What is going on?


New member
Sep 15, 2012
Woodland Hills, CA
Sun Conure- Emmy
The past 3 days have seen 2 changes in my flock.

The first change is the addition of a Featherbrite System. I have been leaving the light on when I go to work (around 8am) and turning it off around 5 of 6pm when I get home. All seemed well and good with this plan. However, another change has happened and I'm wondering if the two changes are linked.

The second change is that Emmy has become moody and irritable. She screams constantly and is a little nippy. She is very, very fussy.

She's always made noise. In the morning she would scream a few times while in transit from her sleep cage to her play gym where she makes "big morning poops" as we call it. Then we'd move to her day cage where she would have breakfast. We would hear little, if anything, from her until we came home and she started with her calling. All of these noises were acceptable since I understand they are instinctual.

Now, it's non-stop. She comes down for her poops and then screams and screams and screams. She screams so much that she forgets to eat for a while which is odd because that was always the first thing she did once she was in her day cage.

Is the length of light throwing off her hormones? Today I've only left it on for 3 hours and she is getting the sunlight that comes through the window near her cage. (There are no birds or people that pass by the window.)

I don't think this is behavioral as she has TONS and TONS of toys and a 3 foraging toys in her cage. Everywhere she goes she has things to do.

Help! I'm running out of aspirin!

PS: My senior pomeranian has had at least 1 stress seizure as a result of the screaming and has been placed on anti-anxiety meds. Further, he will no longer join the rest of the family on the main floor because he fears her screaming.
You might try getting a timer for the lamp and only having it on for a bit less than the sun is up for, or only for a 2-5 hours at a time.

Otherwise, leave it off and see if that makes any chances within a few days.

How long has she had the light for?
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Probably not.

I have heard quite often that birds tend to be more active and more alert when they get full spectrum lighting, and that their feathers appear brighter. Some owners have said that they've noticed no change in behavior.

The worst I've heard are the eyes and the skin around the eyes getting burned, however this is due to not using the burn in period correctly most of the time, and second, having the light too close to the cage.

I haven't heard of birds having any other negative effects due to lights, but it sounds like your sun may not be happy with it.. so I would definitely stop use for a week or two, then later on, getting a timer for it, so it'll only be on for short periods of time during the day. Start out with a couple of hours a day, then slowly extend that time.

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