whats you DREAM bird :)

Mine has always been a GW macaw. Every time I meet one, we hit it off really well. But, I've always been reluctant to get a baby due to the long life span. I spent a couple of years looking for an older one in a rescue or that otherwise needed rehomed, but couldn't find one, say, in it's 20s. Now I just feel I don't have the room, time or financial situation for one. If it was my only pet, it would be fine, but it wouldn't be. So I no longer plan to have one, but all my birds bring such joy to me, I don't feel like I'm missing out.
Id have to have my dream house in order to have my dream birds.With a huge Sun room that had planted trees etc..

But on a more realistic dream.
Blue crowned conure(Ive wanted one for years)
Or a Derbyan(another favorite)
Pineapple green cheek
A trio of linnies (one of each color)

But Im happy with what I have now..I still may get another greencheek one day or the linnies.But not in any hurry.
My two dream birds are a bronze winged pionus and a male eclectus. There are a lot of other birds that I find fascinating and beautiful, but I wouldn't actually want to keep them as pets.
I have my dream birds. All of my birds are so perfect for me and I feel so lucky to have them in my life! My African grey is the bird I always dreamed of having when I was younger. She is everything I dreamed of.
I would get a GW Macaw :red1:, it's tempting to want a Hyacinth too but I know when a bird is just too big :p and always have at least 1 GCC around. :D
first things first. a proffesional birdie chef to cook for the fids plus a fulltime birdie maid to clean up after them then a finished carpenter to repair any damage to woodwork and furniture. then a galla, hyasinth macaw. a lake with a pair of mute swans, a blue crowned pigeon, a crimson bellied conure, and a yellow sided green cheek etc. I would also have to be many years younger and very rich. haha. fortunatly i am very happy with my spanish timbrado canary Lucas and my green quaker Sweetie pie, and my two elderly minpins Abby and Phoenix and my huband Ray .:D Alison and group
woops just had another thought since I live in Florida aybe a nice flock of pink flaingos, not the plastic kind. lol Alison and sweetie pie:D
My dream would be to have an indoor/outdoor dual aviary with lots of natural lights full of every color of linnies there are. Also a few green cheek conure types. So yes, I too would need my dream house first. lol
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i love all these birds, i would love a whole park full of every kind of bird there is, all of them tame :D! a kakapo would be really cool too! a recurring bird here seems to be the hyacinth macaw, how i wish i could have one, their just so expensive :(, there is one at my local pet store, he belongs to the owner, but he's let me pet him before (i'll admit his beak is a little intimidating...)
I too already have my dream bird, Bosley my Double Yellow Head Amazon.
I also have a wild raven that comes to my deck everyday, biggest I've ever seen.

If I had to pick another, a Hy would be it.
Hmm... Think I already have mine!! <3

Though if I had to have another species, it would be a cockatiel! :) I don't go for the simply rare ones, love the common cuties. :p
I met my first RFM in 1997 and fell hard for this species. Over the years I have learned I am a macaw person. I just LOVE macaws. It took over 20 years but I finally got my RFM and I am in love with him. He is the perfect companion for someone like me.

Because I know RFM's do better in a flock I would like to get ONE more parrot. This time I would like to adopt a parrot in need that would be a good fit for us. This is why I am taking my time and looking at a lot of options.....BUT if I was to get another baby parrot of my choosing and licenses were not an issue I would LOVE to have a Golden Conure Queen of Bavaria. The GC is really just a dream bird because I probably would never be able to have one.
For looks, Eastern Rosella. <3

For temperament, probably a caique or just a cockatiel.

Noblemacaw, I just noticed your baby's name is Valentino!! That is my hubby's name, lol.
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Doubt i'd ever own one unless I had a big aviary and lots of time on my hands, but it would be a beautiful red tailed black cockatoo. I think they are so stunning with their glossy black feathers and cheeky faces.

Another one on my list (don't laugh!!) would be a parrotlet, we don't have them here in Australia or not that I am aware of anyway. They are such cuties.

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