RIP to all THREE! Of my babies))),:

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  • #21
I'm so sorry to hear about such a tragedy!! :(

Even though it won't bring your babies back or make it any less painful, can you ask your little sister what happened and tell her you promise you won't tell mom? At least you'll know what happened. It's unfortunate your mom is hiding the truth. IMO she should have been more careful after hearing you express your concerns over them and how you feel about them. Unfortunately we don't always 'listen' to family members the same way we'd listen to others.

Ya I tried she won't tell me.. I guess mom said not to say anything. She's very obedient with her/:
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  • #22
I am very sorry for your loss and I am sure it is very difficult.

I am surprised I am the first one to say it but don't be too hard on your family.

Granted I know nothing about you nor your family but 99% of the time, there is no one that loves you more then your own (Specially the love a mother has towards her children!). Also, the pain one would feel knowing what has been done must be a huge punishment, specially if this was an accident. Keep that in mind and unless you know that they are terrible people who had bad intentions, don't turn your back on family as they love you and would only wish for your forgiveness.

Just my opinion.

I wish you all the best. Life goes on and great hearts are meant for great things so only look forward.

Yes you are 100% correct she still is my mother and I love her but the thing that angers me is that she knew what not to do. It wasn't out of ignorance because I pounded it into their skulls every single day. But there had been incidents where I had to rush my birds outside because she decided to clean the oven(knowing it would smoke out the house mind you) or make dinner with the nonstick and it would smoke. But she would be like "omg! Nothing gonna happen to them!" So it could be an accident in a way but I believe she just ignored my warnings.
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  • #23
My deepest sympathy. How terribly heartbreaking. It reminded me that when I was 16 my parents entrusted me with the care of their canary while they went on vacation. I loved the canary too, but I forgot to give it water. Precious little thing died and I lied to my folks and said I didn't know what happened. I don't know why humans try to cover up -- maybe they think they can make it go away. Living with the lie is anguish, too. I think you can make your mother come clean by appealing to her sense of obligation for the grief she has caused and that she could help with your healing process if you could just know what truly happened. Peace to your suffering heart and just know your babes are free now in Rainbow Bridge.

Yes I'm not sure why either. If she just told me it would help. And I love that you said rainbow bridge. That's the poem they gave me when I had kyro cremated/,:
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  • #24
i am so sorry ,i can't imagine what you are going trough.
The fact that they died is horrifying but that it might be your family's fault makes it all the worse.
If my mother of sister had anything to do with mine's death i would move and probably not talk for a few years.
I hope you get the truth,and learn to live with it,i know i wouldn't.

I'm actually moving out next month. Idk how to go about asking without them getting defensive. I just lost the three most dearest birdies to my heart. My very best friends. And I don't think they get that. Or can even comprehend it for that matter

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