Yes from my experience, especially if you can prevent continuous
This is the story shared with me about Burt The Bird,
I got my first green cheek and she just had light feathers on head very patchy.. was told plucked bald head from parents, but they pulled her, then during hand raising she aspirated so they put back with mom till weaned.
After I got her all head feathers grew back normally. But she did have one nostril that scar tissue closed permanently from aspiration.
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  • #3
My sun conure baby is about 40 days old. I placed it on a 18" height cage to feed it. But it was energetic to eat and suddenly fell down. And now it is having a a problem in its right leg. The left leg is fine. It can walk. But when i tried to touch its leg it screamed. Please tell me how to deal with this solution. I am crying like hell.


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It may be a sprain, but if any swelling or no improvement over the course of a few hours, would recommend seeing an avian vet.

Do not be hard on yourself. It was an accident and the baby will be ok!
I am so sorry your Baby got hurt, but just like mentioned before, it was an accident. Unfortunately they do happen sometimes. Don‘t beat yourself up over it, this could happen to anyone. As for your Baby, an Avian Vet visit is a good suggestion and will put your mind at ease. You must love your Baby very much, because you really care, thank you for that. You are a good parent!
This looks like a broken leg to me, broken near the ankle. I recommend getting to a veterinarian
Yes, get him to a vet like Laura said.

Don't beat yourself up, it isn't your fault and sometimes accidents happen ❤️
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  • #8
My sun conure baby is around 25 days old. When I feed it, its back side swell with the food. Is it normal?


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Its very hard to properly care for unweaned babies, and I strongly suggest first taking the baby back to the breeder to be fully weaned and on solid foods for 2 weeks. If thats not possible please read, closely, the information in this thread:

SO you bought an unweaned baby...

His life may literally depend on how well you follow the points in this!
This is a lot of babies with health issues and things going wrong.
Please stop breeding, until you have more experience and an avian veterinarian
This is a lot of babies with health issues and things going wrong.
Please stop breeding, until you have more experience and an avian veterinarian
Agreed, the birds should be checked by vets for good health before bred, have an amazing diet, and a good pairing that gets along fairly well. It seems your conures may have genetic defects or something of the sort that causes sick babies, so please stop breeding them (assuming that's what you're doing).

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