Zoe has a foot fetish

Zoe is just full of surprises! I hope she doesn't find out you told her secret! Love the photos.
That one also looks vaguely familiar... Sweepea has been feeding my toes for years.

The other thing that's funny is she will perch on my toes, and run her beak back and forth on the bottom of my feet, staring at my facial expressions the entire time, til I give her even the slightest hint of where the ticklish spot is...

When she finds it, she makes me jump, every time.
I know Zoe is not a baby, but every time I see pics of her with all her head feathers up I think she looks like a happy baby parrot testing her world out!
What is it with parrots and toes?

Love Zoe!
Hahaha! I love me some Zoe! She must really love toes if they bring out her afro! Such a complete sweetheart of a bird!

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