The Loose Grey


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Sep 7, 2006
I was standing at my back door this afternoon and I got a real shock I was just watching the birds in the trees when I noticed a grey sitting there. I was a bit shocked at first and just stood there, after a while I called all the relevant people then ran to garage and got out a cage I have there, I've set it up in the back garden with food water, I'm hoping he will come in to get out of the cold and stay there til the morning. I'll let you know.

I can't tell if he's in good shape or not as he is too high up.

Bucc wasn't too happy that I was putting HIS food outside for some stranger, one that he couldn't see. I'm hoping that he can hear Bucc and will come to investigate. Wish me luck, and I'll keep you informed.
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Think he came down to eat something last night as some of the food has been eaten, unless it is the wild birds or even the squirrels, He is still hanging about in the trees so I just hope he can hear Bucc and will come down soon. I have tried to get a picture of him, but just can't get a very clear picture. I'll keep trying, thats all I can do.:(
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I now know that the grey is going into the cage and eating, but he is always gone in the morning. I noticed him last night, but was advised to let him get used to the cage before I tried to close the door, otherwise he would get frightened and probably manage to get out before I could close it up and then he would never come back. It was heartbreaking to see, he is underweight a little, and has plucked his chest, not too badly. I just hope he realises soon that we are not going to hurt him and only want to help.

We are due for some snow this weekend, praying that it doesn't happen, but it is certainly getting a lot colder in the evenings again. I do hope that he has got somewhere warm that he can snuggle up to. I have sheltered the cage as much as I dare and make sure there are some really good treats in there, Hopefully soon we will be able to catch him and get him out of the cold.
Re: The Loose Grey//Idea?


Just an idea----if you're near some pet store or large supermarket, get a couple of sweetened seed sticks. It's a whole bunch of different seeds stuck on a stick and coated with a sugared honey. Get 2 of them. Hang them in the cage near the regular stuff you're putting out. It might keep him in the cage for a longer time. Get the large diameter ( 1 in. round)-------Dave
Good luck, I hope you are able to catch him and get him in where it's warm. Just remember, keep him away from Bucc, you don't know what diseases he may have picked up, or already have.
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Thanks Dave, I'll get some tomorrow, hadn't thought of any of those, Doh Certainly give it a try anyway.

Alison, yep thought of that, If I can get him I'll put him up stairs out of the way of all the others, then my avian vet said he would come out free of charge to give him a quick check over. If he thinks he should be taken away to be quarantined he will do that as well. He has been over and seen Mr Grey, but he is just too far away to be able to see him clearly.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he comes into the cage and will stay put long enough for me to get him out of the cold.

Thanks for the advise Dave and Alison, it is really appreciated. Its amazing what you don't think about in these situations. Again Thanks.
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Saw my little friend today, still sitting in his tree, there was another bird there with him but don't know what sort of bird it was.

I got some of the treats and put them in the cage, there have been chunks taken out of them so I'm hoping that it is Mr Grey that has been in there eating them. Guess I'll just have to keep being patient, believe me that part of this is killing me. I am so impatient its unbelievable. Well I'll keep you all informed as and when.
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Haven't seen Mr Grey for a couple of days now, :( I do hope he's found somewhere warm to go, as its been absolutely freezing here for the last two days, or better still hope he's gone home or someone has managed to get him safely, that would be great. Its about 2 C here at the moment (not sure what that is in F) the nights have been a lot colder :eek: I'll keep y'all informed.
This is what probably happened. A few days ago Mr. grey had a very serious fight with the wife. She caught him doing, well, you know:confused: what I mean. So, she threw him out and told him to go and well, you know what she said. . She told him to go and suffer in the cold weather and she also said that he would freeze his :confused: well, you know what she said. So, he's been hanging out and trying to figure out how to make the little woman happy and he's trying to think of a way to get into her good graces. SO, along comes Peta who puts out some really great sweet treats which he tries out. He sees that his wife will love them and finally knows what to bring back in order to finally cuddle up to her.:51: You said that the other day he was with another bird. Well, that one probably wasn't his type. For all you know, it could have been a MALE bird with odd thoughts in his head.:eek: Now he's home, warm, comfy, tired and probably saying a bunch of hail Marys hoping this will never happen again. ---------Dave
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Dave, that was great, I haven't seen Mr Grey today either, so I was feeling really down, now that I've read your post it has made me feel great, hoping this is what has happened

I'm glad that he was able to use the treats to get back into Mrs Greys good books,

Thanks for brightening my day Dave,:04: :04:
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Dave said:
This is what probably happened. A few days ago Mr. grey had a very serious fight with the wife. She caught him doing, well, you know:confused: what I mean. So, she threw him out and told him to go and well, you know what she said. . She told him to go and suffer in the cold weather and she also said that he would freeze his :confused: well, you know what she said. So, he's been hanging out and trying to figure out how to make the little woman happy and he's trying to think of a way to get into her good graces. SO, along comes Peta who puts out some really great sweet treats which he tries out. He sees that his wife will love them and finally knows what to bring back in order to finally cuddle up to her.:51: You said that the other day he was with another bird. Well, that one probably wasn't his type. For all you know, it could have been a MALE bird with odd thoughts in his head.:eek: Now he's home, warm, comfy, tired and probably saying a bunch of hail Marys hoping this will never happen again. ---------Dave

How did you know, I have just a a visit from a wonderful lady and her little girl, they came to thank me for taking the trouble to get her Mr Grey back, I tried to explain that I didn't do anything and I wasn't able to get him. In turns out that he did in fact have a lady friend at home, but he had been put into an outside flight but had somehow managed to get out. They gave me their address and I've promised to go visit, it seems Mr Grey is going to be Daddy Grey, Oh wonder if I can get out of their with one or two babies shoved up me Jumper. At least he is at home and there was a happy ending, I gave them the treats that I got for him, as Bucc won't look at treats at all, he thinks he is more human than bird, and therefore should have human treats. LOL. I am sure one happy lady at the moment.

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