Goffins: Loki official thread

Right? I'd forgoten how big Kalani's palace was. Both are pretty awesome homes.
Looking great, will be interesting to see if there will be cage sharing and exploration?!
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  • #23
Looking great, will be interesting to see if there will be cage sharing and exploration?!

It will be interesting to see how the dynamics change for sure. I do know that Loki has been around other birds and Kalani is young, so hopefully they will get along well (with supervision). Ultimately we will probably be a three bird home. With those cages, that is what space and time will allow. I like the idea of the flock but I know it can certainly mean I'll face some challenges.
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  • #24
Hey guys!!

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  • #25
Brief update:
All is well. Loki screams sunrise and sunset, as expected. No big deal. It's early to tell if he will scream when not getting attention once he's a little more attached.

He is taking food from me through the bars much more consistently.
He will take food from my girlfriend if he is about half way out of the cage (not through the bars).
He will take head scratches from her pretty consistently, but only through the bars.
So far he is more of a "flight" than "bite"

He is chewing on small toys more day, by day.

Look at the progress made in such a short time! Such great news that Loki is now starting to work more on the toys now...won't be long until he is destroying them as soon as they go in.
He is starting to realize that he is home. His story brings tears to my eyes.
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  • #27
Thanks Terry! I'm trying to balance giving him enough toys without drastically changing his environment while he's still adjusting.
Never having,or knowing a 'too before Jonesy came a long to live briefly with Amy and I..for their mini size,Goffin's pack a bundle of energy,mischief,curiousity,and loving in those little white bodies lol.

The Cockatoo Man had a TON of birdonality about him! Such clowns! :18:
Don,if you can train him to NOT scream (too much lol) you'll have an awesome companion for life!

As far as Loki getting along with your flock..you read the post I did of Amy and The beady-Eyed Monster"..It'll depend on the rest of your flock accepting him.

How old was Loki when you saved him? Jones was approximantly 26 y.o. when DJ let me adopt him.

I think you're handling Loki very well, Don. Despite the fast process, he is still observing and adapting; resisting the urge to progress speedily is very wise!
Loki looks like he's settling in very well! To go from scared of you to letting scratches in this amount of time is awesome! As long as he's happy then there's nothing wrong really. Like we all say, Loki sets the pace. If he wants to sprint to being a cuddle bug then who's to say otherwise? Kalani maybe, but tough luck! Loki needs some lovin too!
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  • #31
Never having,or knowing a 'too before Jonesy came a long to live briefly with Amy and I..for their mini size,Goffin's pack a bundle of energy,mischief,curiousity,and loving in those little white bodies lol.

The Cockatoo Man had a TON of birdonality about him! Such clowns! :18:
Don,if you can train him to NOT scream (too much lol) you'll have an awesome companion for life!

As far as Loki getting along with your flock..you read the post I did of Amy and The beady-Eyed Monster"..It'll depend on the rest of your flock accepting him.

How old was Loki when you saved him? Jones was approximantly 26 y.o. when DJ let me adopt him.


Loki is nine years old. He screams in the morning and evening as expected. I can also hear him scream when I am outside doing something, but I don't think this lasts very long.

I think you're handling Loki very well, Don. Despite the fast process, he is still observing and adapting; resisting the urge to progress speedily is very wise!

Thanks Scott. It helps that he likes to retreat to his cage, so it doesn't take much effort to get him there. No forcing. Although, I may do the cage change tomorrow, so that could shake things up.

Loki looks like he's settling in very well! To go from scared of you to letting scratches in this amount of time is awesome! As long as he's happy then there's nothing wrong really. Like we all say, Loki sets the pace. If he wants to sprint to being a cuddle bug then who's to say otherwise? Kalani maybe, but tough luck! Loki needs some lovin too!

Loki is now letting Cora (girlfriend) give him head rubs outside of the cage. He isn't willingly stepping up yet, and of course we aren't pressing the issue. So far he trusts Cora a lot more. Luckily Kalani likes me better!
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  • #32
Also discovered that Loki barks like a dog today. It is possible that he picked it up from our pup, but I find it pretty unlikely. At nine years old, I'm sure there are still quite a few more things to come out of this little guy. Cora got a great video, but unfortunately it was on snapchat so I couldn't save it.
That is one of the awesome things about rescues, you never know what is going to come out of their mouth. We just heard Stevie, our ARN, start meowing the other day.
Does your dog react when Loki barks?
Also discovered that Loki barks like a dog today. It is possible that he picked it up from our pup, but I find it pretty unlikely. At nine years old, I'm sure there are still quite a few more things to come out of this little guy. Cora got a great video, but unfortunately it was on snapchat so I couldn't save it.

Barking is fine in my book,Don...it was the CUSSING that got to me lol.

Lets hope Loki's previous parront(s) were civil..compared to Bonesy's :eek: :rolleyes: That characteristic didn't emerge until Jones settled in..like in three weeks or so...then it was a crap shoot on what was going to come out of that little beaky of his.

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  • #35
That is one of the awesome things about rescues, you never know what is going to come out of their mouth. We just heard Stevie, our ARN, start meowing the other day.
Does your dog react when Loki barks?

Dogs are separate when Loki's out so hard to say!
Also discovered that Loki barks like a dog today. It is possible that he picked it up from our pup, but I find it pretty unlikely. At nine years old, I'm sure there are still quite a few more things to come out of this little guy. Cora got a great video, but unfortunately it was on snapchat so I couldn't save it.

Don't underestimate the mimicry! Parker picked up "Oh my god! Oh My god!" from my mom instantly. The first time they met he spoke and she screamed that phrase in shock and awe. He INSTANTLY spit that right back at her, knocking her off her feet stunned.

He also picked up MEOW from a friend of mine, who came over for a get together. She repeated it to him over and over determined to teach it to him. He repeated it the next day. After she was gone, of course. He only said it that once, never did repeat it. but he definitely got it after one night.
I am glad Loki is doing well and not giving your girlfriend a hard time:)

Chris- your anecdote about Parker and your mom made me laugh so hard:D Taking it your mom never met a parrot before?
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  • #38
Also discovered that Loki barks like a dog today. It is possible that he picked it up from our pup, but I find it pretty unlikely. At nine years old, I'm sure there are still quite a few more things to come out of this little guy. Cora got a great video, but unfortunately it was on snapchat so I couldn't save it.

Don't underestimate the mimicry! Parker picked up "Oh my god! Oh My god!" from my mom instantly. The first time they met he spoke and she screamed that phrase in shock and awe. He INSTANTLY spit that right back at her, knocking her off her feet stunned.

He also picked up MEOW from a friend of mine, who came over for a get together. She repeated it to him over and over determined to teach it to him. He repeated it the next day. After she was gone, of course. He only said it that once, never did repeat it. but he definitely got it after one night.

Loud things and things said with a lot of excitement are picked right up!
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  • #39

More progress. Loki will now take treats from my fingers outside of the cage (he has been doing this with cora for several days.) He is retreating to the cage less and less. Now it's a matter of transitioning him to the real cage.
Good progress, DOn. Letting things happen with minimal pushing from you and the family is the ticket.

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