Training away bad behavior.


New member
Jun 26, 2015
Woodstock, GA
Puck - Goffins Cockatoo (don't know sex - not been DNA'd).
Hi all. The wife & I are newbies to parrots & 2's. (obligatory first post) We just got a 1 1/2 yr old Goffins 3 days ago from a family that couldn't take care if it due to family circumstances. We have the cage, toys, & food they fed it. Puck (name we're choosing because it seems to fit better than Bella) is very friendly & loving. But, I bet (dollars to donuts) it's now realizing it won't be going back to the old family. The feed they would give it is (I believe) the Harts Parrot Blend from Walmart. This stuff has to be >50% sunflower seeds & won't eat fresh fruits/vegie's. This probably has something to do with how it acts when it doesn't get its way.

Example: I have a ponytail & it likes to crawl around my shoulder to chew the thick rubber-band tie I use. Once that's cut off, & after playing tug-o-war with it, it starts to preen me (It also will attempt to preen my beard). So, when I try to stop it from destroying another hair tie, I say firmly "NO". I try to move it away. After a few tries, its biting gets increasingly harder (I do try not to shout, but its bit through a finger nail - not much, but I can still see the mark underneath). All the while, I'm moving towards the open cage door. This makes it stop & fly to my wife. This repeats 2 more times before I put it back in the cage.

I know we are having a battle of wills, I'm trying to show I'm the alpha-bird. Any advice would help. What am I doing right/wrong...:22: :confused:

First, throw that bird food in the trash immediately & put Puck on a pellet diet. Zupreem is a great food (it comes in natural, nut, fruit & veggie blends). I buy 2 pounds of each & mix it up. Fresh fruit & veggies are trial & error, give Puck a different piece each day & you will learn what he/she will eat & what he/she wont eat.

Second, "NO" is the one word toos do not understand, that rubber band is a toy to him/her.
You might want to read the thread on pellets first. There are also several threads on getting your birds to eat fresh food.
Every bird I have (eight, six of them parrots and a pigeon and a starling) LOVE to steal hair ties. Just buy them in huge packages and resign yourself to losing them. Birds like to preen their humans. It's flock behavior. It means Puck likes you and considers you family. When you try to stop him or get angry at him for it, he is completely confused and his feelings are hurt. Distraction works better on 'toos than anything. If you keep an alternative handy to offer instead, like a piece of junk mail or a toy, he might take that from you and get busy with it instead. But demanding your way with a 'too only gets the 'too riled up and that's when you are going to get bitten. Gentle and conciliatory is the only way to manage a 'too. Confrontation raises their ire and they insist on winning.
Yeah, it's hard to do when you're wearing bird toys. Hair ties can be a hard one.

Consistent firm no. Push the beak away. Hope he takes the hint.

Preening hair? You're never gonna stop them from doing that. It's a natural behavior. Pick your battles.
My severe loves my hair..I say fix mommies hair and she goes to town..pulling ,twirling, breaking hair ties.then she'll be all cute and then bang! She gives me a love pinch..which I'm trying to stop...those hurt!! If I say stop that! ..she says no!! Love arguing with my bird..she wins most of the time..I'm a bad for training purposes. Lol

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