Rocky! (pics)


New member
Oct 27, 2012
South Australia
Rocky the Galah! & Cocky the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo!






He's beautiful, and quite a show off lol just see how many poses he strikes !
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Thanks Guys.
His wake up call is pretty funny when you watch him!
I will try and record it.
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While i'm here,
How can I prevent Rocky from flying into walls?
Sometimes he does it when he is not scared.
While i'm here,
How can I prevent Rocky from flying into walls?
Sometimes he does it when he is not scared.

I don't really have any advice on that. I think its just as he's learning to fly and what he can and can't fly through. Jax was so bad when he was learning he would hit A LOT of walls. I felt like I was having constant heart failure. In the end I clipped his wings because I didn't want him getting hurt. Many people told me to persevere and let him get the hang of flying, but I just couldn't handle the worry, I was a nervous wreck..LOL He learnt to glide down from things with his wings clipped, he just couldn't go up high. His feathers are growing back in now and he is gradually getting higher and seems a lot smoother unless he gets scared then he forgets to look where he is going. I have a noisy 4 year old and two 10 year olds running around the house so there is quite a lot of noise to make him jump. He is getting used to the everyday noises its just the occasional out of the blue thing that makes him jump/fly now.
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He has got his own album now, there will be more pics in the album "as time goes by". :D
what a happy bird! great pics :)
What a beautiful bird! Out of all the Too's the Rose Breasted Cockatoo is my favorite. Too bad the wifey and I are sensitive to the dust that they produce. We found out the hard way because I had to rehome all my cockatiels because of the dander they produce. Peace be to you.
While i'm here,
How can I prevent Rocky from flying into walls?
Sometimes he does it when he is not scared.
Because he's half clipped he has little control and it's difficult to avoid things. When Rosie was clipped then molting in her feathers she crashed pretty often then one day she had enough feathers to be in controlled flight and is very good at avoiding things.
He's also young and still learning. although it's risky and scary to see them hit things(especially windows) once they figure out how to fly they are great at avoiding things. I always touched Rosie's beak to things I thought she might hit in hopes of helping her to understand.

When Rosie was getting in shape and gaining muscle I made sure to hang up sheets, cover picture frames, lamps, and cushion any sharp corners. When you have Rocky out you can hang sheets right in front of the wall, focusing on places he tends to hit. This way he will heat the sheet(have it 1 or 2 feet from the wall) which will cushion him before hitting the wall itself.
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Cheers Guys.
Just asking, is watermelon alright to feed to Rocky in small quantities as a treat?
Because he's half clipped he has little control and it's difficult to avoid things. When Rosie was clipped then molting in her feathers she crashed pretty often then one day she had enough feathers to be in controlled flight and is very good at avoiding things.

Yep. It happened to Dante too. He now is fully flighted and improved a lot at it :)

Rocky is darling. I am a big time galah lover; Dante is the one to blame for making me a bird / galah lover.
Alice is still short quite a few feathers on one wing, and it's obviously problematic for her as she can take off but after a few feet she loses balance and spirals off to one side. She's getting better at controlled crashes which I suppose is something.

Rocky seems like a lovely character - congratulations!

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