Pepper is MAD at me :(


New member
Oct 28, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Pepper Redpants-Nanday Conure
I've had my Nanday for going on 2 years and we have absolutely LOVED each other...until tonight.

This is TOTALLY my fault, but I need to fix it, please help!!

I was in the bathtub with Pepper on my shoulder (per usual). He flew to my husband and then tried to fly back to me and one of his toes went INTO my skin. It wasn't just scratching, it went completely into my back-of course, this was extremely painful so I reacted LOUDLY and said "OW!" Then yelled and Pepper flew out of the bathroom.

Now, he's never been my husband's biggest fan, but now he won't leave his side. When I left the room, he didn't fly out to find me, and didn't even flock call. When my husband left, he immediately left the room. We tried this a couple of times, but he either flock called to my husband or tried to fly out and find him. It's basically like he flipped a switch with his humans. He's kind of tolerating me, but not really. Now he's biting me too...HARD. I haven't reacted at all, but he's clamped down and won't let go several times. I've tried to talk to him sweetly and gave him an almond and a Nutriberry, but he doesn't seem to be interested in me at all.

He played with me a little on the floor and let me pet him while we were in a "tent" made out of a towel. But he won't stay on my shoulder at all and started biting me when I asked him to step up off of my husband.

This only happened like an hour and a half ago, but I am physically SICK at the thought of losing my bird like this. :( Any suggestions other than obviously taking things slowly? I feel like the worst parront.
This only happened like an hour and a half ago, but I am physically SICK at the thought of losing my bird like this. :( Any suggestions other than obviously taking things slowly? I feel like the worst parront.

I have no idea what you expect to hear because there is no such thing as a quick fix for this sort of thing. You seem to already know that things take time based on your response in another thread where you give that advice.
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If nothing, some positivity would be appreciated. Accidents happen and I'm looking for ANY suggestions.
If you don't have anything to add, please don't waste your time and mine by posting useless comments.
It may take a day or two for him to get over this. Keep trying, I am sure he will come around. Keep your chin up! :)
I advise giving it a day or two. Flora got mad at me the first time I showered with her. She seemed to enjoy the shower, but when I placed her back on her cage she turned her back to me. The rest of that day she didn't come out of her cage and she would growl at me when I tried to get her to step up. She flailed her toys around angrily and growled at them also. She was pitching a tantrum. The next morning she was fine and in love with me again. Our Fids get angry with us just like human children and you just have to let them have time to work out their frustration. I would just cage him for the night and start afresh tomorrow.

I believe Pepper was just frightened by the situation and sought solace with your Hubby. I would suggest the Hubby limit contact to allow Pepper to not replace you with the Hubby. Hopefully a good nights rest is all that is needed.

Check in tomorrow and let me know how Pepper feels about you then.
It sounds like you frightened him and he's just reacting. I'm sure things will be back to normal, give it a week or so, and don't change your habits or routine with him, just act like nothing happened. You know his wants and needs, and you know what he likes, so that gives you the advantage. It will be fine :)
I thought Id ruined my relationship with my Hawkhead. I left the ball totally in her court [no pressure ]. I would walk by her cage [see if she was interested ]. then walk away. I continued to go about my business [and it made her curious about me]. It worked !! I let her come to me and if she didn't want to that was ok too.Eventually I got my old bird back . Good Luck
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Thank you guys SO much! I was literally ILL when this was happening and came so close to crying but I have hope for tomorrow. I've definitely learned my lesson...well done Pepper, you've trained me again ;) I'll update tmrw!
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Well, everything is back to normal! He went to bed that night mad at me and the next morning was still a little hesitant of me. But I took your advice on having my husband limit contact (and boy, did I marry a good one cause he was hunched down in the kitchen for a good 5 minutes and banished to the cold garage while I fed Pepper in the morning) and that helped. It was like a switch flipped and it flipped back!
I have definitely learned my lesson though and I'm watching my reactions! Thanks for everyone's time and thoughtfulness in posting! Much appreciated! :)
Glad to hear it! I was following your thread last week, and was hoping for a good outcome. I knew it was only a matter of time :)
Aw don't be so hard on yourself! Sometimes yelling happens...he still loves you the most, he's just giving you your space , as I'm sure he appreciates in return when he's having a bad day ^.^

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