Sounds like the exorcist


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Josie - blue and gold macaw
More and more lately, she is making this sound that we can only describe as the exorcist sound...kind of like moaning and almost growling at the same time. She does this mosly at night when we cover if to say that she is unhappy that it is bed time. Last night, she was really creaping the kids out and she would not stop. The boys asked her to stop and she just gave a creapy laugh and kept going with it.

Any thoughts?
Macaws have that naughty steak. That is why I love them so much. They will pull jokes on you and do things that push your buttons. I remember I was talking about Valentino to a friend who also has a macaw and was telling her about how naughty he was of late and she says to me.

"He IS is macaw right?" LOL How TRUE!!

After he is covered Valentino will make a sound like a deflating balloon. It is too funny. It is like he must let out all of the day then go roost. When displeased or unhappy he makes that famous macaw growl. LOL. Gotta love them.
Does she not like the cover? Does she do it any other times?
I too wonder what is was


Listen to the vid below, towards the end it is rather scary

[ame=]BEST TALKING PARROT IN THE WORLD MISHKA - Is this a bird language? - YouTube[/ame]
You've gotta love the exorcist talk. A friend of mine down in Georgia had an amazon. He would do that creepy voice then spin his head around. :eek: He would repeat this frequently. It was definitely funny and a little bit unsettling. ;)

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