I held him. I just felt it was right.
Larry is a normal green cheek and he is pretty quiet most of the time. I have never once heard a loud 'shriek' out of him. Sometimes near sunset, he sits on a perch and chatters but it's never loud. However, as mentioned above there are those birds that just have a louder personality, and that includes normal green cheeks. I got lucky I guess.
Good luck. Can't wait to hear what you decide :)
Hi and welcome! I can't speak for green cheeks but I can tell you that every sun that I've met is LOUD! Mine has a certain squawk that deafens me for a couple seconds when he does it while he's on my Thank God he doesn't do it that often. But I knew they were loud when I got him and expected it and I love him to death & wouldn't trade him for anything. He was 5 years old when I got him just a few months ago, so I can't speak for getting a baby conure. He is my first conure so I can't give much advice, but I'm sure many others on the forum can give you plenty of advice and suggestions! Good luck with whatever you decide on...
The best advice I can give is explor your options. Go visit as many species that you can of various ages. I'm sure there will be many breeders out there who will be more than willing to let you visit. Some will even give you contact details for people who have older birds from them that they are happy for you to visit. You will know when you find the bird for you bit there is no pressure.
I fell in love with Larry as soon as I held him. I just felt it was right.
Larry is a normal green cheek and he is pretty quiet most of the time. I have never once heard a loud 'shriek' out of him. Sometimes near sunset, he sits on a perch and chatters but it's never loud. However, as mentioned above there are those birds that just have a louder personality, and that includes normal green cheeks. I got lucky I guess.
Good luck. Can't wait to hear what you decide :)

Hi Mrs Kay,

Just for the record, would you say you have more of a quiet calm home?
So Happy you found Larry !!!

Shhh... Secret NEWS Flash :54: First Told RIGHT HERE!!
Baby has Prison Release Date :D.....THURSDAY July 24th

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We went to a bird expo. Looked around and came back to the GCC. I was so impressed with the breeder and her family that my daughter saved her pennies for a year and we went to buy one from her. She not only hand feeds but she handles all her birds daily till they have a home. A local pet shop in her area are always asked if the birds are Sues, because they know they have all been treated very well. We just love our Sheldon. He does get loud at times, but we just dont respond to it. I will always respond to nice whistles and talking. He's coming on one years old and I'm not sure when puberty hits but it doesnt sound like a ton of fun. We'll get through it.


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