New Ringtail owner


New member
Feb 8, 2011
My name's Tammie I hail from Arizona. We recently became owner's of a green 5 yr old ringtail. :green1:Is 5 an old age and will she still be trainable?
She was given to us (her 3rd owner) in a very small cage, with an recent injury to her beak. We were told that one of their other birds ripped half of it off. She has been eating and drinking fine so far. Will the beak grow back?
She didn't have a name and three days later still doesn't but we love her just the same. Any idea's for name's are most welcome.
My husband has kept her in the cramped cage for 3 days. I told him she probably feel's like she's being punished and we should let her out. But we understand she's stressed about being in a new place and we also have two BIG dog's that want to eat her. I've seen video's of birds co-existing with dogs but still doubtful that our's would ever do this. How much time should parrots spend outside the cage? and is it a good or bad thing to constantly move bird from room to room in the cage?
Any help or suggestion's anyone can give will be much appreciated.
i think if your moving the cage, and your in sight, might not be a bad thing?? as with everything being new she might feel safer in her little cage, but to move from one room to another lonely room would not be? but if there is a room closed off from the dogs, let her out there to explore? but keep to a routine :) and take it slow, you do not mention if she will step up etc

yes i think 5yrs is trainable, if you spend time with her and she will learn your routine, she might even train you in process like my nut has trained my son! she will only let him stroke her if he gives her a treat :) and when i am home from an early shift at work she will let me sleep for about 20mins before she flies over to wake me up an if i try an hide under covers she has started crawling under and being annoying till i sit up :)

we have 2 cages in our house nuts main cage thats in the living room, and her smaller sleep/travel cage that travels from kitchen to the spare bedroom where she sleeps, each night she will be put into her sleep cage and she has dinner with us before bed time, days are tricky as we all have different working hours etc, but shes never alone for more then 5hrs and i make sure there is plenty in her big cage to keep her entertained and the telly is on low mostly music channel

can you post pic of beak?? have read nutrient deficencys can effect beak health and it must have been some force to have broken some off?? nut has nearly taken off the corner of my computer dest with hers?? so a visit to the vets might be good?

also what did last owner feed her?? i feed mine harrisons, lafebers and fresh fruit an veg, do not give chocolate, apple seeds or lychee stones (to be safe just feed the fruit flesh!) though pomegrates are safe, take skins of the fruit as the skin may hold some pesticides, boiled egg whites/chicken/fish as treats also a nibble of bacon or sausage a tiny tiny nibble lol as basically its your basic 5 a day, low/no salt/fat, high fibre diet along side the pellets :)
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Thanks for the advice Sue. I did take some pics today of her

You can see where her beak is boo boo'd.
I did let her out for awhile yesterday and today. The best I can get is for her to UP on a dowel with millet attached and I can get her right up to my face but she still won't let me touch her. I'm pretty sure she just wanted the millet and wasn't really learning anything from me. So I guess your right about her working .oops I mean training
I still don't have a name for her either? NUTS is a cute name, how'd you come up with that?
I do think your right about her feeling safer in the cage. When I let her out she went right to the ground and crawled under the kitchen table. We're working on getting a larger cage for her that we can put in Kitchen.
She LOVES the millet. I don't think I'm being very consistent with using it ONLY as treat. Afterward I just let her keep it..LOL
i'm not quite sure what kind of bird is a ringtail?
unless of course you mean ringneck?
i have a ringneck and it looks like your bird.
too bad about the beak, it looks to be well healed now.
good luck with your new bird, looks like she will have a great home with you.
Poor little thing. Have you had her to a vet for the beak injury? It is one of the most painful injuries a bird can get. She should definitely be on antibiotics to prevent infection so the beak is not permanently damaged.
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Re: New Indian Ringneck owner

Yes, she has been to the Aviary Vet and is on the mend. I'm just not sure if her beak with ever completely recover, or will she always have the missing piece? :green1:
nut is short for nutty bird! lol an owww that beak looks so painfull poor thing:(

nothing wrong with using millet as a treat for her up, and itt might take a little time for her to step up onto your finger, but when she does resist urge to touch her, as nut use to step up and if i touched her she would fly off or bite me, just let her get use to your hands for now

lmao nut is stalking my son for tit bits of cake:32::greenyellow:

it does take time, but i see nothing wrong with feeding her while she is on the dowel, treats are a great way to get them to trust you, but don't expect anything back for them taking treat lol but if your the main carer and she see's you constantly, and as long as you dont invade her space, she will come to trust you, let her give you the ques for its ok to touch, if you offer your hand and she leans away, bring back your hand etc this way she wont feel forced to do something she don't understand or is unsure of

and some days she will and others you aint got no hope lol you'll learn her body language, i learnt the hard way with insisting and then making a biter out of nut:11: but we have an understanding now, i won't make her do anything she don't want to do, and if its important like bed time or i am of to work then the good treats come out lol:D

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