Sneezing got worse after going to the vet?


Mar 4, 2018
Washington State
Nico - male Turquoise GCC
I took Nico to the vet (CAV) for a check-up since heā€™d been sneezing occasionally. The vet concluded that his sinuses were inflamed from dust, commented that he was low on Vitamin A, gave him a vitamin shot, and handed me sterile saline spray to use at home. Itā€™s been two days and his sneezing is getting more and more frequent, and when I checked on him this morning right after a round of sneezes I could hear him breathing. Before I left (Iā€™m at the dentist right now) he was standing on one foot (the one that blood wasnā€™t taken out of) and kinda puffed up and Iā€™m getting really worried. He had a gram stain, cultures, and a blood panel done at the vet and Iā€™m still waiting for the results. What should I do in the meantime?
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I should add that last night he was acting completely normal other than sneezing, and he isnā€™t puffed up constantly as of the last 24 hours. I just noticed that he had the tendency to be puffy this morning.
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Got a call back from the vet while at the dentist - he seems to have a sinus infection (high white blood cell count, his gram stain showed only gram positive, not sure what that means) and he will receive antibiotics later today. Still very worried... is he going to be okay?
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Another update:
Nico is lightly tail-bobbing now, and I can hear his breathing if I go up to him and listen closely. He hasn't had any wild sneezing fits but he's definitely sneezing more than usual. He's been eating and drinking fine (I tried offering carrot pieces but I'm not sure how much he ate vs. chewed up and dropped), and has played with his toys some but he's mostly been just sitting in his cage and preening from time to time. We're still waiting for the antibiotics.
I guess my question here is
1. How worried should I be?
2. What symptoms would let me know that he needs to go to the vet again?
Finley had a sinus infection once and it sounds much like you're describing. I too was worried to death about him. Luckily after about 2 days the antibiotics knocked the infection right out and everything was fine. If it isn't getting better in 2 days I'd go back to the vet but I I bet he'll improve.
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Update #3:
Nico finally received his meds, Amoxicillin (antibiotic) and Voriconazole (antifungal). He is (as expected) not a fan of oral medication, but he just had his first dose without much issue. Hoping he gets better soonā€¦
I'm sorry to hear Nico is unwell. Did you receive actual lab results for reference, and a diagnosis? Antibiotics and antifungals are administered for specific illnesses. Might be a good idea to make a list of questions for the vet, a bit of information may set your mind at ease.

Did Nico regurgitate undigested food, and/or the medicine? Based on this I'd call the vet first thing in the morning!

Do you have a scale calibrated in grams? One of the most important tools to monitor health.
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I'm sorry to hear Nico is unwell. Did you receive actual lab results for reference, and a diagnosis? Antibiotics and antifungals are administered for specific illnesses. Might be a good idea to make a list of questions for the vet, a bit of information may set your mind at ease.

Did Nico regurgitate undigested food, and/or the medicine? Based on this I'd call the vet first thing in the morning!

Do you have a scale calibrated in grams? One of the most important tools to monitor health.

Iā€™d say it was half-digested - the same consistency as when he gets carsick. Kinda mushy, gooey, and did not smell intensely of the medication Iā€™d given him (they have a very particular scent) The medications were prescribed for a sinus infection. The CAV said she didnā€™t find any gram-negative bacteria, but his sinuses looked very clogged to her and his white blood cell count was high.
Apparently the vet suspects aspergillus or other fungal organisms? Have you spoken with vet or assistant since regurgitation?
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Apparently the vet suspects aspergillus or other fungal organisms? Have you spoken with vet or assistant since regurgitation?

Nico was repeatedly regurgitating this morning (cycle of eating and throwing up), and she advised me around noon to take away his food for a couple of hours. The vet assistant I called first thing this morning told me to try again with apple juice later this evening.

Heā€™s definitely sneezing less, and I canā€™t hear his breathing anymore. His tail-bobbing is just barely noticeable. I would say heā€™s a little fluffier than usual still but heā€™s stopped standing on one foot.
Does he regurgitate soon after taking the meds, or randomly? See what happens by tomorrow, but if not able to successfully eat, the vet may need to recheck.
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Update: Iā€™m still super worried... Nicoā€™s behavior has changed dramatically. Heā€™s his usual clingy self who wants to be where Mommy is at all times, but heā€™s lost a substantial amount of his usual energy, and has spent most of today either regurgitating, eating, or sleeping. Iā€™m particularly worried because heā€™s consistently fluffed up and I had to urge him to go up to his usual sleeping spot tonight from his position on the floor of his cage. Please please let him be okay..
I am sorry! Can you contact the vet and tell her all of this?!
I wish I had some advice...
I would get him back there...
I've had birds treated for various infections, but typically see marked improvement shortly after treatment. Oft times the vet will give a "booster" injection to front-load meds. Telephone conversations are likely of little benefit at this point, a recheck is in Nico's best interests. Does the vet have weekend hours.... I'd suggest this is just short of emergency.
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I woke up to check on him at around 3:30am and discovered him fluffed up and barely responsive at the bottom of his cage. No emergency vets near me would see birds, so I had him sleep on a heating pad for the rest of the night. His conditionā€™s been unchanged since.
So the CAV is open on Saturdays, I gave them a call and just showed up first thing in the morning. The office was open and they put him in an incubator, the doctor is on her way and will be here in 20 minutes.
I woke up to check on him at around 3:30am and discovered him fluffed up and barely responsive at the bottom of his cage. No emergency vets near me would see birds, so I had him sleep on a heating pad for the rest of the night. His conditionā€™s been unchanged since.
So the CAV is open on Saturdays, I gave them a call and just showed up first thing in the morning. The office was open and they put him in an incubator, the doctor is on her way and will be here in 20 minutes.

Oh my...scary...I will be sending positive thoughts your way. Hang in there...Please, keep us updated if you are able!
Oh my goodness, sending positive thoughts to you and Nico!
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Update: He's definitely going to make it! The vet re-examined him and her theory is that I was first of all giving him the wrong dosage (0.2 cc instead of 0.02 cc) and I was handling him incorrectly when I was giving him the medication (she cited this is as more problematic than the dosage mistake), which really upset his stomach. I was supposed to receive a demonstration and explanation on the oral medication, but did not receive either, so he is staying at the vet's for a couple of nights free of charge (his emergency care was also discounted). He could technically go home at this point as he is recovering well (eating lots, poop looks mostly normal), but since we are flying back to Bellingham late Monday night (we are in the Bay Area at the moment) the CAV thought it would be better for him to stay at the vet's so they can monitor his progress.

As for the reasoning behind giving him both the antibiotics and the anti-fungal medication, the vet explained that there has been a huge increase in fungal infections in the Northern California area. The rain this year after a long drought has created colonies of fungus in the heating systems of many homes. Since we don't know how exactly Nico got the infection, it was a good idea for him to have both. In fact, the vet told me that it is rare right now in the state of California to give just antibiotics without any anti-fungal medication.

Thank you everyone for your support, I plan to update this thread until Nico is back to normal :)
YAYYYY!! SOOO glad things are on the up-and-up!

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