The cage!


New member
Dec 24, 2006
The bird arrived on Xmas eve, and this was his cage for the 1st 3 days.

So I went and got this cage on Boxing Day(The day after Xmas in Australia)

In comparison to my house, I think we now have the same amount of floor space

....., and the top opens for safe entry and exit.

How can I make it more homey for him?
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If you meant to show pictures, you need to use a image storage site that doesn't require username and password. When I brought up the message it wanted me to log in.
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I think I have fixed the problem.
I wont know till someone else tries to view this page.
Problem fixed, pics are showing up no probs.

Wow, he sure has a nice cage there, You can add anything to it that wll give him some enjoyment, cardboard boxes, ball, foraging toys usually go down a treat, it makes them work for any extra treats, anything that Skippah likes to play with and destroy. You could even add a bowl of water some birds love to splash around in that.

He sure is a lucky fella.

Have moved this to the cage Thread.
Nice looking cage you have there, im bankrupt for now. The tiels got their cage so i have to wait till i work again to buy Kodie one!! You can add a big piece of cuttlebone if you want, they love it and its cheap!;)
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I read somewhere that the back part of cuttle fish choked parrots and I should just scrape it onto his food.
I think I read the internet too much.
Thats right, the back part can choke our birds, but for the little ones I will let them have cuttlebone as they don't chew the back part of it. More often that not I get them a cuttlebone in a fruit flavoured calcium block thingy. When I find a link I'll get it posted.

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