October is for Ghost stories!

OMG I just watched it Linky, that was real and that was blady scary
I got a fright when I saw your running with Sterretjie, you were absolutely petrified.
I would also been having sleepless night, if I was in your shoes.
Be safe
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Eeekkk goosebumps here!!! What is the possibility that the fan under the fridge was blowing? Just trying to come up with reasons.
Here's one of my stories. True story:

My grandfather died a few months before I was born. I've always heard stories about him from my dad and grandma. He sounded like a great man. He died from a heart attack in his house in front of my grandmother, dad, and his brothers and sisters (my aunts and uncles). One night, a few years ago, I was sleeping over at my grandmother's house. On the cot I was sleeping on, I felt somone sit on it but my door was closed and locked, and I felt someone rubbing my leg affectionately (like a mother to a child). I realized it was my grandfather. Then, I said to him, "Grandpa, I know you're there, but please, don't show yourself." I said this because, as much as I loved him, I couldn't handle seeing him because he was dead. Shortly after, I felt the rubbing stop and my bed lighten. Then I fell asleep happy :) It may sound scary but I enjoyed it.

Another story coming soon.
Oh, my!!

@Wildheart -- I was so afraid you were going to fall when you turned and started running down the hall -- you looked terrified!!! Yikes!

I have one ghost story... not too terrifying, but it sure kept me up for hours.

I had just went to bed, and still had my bedroom light on waiting for my SO to come to bed. I saw out of the corner of my eye what I thought was my daughter walking down the hall. I thought "Why is she up? It is past her bedtime??". I got up to go yell at her for getting out of bed, and she was sound asleep in her room. In hindsight, the figure that I saw was a LOT shorter than my daughter, and had a blunt bang cut (my daughter has side bangs). Of course my SO didn't believe me. LOL!

Seriously though -- this was like three years ago and I STILL remember exactly what this figure looked like. *shivers*
Yayyy! Awesome stories guys! Wildheart, that video is totally creepy!!!! Maybe the ghost was trying to help you out with your laundry?????:D
I havn't had anything awesomely creepy happen to me yet :( :(
Eeekkk goosebumps here!!! What is the possibility that the fan under the fridge was blowing? Just trying to come up with reasons.

Craig checked the fan! It wasnt blowing because I switched the freezer off to defrost.

I know, I know, we checked EVERYTHING for a logical explanation. Nothing explains how the towel moved when I stood still and LIFTED! :eek:

And YES I am watching that freezer with one eye the whole time while I am in the kitchen now!
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Just thought of something...is it possible a snake got under there, and had slithered out by the time you investigated...
It would have been nice if it was a snake!:D This happened in Gauteng, we do not have any snakes in our area.

The gab under the freezer is only about 5mm, so only a worm will fit, I think. When I stepped back with my right foot the towel came forward, I then stood still watching it, trying to figure out what on earth was going on. It was then that it lifted up, I would say 10-15cm off the ground. I did not look again, I stepped over it and ran! It was only afterwords that I saw that it actually followed me to the left and then went to lay flat again?

I'll load the after video for a good laugh, or whatever. How Craig went to put his boots on, incase the thing bites, smacked the towel with the broom and we then looked all over for the cause. At a stage he held me because I started crying cause he did not want to believe me. It was just after that, that I remembered the cameras were still on and I ran to the lounge to go and see if I was going crazy or not. :11:
A movie that severely freaked Craig and I out was Paranormal Activity!

Of all the scary movies this one was the most disturbing and left me scared for a quite a few nights.

Here are the trailers!

YouTube - 'Paranormal Activity' Trailer 2 HD

YouTube - "Paranormal Activity" - Official Trailer [HQ HD]

Paranormal Activity 2

YouTube - Paranormal Activity 2 - Official Trailer 2 HD
Linky I agree, this was the scariest movie I've ever seen, I'm a thriller/horror movie junkie and I don't scare easy but this scared the bejeezus out of me, I didn't sleep right for a week! Can't wait until Paranormal Activity 2 comes out this month!!!!
Linky I agree, this was the scariest movie I've ever seen, I'm a thriller/horror movie junkie and I don't scare easy but this scared the bejeezus out of me, I didn't sleep right for a week! Can't wait until Paranormal Activity 2 comes out this month!!!!

Finally somebody who saw it too! :D I know, it was REALLY-REALLY scary! :eek:

Everybody else must rent it, watch while dark but you have to have somebody sitting next to you otherwise you will die of fear.:eek:
5 years ago, when moving into our apartment, I was given my late father's ashes.
I placed them temporary in my bedroom cupboard, until we scattered them as my dad requested.
Sean and Steven share a bedroom. We went to bed about 10pm, exhausted from the move. At about 1.30am Sean my eldest son, started screaming (he was 16 yrs old at the time) I ran into their bedroom. Put the light on.
Sean was being thrown around on the bed , almost as if someone was wrestling with him,
he was alone on the bed. He was thrown off the bed, smack bang !!!!!
He was screaming at me, telling me to get rid of the person. We searched under the bed, behind the cupboard there was no-one.
Sean's arms were red with marks and I mean red red eina red
We managed to calm him down, told him he had had a bad nightmare. He was adamant that someone was physically fighting with him. We never slept much after that.
The following night, Steven was lying in bed busy texting, Sean was stuyding he got up to go to the bathroom, on returning the lamp was turned the other way. He moaned at Steven for turning the lamp around, Steven swore he never did, and said Sean must have turned the other way. We are all on edge now, freaking now, THEN WHO MOVED IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
The following morning at 5am, I was in the kitchen, getting ready to do a load of washing. As I wanted to pick up the plug, if lifted off the floor and landed in my hand.
I LOST IT COMPLETELY and wet myself.

That same day, while driving my car, we were chatting about my late father, suddenly the alarm went off and would not stop, the door knobs lifted upwards.
That night while watching tv, a terrible noise in the kitchen startled us, the pots and pans in the cupboards began to bang against one another.
That same night, Sean got attacked again, this time is was absolutely terrifying, the way he was tossed and thrown around.

We never slept an inch that night, and started surfing the net for some answers. Bad choice, it left us more scared than ever.

The following day I approached our caretaker, and mentioned to her what was happening. From her reaction I knew something had happened in our apartment. Eventually after a lot of persuasion, she told me a father and daughter lived in the apartment 2 years ago. Deon had a heart attack and died in the apartment.My neighbour, who was friends with the father and daughter, came into our apartment and showed me where Deon had slept and had died

OMG when the guys come home from school I must tell them THIS !!
I took my dad's ashes with me when I collected the guys from school. We went to the spot where my dad wanted his ashes scattered, said a pray, said our good byes and scattered the ashes.

Thing have calmed down, but not altogether. Thanks god, Sean is left alone now. The pots still sometimes bang against one another, the lamp has turned around often. Doors have opened and closed.

Now when strange things happen, we make light of it, and tell my dad, and the old man Deon, we are okay, and how much we love them.

I must admit, I am still very much on edge, over the weekends, especially now that Sean and Steven are hardly ever home and sleep out.

LoL if you know the time difference in South Africa, you will see I am often on line in the early hours of the morning.
Wow what a story. In the native american culture they will have a smudging ceremony where they burn a sage stick to rid the new home of evil spirits. It can be similiar to an exorcism. I bet in SA you have something like this too!! Sounds to me like you need this done in your apt. I smudged my new apt.
Wow what a story. In the native american culture they will have a smudging ceremony where they burn a sage stick to rid the new home of evil spirits. It can be similiar to an exorcism. I bet in SA you have something like this too!! Sounds to me like you need this done in your apt. I smudged my new apt.

We had burned incense, as well as blessing each corner in each room with holy water. (water was blessed) I still continue with the holy water, every few weeks.
Since Mishka's arrival, almost three years now, I stopped the burning of the incense.
I don't know what to say. I am totally stunned by what happened to you and the boys. You have much more courage than I have for I would never have been able to ride it out until some sort of peace was declared. Gosh, Ant!
Mishka and I went to visit Linky today, another awesome afternoon spent spoiling our beautiful fid's.

Later during the afternoon I asked to view the footage of the haunted towel. I knew what to expect, having seen the footage on the forum and Linky's description of what happened. I saw exactly what you guys had seen, but nothing prepared me for this. You recall, Linky said when trying to load it, 6 seconds were "lost"
I witnessed what had happened during the 6 seconds that were missing.

That was exactly the time the towel lifted off the floor, and started following Linky.

It was so scary watching it, cold shivers ran down my spine. Linky screaming, and crying, trying to explain to Craig what had happened.

I then recorded it onto my cell phone, directly off Linky's tv screen.
In the beginning of of video, I recorded the actual seconds ticking away, where you see the 6 seconds disappear.

Watch carefully when Linky moves backwards, her feet are away from the towel, then the towel lifts up slightly, and goes towards her.
Linky manages to jump over the towel, then the towel turns slightly and then moves in the same direction that Linky is going.

Linky showed me (in slow motion) where she turned the fan off.
I checked out the deep freeze. Where the towel was placed, there is barley enough space for one of my fingers to fit under.

This is such scary stuff.......


While uploading it onto my laptop, pots and pans in my cupboard started banging against each other. If you read my "ghost story" this will all make sense.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8LStmBpKmI"]YouTube - Haunted Towel[/ame]
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Okay ...I believe ...I believe.

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