My $80 ebay cage ...


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Since I trust all of your opinions here I wanted to post pics of the cage that I won on ebay for $80 and I wanted to see what you all thought about it ... there are pics attached. I just wanted to know if you looked at this and you might see something that is just really bad about it or something that I missed ... and I know that you guys know this but I just want to restate that I am putting a SC in this ...

Here are the dementions ... Width is 24 inches, depth is 22 inches and inside height is 38 inches ... oh wait (google "english to metric converter" ... ) ok, it's 61cm wide, 58cm deep and 97cm tall. There is a 6 inch (15cm) seperation between removal pan and the bottom of the cage
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that second cage ... the indoor heaven would be about $140 american ... that's a hell of a deal for the size of that cage ... good buy!:cool:
that second cage ... the indoor heaven(no, haven, like in Safe-haven) would be about $140 american ... that's a hell of a deal for the size of that cage ... good buy!:cool: (Good Buy? OK, Seeya.)
Sorry, Just kidding.
Yes they are very cheap, almost too cheap. I will post up pix as soon as I bolt the 2 huge ones together.
Bought my cage from ebay too.....
kind of like yours, I might have to take a picture for ya

had a hell of a time getting the damn thing together
Oh please dont say that.
Now Im scared.
I now have 2 cages the same.
One I bought already constructed (500 bux), and then the one I saw on Ebay, the big one.Its in 2 boxes at the front door. 2 huge scarey boxes. Will I need tools? I have few tools. Will I need patience? I have little patience. Will it take common sense? I will get Debbie to build it.
Thats a great cage, what is the bar spacing on it? can't really see on the pics. Ebay is great, love the place.

Oh please dont say that.
Now Im scared.
I now have 2 cages the same.
One I bought already constructed (500 bux), and then the one I saw on Ebay, the big one.Its in 2 boxes at the front door. 2 huge scarey boxes. Will I need tools? I have few tools. Will I need patience? I have little patience. Will it take common sense? I will get Debbie to build it.

Yes :eek:

Yes :eek:

Yes :eek:

Good idea. :18:
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Oh please dont say that.
Now Im scared.
I now have 2 cages the same.
One I bought already constructed (500 bux), and then the one I saw on Ebay, the big one.Its in 2 boxes at the front door. 2 huge scarey boxes. Will I need tools? I have few tools. Will I need patience? I have little patience. Will it take common sense? I will get Debbie to build it.

I used a Phillips Head screwdriver and a wrench :eek:
NOT if you have a lot of alcohol ... :D
Hey, if I figured out how to do it ... anyone can! :35:
Yeah, I had the fiancee helping me the whole time too! :18:
Yip both ma cages came frae ebay and I think they are fandabidosi...I also built them all by myself. Myself being a mature lady entering that uncertain time of life .... soooo a monkey with one eye and a sprained wrist should find it unchallenging:(
The prob was, the first was so big once built it will forever remain in that room a shrine to my number dyslexia ..cause it wont fit through doors or windows...

Hence second purchase :D Roxys mobile home aka punishment block.
.... soooo a monkey with one eye and a sprained wrist should find it unchallenging:(

I am so tempted to say something to that remark, but no I will control myself. :D Oh go on I can't help my self now, and I apologise in advance.
We are talking about Redballoon. :D :D

soooo a monkey with one eye and a sprained wrist should find it unchallenging:(
Its the Weekend!! Where am I going to find a monkey with one eye and a sprained wrist. tis a very limited labour market over here you know!

Peta. My lawyers will be in touch with you shortly.
I am so tempted to say something to that remark, but no I will control myself. Oh go on I can't help my self now, and I apologise in advance.
We are talking about Redballoon.


:jumping40 :jumping40 :jumping40

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA eyed monkey.... classic, don't know why I didn't catch that sooner​
awsome! my sun will be soo jealous I'll have to keep him away from here poor guy. I will post pics of his meager accomidations after my house is bac together from the holidays:)
Its the Weekend!! Where am I going to find a monkey with one eye and a sprained wrist. tis a very limited labour market over here you know!

Peta. My lawyers will be in touch with you shortly.

I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:eek:
tother option to monkey wi one eye would be to find a near menopausal woman and for God sake stay out of the house while she assembles
I didnt need tools. there was an alan key supplied.
I got my next door neighbour to do it, so I didnt need patience or common sense.
Nice looking cage! I wish i could start working again, i also want to buy a new cage for my Kodie! He has waited so long now, he is so over his cage its just not true, he doesnt like to be out of it at all!!!

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