New Lovebird Owner


New member
Jun 14, 2009
one female lovebird
Hi Everyone! I'm Janet from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. I have had my 3 year old 'rescue' lovebird, Peggy Sue, for a couple of weeks now. She's a feisty little parrot who loves to shred paper almost all day! The paper I give her is unbleached but I'm wondering just how much paper is too much? Or, even if there is a 'too much'? I've had a wonderful time reading your threads and posts and am so looking forward to joining in. Pics of Peggy Sue to follow!

Best wishes to All!
As long as she's not ingesting it there isn't really such thing as too much; even if she is it isn't really harmful but you don't want her filling up on that and not eating nutritious food. Most parrots love shredding things and rarely ingest much if any of it.

You could definitely change it up though to give her variety. You can see the thread about the home made coffee filter toy one of our members made their parrot, or old paperback books, or those small single serving boxes of raisins work great - they get to shred the box and get a healthy snack inside. It's also a great way to deal with junk mail - though if Peggy Sue s going through a lot of it you may want to be wary of inks and dies on advertisements.

Many parrot toys are made for shredding as well if you check out the pet stores - there are wicker type toys or pinatas. I'm more a fan of homemade toys, but the pet stores toys can give you some ideas.

So to answer your question - by all means let her shred away, but also try to give her some variety.
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Thanks very much for the informative reply, Auggies Dad. It eased my mind about my little Peggy Sue's shredding.

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