
  1. Nikkki

    Please help. Indian Ringneck "attacking" us.

    Hi fellow bird lovers, I have a beautiful grey Indian Ringneck (Alfonso) who turned 1 on November 21st. We're quite certain he's a male as I've seen him. doing what looks like a mating dance with some of his toys but he hasn't developed his ring yet. We brought home a beautiful 4 month old...
  2. J

    Rehoming an IRN parrot to get a friendlier bird

    Two years ago my parents decided to get an Indian ringneck parrot, Jolly, one week after the unfortunate passing of our loved IRN Judy who died at 23 years of age. They wanted to get a male parrot as they're known to be friendlier and more active, however after having Jolly for a while, she...
  3. Sophieh7

    Angry Budgie!

    Hello guys; I have 2 budgies. Enzo who was believed to be a male when purchased but im now 90% sure is female and Lola. I’ve had them both for around 4 months, Lola is a lot older than Enzo tho. I had them together but Enzo was being very territorial over almost everything in the cage so have...
  4. N

    Cockatiel getting more and more angry every day..

    Hey there! I've had my cockatiel lady (Navi) for a good four months now (she's about a few months older than that) , and have been enjoying my time with her as much as i can! I am home almost all the time right now, due to COVID and whatnot, and am spending a lot of time with her throughout the...
  5. M

    Budgie not happy and i need help..

    Hello! New to this forum. A little over a month ago my son found a parakeet outside when he was swinging at his grandmothers house. This bird took to him like they were best buds. so of course we made him apart of our family. We got him a cage, toys, fresh food and water every day, gets to take...
  6. Midnightstarian

    Wing flapping no flying?

    My budgie Tinker is Flapping his wings on the perch but he isn't flying. and he can't fly given the pet store clipped his wings so short he can't even glide. I'm not happy about that but there growing back. He is just sorta sitting there chirping and then screams and flaps his wings I assume...
  7. veimar

    Anxiety and over-preening

    Hi guys, haven't been here for a long time. I have a question for experienced conure owners... My gcc Parry has terrible anxiety, all the time. He is always pissed off, makes these angry sounds at me and Coco (my lovebird), always wants to bite me, etc... He screams, bobs his head, draws lines...
  8. T

    Help. Crazed bird!

    About a year and a half ago I bought a companion conure for my existing conure Zazu. This birds name is Bowie. We bought Bowie when Zazu was about 2, and he was about 3. When we bought him, he was abandoned by his home. At the store he was outgoing and friendly. We brought him home. The two...
  9. R

    Angry at people comparing birds to other pets.

    I literally cannot stand when people compare birds to dogs, etc. I get asked why I look so down. I respond because I'm still grieving over the loss of my beloved Tiki. I get asked okay well what's wrong with the new birds? I say it's not the same. And they're new and it's all still recent. I...
  10. veimar

    My time for a rant!

    Somebody posted this on my FB page probably to show how "terrible" parrots are: Parrot Attacks and Bites Violinist - YouTube What? UNEXPECTEDLY??!?! Okay, I never owned an Amazon and have seen them just a few times, but isn't it obvious from the first second that the bird is extremely pissed...
  11. R

    Pepper is MAD at me :(

    I've had my Nanday for going on 2 years and we have absolutely LOVED each other...until tonight. This is TOTALLY my fault, but I need to fix it, please help!! I was in the bathtub with Pepper on my shoulder (per usual). He flew to my husband and then tried to fly back to me and one of his toes...
  12. T

    Suddenly he hates me?

    Me and my Sennie get on very well. He is probably closet to me then the rest of my family in the house. Although today he just seems to hate me. He wants to be on me but whenever I allow him to he just bites, like attack bite which draws blood, I tell him 'NO' and put him down for 3 minutes, but...
  13. M

    Please Help

    Hello everyone, I am in serious need of some help here... I feel like I might get scolded also, and that's fine too... I just need help in any way I can. So my housemate and I were home one day about 3 weeks ago. We got a knock at the door, and a woman asked us if we were missing a bird. We...
  14. taylor_

    cinnamon GCC cage aggression help? :)

    our first month and a half or so with crowley has been a blast. we finally took him in for his first vet visit, and he's totally normal and healthy, i got him dna sexed and he's officially a male, OUR LITTLE MAN :) haha. everything has been great except for his cage aggression. he's totally...
  15. D

    Help me!

    I have a 5month old eclectus male I purchased from a breeder. Ive target trained him. But he wants nothing to do with me. He bites me, he lunges at me, he only syeps up when hes hungry and I have treats. If he's not hungry or is over the treats he wont let me near him. He's mean to me and to my...
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