Old Cockatiel???


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Aug 23, 2012
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Gilbert Oliver, Blue Crown Conure; Georgie, Sun Conure (2/8/01-8/8/12) RIP little girl; Percy, budgie 1993-1999. RIP Pepito-spanish timbrado canary
My friend was telling me the other day that an acquaintance has a tiel who just celebrated his 33rd birthday! I was shocked. I thought they only lived 15-20 years max? (I have never had one, so I don't claim to know a whole lot about them specifically!)

Is this highly unusual or do they live that long?? Gave me a whole new interest in these birds!
They can get up into their thirties. Not as common but there are plenty of records and stories of it happening. The average is still that 15-20 years but I keep hearing stories of them getting into their 20's more often....so the average could be going up eventually.

....would you like my two males....:54:
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It is rare, but can happen! I myself have a thirty-two-year-old tiel. He was given to me last year by the woman who raised him from day one. He seems to have arthritis or just muscle deterioration in his feet, since he can't grip things very strongly, and he also doesn't have the strength to fly anymore. But aside from that, he's still going strong.

Edit: sorry about the sideways picture. :\


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I think living into their thirties is becoming more and more common. Keep in mind that the nutrition and health care a parrot receives starting with the health of their parents lays the foundation for their health, so the lifespan increase will come decades after the improvements in some cases.
I remember a member here had a cockatiel live to 29 or 30? I've heard of several well into their 20's. Aether-drifter that's great a 32 year old :)! He's so cute too. A friend's mom had one live to be at least 24... she found him on her doorstep as an adult, and had him for 24 years. He was fed only seed too!

I guess they also have longer lifespans too in captivity, since when signs of age or weakness become evident in the wild, they don't last long.

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