Wheevils got in my seed!


New member
Aug 18, 2016
Help! I noticed earlier that several wheevils were in a bag of bird seed I had in a drawer with other dry foods and supplies. I tossed the bag, but I have no clue how to make sure they're gone from the drawer I stored the bag in.

I read that they can't hurt birds at least, but I certainly want to make sure they are all rid of.

I usually store my pellets and other foods in the fridge or freezer but I was low on space (wonderful timing). I somehow fit everything back in the freezer and will keep it there for 48 hrs.

But does anyone have advice for what to do about the drawer? I can take it out of the desk, but it's too big to shove in my fridge. I don't see any more bugs.. but they could be hiding in a nook between the shelf wall and the shelf floor.

I do not see any bugs anywhere else other than that bag of seed that is now out of the house.

Any advice?

Edit: I suppose if worse comes to worse, I can store the stupid drawer in a garbage bag, and then when winter comes, set it outside for 48 hrs or something...
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The bag of seed is still good! Freeze for a week!

Yeah.. I wish I had read that first. I already tossed it out for the wild birds so it's definitely no good now.. lol

Do you know if it's okay to freeze pellets that have the bag opened already? I've found mixed results googling. I don't see the harm in it. but someone mentioned something about it defrosting and maybe causing moisture to condense..? Usually I would store a sealed bag and then move it to the fridge when I opened it. Right now I have no room in the fridge but enough room in the freezer.

Will it be okay to keep in the freezer like that and then move back to the fridge later? I was storing dried bird veggies i mix into their dry food outside of the fridge.. now it's in the freezer as well.

I have a feeling I unnecessarily complicate things.

Still deciding how to handle the drawer. I suppose If I move stuff I might be able to cram it in the fridge if I take the birdfood out.

You said I need to leave it in there a week? I captured some of the buggers in a jar.. maybe I can use them as test subjects to see how long it takes? (God, that sounds horribly morbid)
I get a bulk bag <40lbs> of parrot seed at Agway for Amy. I have a small "mudroom" off of my kitchen,where I store the seed and also a 5 gallon covered plastic bowl that I pour the seed from the 40lb into. Being warm in that mudroom <summer time here,yanno??> I get these effin moths that hatch from any larvae that might be in the seed. I let 'em hatch then open up the door to the outside and shoo them bastiids out.
I have a four gallon covered bucket < old nutraberries container> that has seed that I use daily and keep it in the fridge and the cold kills/puts the larvae in hibernation.
If I don't clean up everyday after Amy chows down..those !@#*^&%$*( things HATCH <some of 'em at least :mad:> and find them buzzin' around her cage.
After almost 30 yrs with birds, I still have not figured out how to totally eliminate them < except to try and get Amy to nosh on pellets and get rid of seed entirely!>
If you find away, PLEASE let me know!!! :eek:

Jim, Break down the large volume and place them into those large ZipLock Freezer Bags and simply FREEZE the bags for a minimum of one week. We target FREEZING for 30 days (Long Freeze Cycle). We have 'never' had any problems with bugs, none /never! It also assures the freshness of what we are providing our Amazon. We FREEZE all dry foods using the long freeze cycle.
Remember, with whole foods, your choice, bugs, or insecticides! Bugs are a bit yuk, but insecticides bite back!
Another way of looking at it, the world of microbes, much to small to be seen! Everything you eat is filled with them, but you munch away! Bugs, a bit bigger and crunchier!
I store everything in the freezer and take out 2 weeks worth for use. Even opened pellets! Once out of the freezer for any length of time, don't keep putting it back in! You will build up moisture.
Remember, with whole foods, your choice, bugs, or insecticides! Bugs are a bit yuk, but insecticides bite back!
Another way of looking at it, the world of microbes, much to small to be seen! Everything you eat is filled with them, but you munch away! Bugs, a bit bigger and crunchier!

OK, I was a bit general regarding my use of just 'bugs.' That's what I get for rushing a responsive and going for an all inclusive, but very general term. :D

Great Tip regarding not wanting to open and close frozen bags.

Yaaa, that biting back thing is important.
Shhhh, do not reveal the presence of bugs in your seed. The store will charge you a premium for added protein! Just as many restaurants offer dinner salads and up-charge for added chicken, salmon, shrimp, steak, etc!!

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I get a bulk bag <40lbs> of parrot seed at Agway for Amy. I have a small "mudroom" off of my kitchen,where I store the seed and also a 5 gallon covered plastic bowl that I pour the seed from the 40lb into. Being warm in that mudroom <summer time here,yanno??> I get these effin moths that hatch from any larvae that might be in the seed. I let 'em hatch then open up the door to the outside and shoo them bastiids out.
I have a four gallon covered bucket < old nutraberries container> that has seed that I use daily and keep it in the fridge and the cold kills/puts the larvae in hibernation.
If I don't clean up everyday after Amy chows down..those !@#*^&%$*( things HATCH <some of 'em at least :mad:> and find them buzzin' around her cage.
After almost 30 yrs with birds, I still have not figured out how to totally eliminate them < except to try and get Amy to nosh on pellets and get rid of seed entirely!>
If you find away, PLEASE let me know!!! :eek:


It's funny, because I've had birds for ~20 years and this is the first time I had a bug problem. I don't know if I was freakishly lucky or was extremely dumb as a kid and never noticed, although I'm 99% sure I would notice black specs crawling.

Ugh I don't see any now but if they laid eggs and those hatch.. argh.

I store everything in the freezer and take out 2 weeks worth for use. Even opened pellets! Once out of the freezer for any length of time, don't keep putting it back in! You will build up moisture.

Thanks! I was worried about that because of the change in temperature. I was storing most of my food in the fridge before this point, but started storing some dried treats and seed in a drawer by their cages for easier access. I guess that bit me in the butt.

Great Tip regarding not wanting to open and close frozen bags.

Yaaa, that biting back thing is important.

Yeah, I'm super paranoid about anything to do with fumes/chemicals because of how sensitive birds are. Within good reason to be extra careful though, with it being possibly lethal and all that.

Jim, Break down the large volume and place them into those large ZipLock Freezer Bags and simply FREEZE the bags for a minimum of one week. We target FREEZING for 30 days (Long Freeze Cycle). We have 'never' had any problems with bugs, none /never! It also assures the freshness of what we are providing our Amazon. We FREEZE all dry foods using the long freeze cycle.

Hm, you convinced me to switch from the fridge to the freezer.. now to see if I can make space for it. No more keeping any treats in the drawer either. That didn't work out very well, with the random bug infestation and all.

At least they appear to be gone now that their food source is no more. *fingers crossed*
Just habit from living on a farm for most my life, ALL food goes into storage containers, AIR TIGHT ones, helps stop infestations (and mice.... Dear god nothing worse than going to get somethings food and finding three mice in it because someone left it out in the tack room without putting it away! And because zoonosis having to toss the whole bag so your horses don't catch something!)

You can get a containers at Walmart (pet food section for large bags of food, kitchen section for smaller bags of food) I'm anal about bugs getting into food, I own a vacuum sealer and for some things I even just re heat seal the bags! Lol.

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