Wife is allergic to our macaw


New member
Sep 10, 2017
African grey congo
My wife has been being treated for allergy the doctor says she is allergic to our macaw. Is there anyone in the Amarillo Texas area that buys and sells Macaws?


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Unless, her 'Allergy Specialist" has in fact tested 'specifically' for the dust provided by a MAC, its little more than an educated guess.

There are a ton of things that can be done to clean the air in your home.

That all said, if your goal is to sell the parrot. Yes, there are places. The first place to start is your Avian Vet. I recommend you contact your Avian Clinic First.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Sydney, Australia
Remi - Eclectus (Hatched August 2017)
It makes me sad that you aren't interested in managing your wife's allergies with your bird and would rather just offload your macaw.

How bad is the allergy? Can it be controlled with antihistamines when it flares up? Can you get away with air filtration or keeping your bird in a place your wife frequents less often?


New member
May 7, 2017
Barbara: Female Pearly conure (born Jan 3, 2016)
Marvin: Female Yellow sided GCC (born May 26, 2016)
It's doubtful that an individual has a single allergy just to a particular bird's dander. Usually those allergic to one bird are allergic to all as well as other animals, dust, grass, and other air-borne particulate. Your wife should see a specialist.

If she is truly allergic only to your bird there are a whole host of air purifiers / HEPA filters available on the market that would reasonably reduce (i.e. essentially eliminate) allergy issues.

Here's one rated as best on market for under $250: https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-air-purifier/ + a bunch of other ones which were tested and rated. This is likely an incredibly small amount when compared to the huge financial and emotional investment you've already made for your macaw to become a part of your family.

If you're not interested in this as an option, SailBoat posted the best last resort option.

Good luck.
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New member
May 11, 2017
Surrey, UK
Rio (Yellow sided conure) sadly no longer with us
like others have said make sure you get a test to make sure she is allergic. Many doctors will claim allergy over nothing. My previous doctor tried claiming I was allergic to dogs when I went in with what I thought was a bad head cold, he refused to believe that I had dogs all my life with no ill effects and informed me and my mother that we had to get rid of the dogs. Turns out I had a mild sinus infection and that doctor just didn't like dogs.

Make sure to actually test for allergies before you make a decision of just dumping your macaw with anyone who has $


New member
Oct 3, 2017
Quaker Parrot
How do you choose which one to get rid off? The Parrot or the wife lol :)

Im kidding, I think air purifiers more or less eliminate the issue here. As long as your wife doesnt handle the bird too much if she does have allergies to them she should be fine. Hope it all works out for everyone x


Supporting Vendor
Oct 9, 2016
Middle of nowhere (kentuckianna)
Roommates include Gus, Blue and gold macaw rescue and Coco, secondhand amazon
i am allergic to our macaw. It's not bad just being in the same room, but when I used to be able to skritch his head, it would start to bother me. It's all a matter of degree...being really allergic is no fun. I'm also allergic to cats, but I can be in the same room with them and even pet them as long as I wash my hands before I touch my face.

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