Research on my future buddy :)


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Hudson Valley, New York
Bartleby-Pearl Cockatiel
S'mores-Albino Parakeet
Some point within the next few years, I might be ready to adopt/rescue another parrot. The next bird I plan to get is a poicephalus parrot. I've had my eyes on them for a few months. I seem to be really interested in senegals, meyer's, or jardines. So I'm doing as much research on each of three species I listed, so then when I'm ready to adopt/rescue I'll be all ready and set to go. Anybody know of good sources and sites where I can get good info on the those three birds? Also anybody with these species, how is living with them? I'm leaning towards the Meyer's Parrot. Thanks for all info I can get :)
If I'm not mistaken I do belive SB used to breed poicephalus, she might chime in and give some good advice as always :), my favs are the senegal's
I have had my Meyers for only a few days but she's great! Very very sweet and not loud but she does tweet a lot. I am really happy with my choice so far. No great resources to recommend I just read about them online.
I have had a Senegal and now own a Meyers....IMO, the Meyers is a much sweeter bird. Much more mellow and not prone to panic attacks like my of luck. I personally think you can't go wrong with any Poi...they are great!
If I'm not mistaken I do belive SB used to breed poicephalus, she might chime in and give some good advice as always :), my favs are the senegal's

I agree my fav's are the senegals all the way. But if it cam down to choosing between senegals and meyers I would probably choose the meyers( if I could only get one if two then both) but I would definetly choose the meyers they usually have a nicer temperment and aren't as mean in the long run. I am not saying Senegals can't be nice but meyers tend to be nicer. If treated properly of course. Witch ever one you choose good luck with it. And you shoeld try these websiteshttp
:// this this is meyers
Senegal Parrots aka Yellow-vented Parrots: Species information and Photos this is Sennie

Hope this helps:D

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