The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
One photo is of the Rbird and yours truly, @1985... the other is 2016. Can you tell which is which? Hint: Don't bother looking at the bird... he hasn't changed! The same glasses are back in style... hmmm...



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  • #5
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Thanks, y'all, Kiwi, Circus and Scott !

Well, I keep HIM young, anyway!!!! We've been through college, marriage, divorce, marriage, jobsjobsjobs, apartmentshouses...

My mission is to outlive him. I HAVE to. Patagonians' life expectancy is 30-35... but... he is totally the same as ever. I may have to make it to 90!
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

WOW! What is your secret?? You and The Rickeybird look exactly the same!!!
Gorgeous pictures:)
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

AMAZING. Hardly any difference at all. And Ricky looks good too.

Actually Ricky is huge compared to the patty I met a few months ago. In both pics. Are they like sharks, growing bigger every year?
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Sweet photos of you and Ricky! It's nice to see such a long lasting relationship! Both of you look wonderful! The two photos appear to have been taken weeks apart rather than years. I hope you and Ricky have lots more happy years together, you're obviously good for each other!
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  • #9
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Terry, Wrench, Allee...
Flattery will get you anywhere!

Wrench, he DOES look bigger... that's weird. His weight has remained at around 250 grams. His head is about the diameter of my chin. Maybe his head got bigger from all the nice things you guys said! He's on my shoulder, ya know!
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  • #11
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

That does it, RavensGryf!!!!!
I'm going to print this whole thread and have it dated and notarized!!!! LOL
Now I wish I had put makeup on. I had no idea this would become a sacred document!!!!!!!

Thank you very much!
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

That does it, RavensGryf!!!!!
I'm going to print this whole thread and have it dated and notarized!!!! LOL
Now I wish I had put makeup on. I had no idea this would become a sacred document!!!!!!!

Thank you very much!

No make up required, Gail, you both look awesome no matter what:)
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  • #13
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Thank you, Terry. After I have it notarized, I'll highlight my favorite parts of each post and have it framed!!!
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  • #14
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Another trip down Memory Lane... these pages (from the Rickeybird's Scrapbook) are from 1990, 1991, 1005 and 1996.


The Rickeybird visited SANTA!!!! The looks on Santa's and Rbird's faces are funny. Me? I'm just smiling away!

I cringe when I see how I took him out on my shoulder with no harness... we were both young and dumb, especially me. I don't even know if harnesses existed way back then...
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re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Another trip down Memory Lane... these pages (from the Rickeybird's Scrapbook) are from 1990, 1991, 1005 and 1996.

The Rickeybird visited SANTA!!!! The looks on Santa's and Rbird's faces are funny. Me? I'm just smiling away!

I cringe when I see how I took him out on my shoulder with no harness... we were both young and dumb, especially me. I don't even know if harnesses existed way back then...

You're a bit older than I thought! :eek:
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  • #16
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Another trip down Memory Lane... these pages (from the Rickeybird's Scrapbook) are from 1990, 1991, 1005 and 1996.

The Rickeybird visited SANTA!!!! The looks on Santa's and Rbird's faces are funny. Me? I'm just smiling away!

I cringe when I see how I took him out on my shoulder with no harness... we were both young and dumb, especially me. I don't even know if harnesses existed way back then...

You're a bit older than I thought! :eek:

I'm not even gonna correct that.
It's too funny.
And it's just too ME!!!! Welcome to my world...
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Now that I have finished cracking up at your advanced age, I have to say how fantastic it is that Rickey has a scrapbook!! Beautifully done, and what great memories to look back on. Thank you so much for sharing:)
I have to ask...Did Rickey get what he wanted from Santa that year?
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  • #18
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Oh, Terry!

Yeah, RBird got what he wanted from Santa, which was for Santa to GO AWAY. I think the feeling was mutual.

Lots more to come from the ol' scrapbook... it's fun to share something I never thought anybody else would care about...
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  • #19
re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Dear Moderator(s),
Please delete this thread if you see fit...
I want to start a new thread called "Rickeybird's Scrapbook, 1984 to present" since I plan to keep adding photos for a while. I will include the three pictures from this thread.
I hope that's okay.
Thank you!
Gail and the Rickeybird

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