Reputation points?


New member
Jan 25, 2006
Pionus, YNA, WB caiques, quakers, goffin, lovebirds, GC conure, parakeet,
What are reputation points? I had my mouse over the scale, and noticed I could click, so I did. I was shown that I have 10 reputation points. What does this mean?

:confused: :20:
It simply means that it's been discovered that you don't have any criminal record (2 pts), aren't a child molester(2 pts), have never been caught using illegal drugs(2 pt), never cheated on your husband(2 pts), never tried to harm or poison or injure any Cockatoos that might have landed in your backyard(3 pts), never tried to rob any banks within the last 4 weeks(3 pts) and have always driven your car in order to get to that place as opposed to changing your mind and deciding to the place over in the other place( 2 pts)

Hmmm, lets see, that's 16 pts. Well, make a call to the admin and tell them they owe you 6 pts. If they refuse, just tell them to notify me and 'I'll make them an offer they can't refuse'.
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Please, also tell them that they must have me confused with someone else. I'm due to drop a bunch of those points... heh heh heh
Dave said:
It simply means that it's been discovered that you don't have any criminal record (2 pts), aren't a child molester(2 pts), have never been caught using illegal drugs(2 pt), never cheated on your husband(2 pts), never tried to harm or poison or injure any Cockatoos that might have landed in your backyard(3 pts), never tried to rob any banks within the last 4 weeks(3 pts) and have always driven your car in order to get to that place as opposed to changing your mind and deciding to the place over in the other place( 2 pts)

Hmmm, lets see, that's 16 pts. Well, make a call to the admin and tell them they owe you 6 pts. If they refuse, just tell them to notify me and 'I'll make them an offer they can't refuse'.

Either that or you've done some of the above, Come on MKay you can tell us, oh I mean me, which is it? I wont tell anyone, your secret will be safe with me:04: Promise;)
If you click on the scale on a post other than yours, you can either agree with a post or disagree with a post and leave a little message.

If you agree with a post, the person gets more points. If you disagree with the person, the person gets points deducted.

How many points the person gets is decided by the little green dot under the post count. It usually has a number and it starts at 1 and goes up from there. Every month you're a member you get 1 point and every 100 posts you make you get another point added to that green dot to give.

If someone makes a horrific post, you can then disagree with the post and take away some of their points. But when you give negative points, it only takes away half of the green dot's allotted number of points. If your green dot says 50 and you disagree with someone's post, it will only take 25 points away from them, not 50. If you agree with someone's post, it gives them the full 50 points. If someone falls below 1 point, their green dot turns red.

It doesn't appear that the reputation points system is turned on because there are no numbers beside the green dot. You should also be able to go to the user CP and see your points and who gave them to you too. I just gave Dave, MKay & Peta positive points so check and see if you all now have 20 reputation points because it looks like everyone starts out with 10 reputation points. The green dot has no numbers beside it and that's another reason why I think it's not being used at this time.
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Jeez Cats:eek:

That's a hell of a lotta math, multipication and division. I thought this was a bird board. I think you're trying to tax my mind. I had to stop in the middle of your post to get some coffee because of those numbers. Wowww -----Dave:rolleyes:
Hehehehe I love it when us gals confuse you guys. We are just so good at it.

Love ya all really guys.:04: :D

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