Had to clamp the cage door shut

Rio Mom

New member
Apr 7, 2011
River - Green Cheek
Pepper - Congo African Grey/

Rest in Peace Rio
So today I walk into Pepper's current room, and she's happily sitting on the back of a chair! Apparently, she figured out how to open the door. I picked her up and put her back in the cage. Then I took her water bowl out to go clean and change it. As I'm walking out of the room she says "Let's get out of here!" LOL! Hubby has some clamp looking tool we put on the door to keep it shut.


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Eastern panhandle of WV
Kazi - 13 yr old yellow nape amazon rescue
Hahahaha! Hilarious, when they want something, THEY WANT IT.

I had to go get my oil changed and hit the grocery store today. I was half considering taking Kazi with me as it's very mild today but not terribly sunny so he could stay in the car while I was in the store. But I wasn't sure if I really wanted to do that. He decided for me when, after I'd gotten ready I said, "Come on, I have to go, step up." and he bit the crap out of me. So I caved (bad bird mom!) and told him he could go. He was a happy camper then and chattered every second we were in the car. He also got fed almond pieces by a little girl so he was extra happy with that.

By the end of the trip though he was ready to get out of his travel cage. The last 10 minutes home was a solid wall of "Come up! Come on! Come here! Wanna come out? Wanna come up? Come on! Come on! Up! Up!" which is what he does when he wants me to pick him up.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
I use a pad lock on mine...but they're generally well behaved and goes back in on their own if I do forget to padlock it even with the door wide open.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Oh my gosh, how funny! Not funny that she got out, but her saying, "let's get out of here" ROFL!

I haven't had this happen yet, but all 3 doors are pretty hard to open. I did have my Blue Crown get out through one of the food bowl doors once, but I think maybe I didn't shut it ?? It only happened the one time, so I'm pretty sure it was my fault.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
It doesn't matter how hard it is to open, if there's a will there's a way! I thought this cage was perfect when I bought it for Wille, its got two latches. He figured out how to open it in a very short period. He learned if you open one latch and get it stuck on the edge and pop the other latch and push, the door pops open. He opens it in 2 sec once he figured it out...
Rio Mom

Rio Mom

New member
Apr 7, 2011
River - Green Cheek
Pepper - Congo African Grey/

Rest in Peace Rio
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Oh my gosh, how funny! Not funny that she got out, but her saying, "let's get out of here" ROFL!

I haven't had this happen yet, but all 3 doors are pretty hard to open. I did have my Blue Crown get out through one of the food bowl doors once, but I think maybe I didn't shut it ?? It only happened the one time, so I'm pretty sure it was my fault.

I wonder if maybe we didn't shut the door right could be a possibility. The door is kinda hard to open. She definately floored me with her remark! lol


New member
Dec 1, 2011
I'm not the sort to not shut a door securely, but I was in the kitchen and saw her fly past the doorway, and said, what? And when I looked at the cage, the one food dish door was open. I guess I don't really know if she opened it or I left it open, but it's the only time it happened in 10.5 years. I think if she had learned to open it, she would have been out all the time.

Rowdy's door requires opening 2 latches. she isn't big enough to get to both at once. Pete's door is super hard to open, even for me. Merlin's has a slide bolt and a little thing at the top that both have to be opened. I probably don't have to ever worry about Merlin as she probably can't see where they both are anyway! If anyone figures out how to escape, it will probably be Pete.

But, Pepper's comment on her escape will live in my memory as one of the best bird stories I've heard, lol!


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Jul 5, 2011
Etters, Pa
~Alexandrine Parakeet~2 Red Lored Amazons~Blue Fronted Amazon~Black capped conure~4 Green Cheeks~4 Parrotlets~2 lineolated parakeets~9 American budgies~9 English budgies~ And lots of babies :)
Both of our cockatoos quickly figured out how to open the locks on their cages and they were pretty tough spring latches. We ended up using gun locks, weaving the bendable part through the bars and then latching it. It was always funny saying, "hand me the keys to the bird cages" lol.


Aug 20, 2009
I can just picture your faces when you found her out of cage. Welcome to the world of the brainy greys.

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