Trying to find the right parrot for allergies


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Hi guys,
I really want a parrot, so does my dad. My mum is really illergic though to dander. So I was wondering what species produce less dander, I've tried to look into it but have had trouble searching
The bird for dad will be a present for him from mum, as she travels and dads rather sick and the companionship would be good

I wanted a galah but I know they are really bad for dust

I'm in Australia if that helps with species

Thanks lots :)
My rainbow lorikeet produces next to no dander.
However if your Mum gets hayfever they may not be the best option if you want to supplement it's diet with local flora.
What size parrot are you looking for?

If small, I'd say Lorikeet or even smaller, a budgie.

If medium, then an Eclectus or an Amazon.

If someone in your household has allergies, why consider getting a bird? ALL birds have dander even Eclectus. But they aren't dusty birds. If you know for a fact that someone in your house suffers from allergies, I wouldn't consider getting a bird. I don't suffer from allergies, but there are days when the dust and dander can get the best of me.

I just think you would be making a big mistake and would cause another bird to be rehomed due to allergies.
I would spend some time around birds first before considering getting one. Just like anything else, if you get it from a baby, you MIGHT get used to it.

The previous owner of my Sun conure was allergic, and that's why I got her. They loved the bird but she just couldn't handle the allergies.

My suggestion would be a small conure, parrotlet or a lorikeet, though Lori's are a bit more work. Bathing them frequently can help with dust and dander, but if you're allergic, you're allergic. You either have to deal with it if you really want a bird (And remember how long of a commitment it is) or consider another pet.
Linnies are great little birds, and totally dust free. They are small but have big parrot personalities.
When my conure sits and preens on me, he often leaves behind a fair amount of dander; I'm guessing most birds do, to some degree. I can't recall whether out budgie did so, when I was a child.
Cockatoos and cockatiels are very dusty birds. While the others are all ok. If you want small parrot, budgies, Quakers, ringnecks, conures and parrotlets are all great. Medium size, eclectus, amazons, alexandrine and cape parrot are good choices.

Just avoid cockatoos and cockatiels, the others are about the same.

Hope this helped

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