Thunderstorms in January


New member
Dec 1, 2011
I woke up during the night to thunderstorms. I can't remember ever having them in January before. I've seen thunder snow a couple of times, but not rain this time of year. Here the temp has risen quite a bit during the night. It was around 32 when I went to bed last night and now it's 44. I just got a warning over the computer for high winds today though as the next cold front comes in. This is almost tornado weather. Such a weird winter!
Oh no!! :( your certainly having your fair share of bad weather over there at the moment!! Role on Summer :)
I know I woke up as well to lightening! It was wierd! I stayed up until about 3:00 am, couldn't sleep kept thinking we were going to have tornados! LOL
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Well, I appreciate the warmth right now. The snow is all gone this morning. I just hope nothing too severe happens. High wind is pretty normal around here. I couldn't sleep either listening to it thunder and lightening. The birds were kind of restless as well. I heard them moving around a lot.

I think that is the only January thunderstorm I can remember though!
Yeah we're due for one tomorrow as the front pushes through here as well. I love the rain though!
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It's still pretty windy, but not over 50mph like yesterday afternoon and evening. And not too cold, 29F. It still looks like this week will be mostly above normal temps, 30s and even low 40s. Our previous 3 winters were all colder and snowier than usual and now this one is more like March weather. If they were all like this, I really wouldn't have mind living in Ohio at all!

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