Thoughts on bringing in an older Sun Conure with a Green Cheek


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I have a 3 year old Green Cheek conure and recently someone approached me about taking in their Sun Conure which lost it's mate. I've seen and handled the bird and it's certainly friendly and been treated well. I know it's 50/50 as to whether birds will get along in the same specially different species but even if I put them in separate cages is it likely the Sun Conures behavior could change once being removed from it's home. You can certainly tell the bird is lonely and I'm not sure if my green cheek who always has a chip on his shoulder (as most green cheeks do) will provide great company for Sun. I've been thinking about adding another parrot for a quite a while but I'm still hesitant on it specially in this situation. Any thoughts or recommendations for this situation?
Green cheeks are very territorial and possessive. If you have a good relationship with him, he may never accept the Sun. I have a 1 yr old greencheek and got a Sun which I have had for about 8 weeks now. I still can't put them together for free play. They take turns being with me. Not like I had hoped but of course it will take time if it ever happens. The Sun is not aggressive but the GCC is. If the Sun gets fed up with that he could hurt the green cheek. So if you are getting the Sun for a companion to the Gcc ........may not be a good idea. If you are willing to split your time between them then it would work. I am setting up a bird playroom where they can alternate in there without having to be locked in their respective cages when they are taking turns being out. My Gcc is accustomed to being out all the time and doesn't like being locked up if I am in the house. Hope this helps.
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Yeah I figured due to size difference and green cheeks often being a one person bird that it could cause problems. I could split time with them I'm still weary if I'm ready for two bird the sun conure is certainly well behaved already. I have large cage not being used right now so that would be easy enough.
Green cheeks are very territorial and possessive. If you have a good relationship with him, he may never accept the Sun. I have a 1 yr old greencheek and got a Sun which I have had for about 8 weeks now. I still can't put them together for free play. They take turns being with me. Not like I had hoped but of course it will take time if it ever happens. The Sun is not aggressive but the GCC is. If the Sun gets fed up with that he could hurt the green cheek. So if you are getting the Sun for a companion to the Gcc ........may not be a good idea. If you are willing to split your time between them then it would work. I am setting up a bird playroom where they can alternate in there without having to be locked in their respective cages when they are taking turns being out. My Gcc is accustomed to being out all the time and doesn't like being locked up if I am in the house. Hope this helps.

Seconded, and cool idea re: your separated playroom to reduce tension.

I brought in a ~5 year old Blue Crown, and my GCCs either show aggression or - after a pause - he shows aggression. So I tend to them all and give them all their own quality time, separately.

It might be possible to get them to act peacefully, but like a sandbox full of toddlers, they have their pecking order and newcomers are given a barrage of "MINE! MINE!! MINE!!!" a result.
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Yeah I have an apartment and I know sun conures are louder than green cheeks. I'd have no problem with splitting time between the two. I certainly would love to help the bird out as well.
I think its worth a try. even if they dont get along, you can always have two seperate cages and let them slowly get used to each other. eventually they will tolerate each other. I have a very timid pineapple gcc.. she has perching problems and doesnt do any special tricks.. I';m getting another gcc to help her open up.
Yeah I figured due to size difference and green cheeks often being a one person bird that it could cause problems. I could split time with them I'm still weary if I'm ready for two bird the sun conure is certainly well behaved already. I have large cage not being used right now so that would be easy enough.

That is the good thing about my Sun....he is very well behanved and not demanding at all. 45 minutes out and he wants back in the cage. It is a lot of extra work though making sure he gets enough one on one time.
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I'm thinking it would be good opportunity to own another bird and one that's a little larger. My little green cheek doesn't like to play with toys or isn't territorial at all just wants to be out with people constantly.
I'm thinking it would be good opportunity to own another bird and one that's a little larger. My little green cheek doesn't like to play with toys or isn't territorial at all just wants to be out with people constantly.

Just go really slow and don't let them get together until you are sure the GCC will tolerate the SUn. Your Gcc is probably going to be jealous of you spending time with the Sun. You are HIS territory. I really wanted a Sun as well so I just have to split their time with me. Not impossible to do, but more time consuming and perhaps one day they will actually become friends. Forrest's jealousy really shows up though. LOL
My story is almost similar but sun conure came first into our home, the yellow sided GCC followed one year later.

Just like what dishgal1 said, slow approach to adjust everybody. Now they even freefly together, here they are:

You ride your bike with the birds just hanging out on the handle bars? That is awesome!
My story is almost similar but sun conure came first into our home, the yellow sided GCC followed one year later.

Just like what dishgal1 said, slow approach to adjust everybody. Now they even freefly together, here they are:


Oh wow, that is really great to know. There is hope for my two babies ...I know it will take a long time but this would be ideal if they could be friends.
How long did it take for them to become friends?
You ride your bike with the birds just hanging out on the handle bars? That is awesome!

Yup.... I have three videos biking with the fids. I plan to post them in conure sub forum. you'll only need to wait for seconds...:)
Oh wow, that is really great to know. There is hope for my two babies ...I know it will take a long time but this would be ideal if they could be friends.
How long did it take for them to become friends?

For about three months, then both sticks like a glue..
Did you keep them separated? Your green cheek must not be aggressive at all. Of course you had the Sun first, that probably makes a big difference. Also how old was the green cheek when you got him?
I caged them together now, they are getting along very well.
My gcc is less aggressive, probably because she is new member to the flock, so she could not rule the flock. She was 1 years old when I got her

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