Why Does Mozzie bite my son?


New member
Jun 26, 2013
We have a young handfed greencheek conure (turquoise) about 5-6 months old. Really friendly and affectionate! Would wear me all day if he could. Goes to anyone. Except he bites my 10 year old son. But not my spazy 5 year old. Cameron is the only one he bites. Cameron has had lots of experience with other birds and has a real knack with them. For some reason though, maybe this bird, "Mozzie" is his name, is reminding him of someone he didn't like? How do I help untrain this behavior. Cameron is heartbroken and would give Mozzie so much love if he just let him. I'm considering trying for a few days to have Cameron be his sole provider. No attention from anyone else in the household except for Cameron. Thoughts? I know it sounds extreme but it was just a thought I had. Would love other suggestions from people who understand these birds. Especially this breed/species.:blue1:
Actually, I'm in the same boat as you on this one. My greencheek bites my 11 yr old stepson viciously, and without any reason I can understand. He just fluffs up and attacks him. He bites my 5 yr old son too, occasionally, but they are more nips. I'd like to understand why myself. I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you. Do your children display fear or nervousness? Or is it maybe the birds are testing boundaries with the kids and they seem to get more of a reaction with them, then they would an adult...well that's the only thing I can think of anyway.
Birds a very fickle with their flock mates. They have a tendency to bond to one person and the rest they will not accept. Conures can like multiple people and bond to more than one person.

It could be he simply just does not like your son. Nothing you can do, but teach him to tolerate your son.

My bird just loves my wife and I. That is it, anyone else he will bite and even bum rushed. When my family is next to me he will rush them and try to bite them to ward them off. He is territorial when it comes to my wife and I.

your son has to be willing to train the parrot to like him. It can be done, but your son will need to do some work with the bird. Start out with your son making the bird stand up onto a stick. Feed the bird a treat! Than just keep doing that for a while and see how that goes. Good luck.
Are these birds male? Peanut is a DNA'd male and he is fine around women but can get funny with men. I wonder if it could be their way of asserting their dominance
If your male bird is getting hormonal ... and your pre-teen son is also getting hormonal, it could simply be a male dominancce thing.

I have a rescued Chorkie (Chihuahua/Yorkie cross) he is super protective, especially around my wife. However, he plays with ALMOST any child, unless it is a little boy around 3 to 5 years old, then he wants to eat them.

I understand he was owned by an older woman who kept her 7 dogs in small cages and used them for creatinf hybrid dogs. I have no idea if she had a small grandson or not, but it is a pretty weird situation.

Either your son need to work more to gain the bird's trust, or learn to keep his distance. (I just thought of this, if your son plays with the other birds and not with him, even though it is because he is mean to your son, he might simply be jealous tha the others get attention and he doesn't.)


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