some taming questions/GCC


New member
Mar 15, 2013
Hi everybody

I just acquired a female (not sexed, but the owner was pretty sure about that) GCC, who is not tame/ wings never were clipped (the owner just let them live as they wanted in that cage, it seems to me). She was parent raised and lived most of her app 1 year life in a big cage with other siblings. So now I got her already for three days and trying to tame her now. She started taking food from my hands almost right away, but doesn't let me touch her, although she tries my finger with her beak all the time when I give her food. Today she already was tolerating my hand very close to her, even acctidentally touching. Right now she is in a relatively small cage with plenty of toys and perches, where she can't really fly though. I bought her a bigger cage, but not I'm hesitant about moving her there yet, because it seems to me that she will be harder to tame coz she'll have a space to escape from my hand. So I wanted to hear the opinio of the experienced people about this issue, together with and comments on what else I can do to make the process go faster?


Oct 27, 2012
north qld, Australia
alexandrines : Oxy, Bruno, prince (was princess)
The first step to " taming" a parrot is earning trust and this takes time. Start off slowly by just sitting.g near the cage talking softly to her. Once she appears comfortable with your presence gradually move closer offering treats thru the cage. Once she will take them confidently then try offering her treats from your hand inside the cage, let her come to u. slowly but surely with a lot of patience she will come around. Forcing her to interact with u wi only hinder your progress, just take it slew. It could take days, weeks, months or even years each bird is different but they all need to trust their human


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Nov 24, 2010
Nanday, suns, parrotlet, Patagonian
Because she's never really been trained to anything, I would have her she is, she is not dependent on you, but clipping her will temporarily remove her ability to do what she wants & give you an opportunity to work with her.....I say have her clipped, because some birds hold a grudge against the person depriving them of their flight mobility, that's often not foisted on owners taking them & bringing them back


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Dec 7, 2009
Green Cheek Conures, Crimson Conures, CAG, Pionus, Budgies, Goffin Cockatoo
I'm confused.....Is she the same bird you posted about who is for sale??


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Mar 15, 2013
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Thank you for the advice, I know that I have to be trusted and it will take time. But I already said that she is taking food from my hands when my hand is in the cage, and while she was catious at the beginning, she is becoming braver now. The thing is that from the beginning part of the reason which helped her to take food from my hand right away was because the cage was too small for her to escape it, meanwhile she wasn't scared coz she did it and then tried my finger too, being prepared to back up tho. So my question is should I wait with moving her to a bigger cage until she becomes more tame, so the process would go faster, or shouldn't I? She seems to be happy with this small cage for now, and I let her out too, so I was wondering that maybe I can leave her there to make my job easier.


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Mar 15, 2013
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I'm confused.....Is she the same bird you posted about who is for sale??

Oh, no-no. She is from the same flock though, they might be siblings. I took that one first, but then found that she had a crippled leg and was too upset to keep her, because it's my first and only one for now bird, and I wanted to enjoy it and not to be upset about her deformation. I felt so bad though to do that that I decided to do my best to find her a new good owner, that's why I posted the ad here. That other one is not tame either, and she is much shyer than this one, she wouldn't even let my hand close to her when I was putting it into the cage.

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