Angry Budgie!


New member
Sep 29, 2021
Enzo and Lola, budgies.
Hello guys; I have 2 budgies. Enzo who was believed to be a male when purchased but im now 90% sure is female and Lola. Iā€™ve had them both for around 4 months, Lola is a lot older than Enzo tho. I had them together but Enzo was being very territorial over almost everything in the cage so have since separated them but kept the cages next to eachother. My main problem however is Enzos behaviour. At around 7 at night he turns and is very aggressive. Lunges when thereā€™s any movement at all around their cage, screams and lunges when I go to put the cage cover on and will bite If he gets the chance. It makes them so difficult to bond with, and Iā€™ve tried moving items around in their cage, moving their cage and nothing has helped. What can I do? Thanks.
Hello guys; I have 2 budgies. Enzo who was believed to be a male when purchased but im now 90% sure is female and Lola. Iā€™ve had them both for around 4 months, Lola is a lot older than Enzo tho. I had them together but Enzo was being very territorial over almost everything in the cage so have since separated them but kept the cages next to eachother. My main problem however is Enzos behaviour. At around 7 at night he turns and is very aggressive. Lunges when thereā€™s any movement at all around their cage, screams and lunges when I go to put the cage cover on and will bite If he gets the chance. It makes them so difficult to bond with, and Iā€™ve tried moving items around in their cage, moving their cage and nothing has helped. What can I do? Thanks.
mostly cage aggression is about hormones. For them, less than 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep means summer, let's lay eggs. Plenty of food, safe home and so on.

Well, same things lead to the same result, so I wonder what are the different things that could bring different results.....and the questions that I could think of are....

1) could they be put in another room to sleep in darkness? New sleeping cage with new water cup and never seen before dish and all new perches? Dark cage cover? If not, try changing the hight of the table for the cage. Birds are sensitive to heights.

2) adding new toys, diy, usually unfamiliar things make them cautious, then curious, then playful. And hide their current toys for a month, so that they forget about it. (making it new to them again next month)

3) take them out for sight seeing outside, each in a bubble backpack, unfamiliarity can get them Bond to you again.

4) put the cage lower than your eye level, this will help to establish your position as a flock leader.

5) teach them simple commands like No and good girl, so that they can learn to understand you. Who knows, they may learn to do new tricks later

Hope some of this help,
Good luck
Welcome Sophie!

Is your avatar picture a recent picture? Could you post a recent picture with a good close up on both birds for us?

A picture would help to determine your birds gender and maybe their hormone status. Looking at the picture of your avatar, you have Lola a adult yellow face female on her reproductive fertile period and a young budgie (hard to tell the gender) nearly 4 months old.

If Enzo is a female she can be at her fertile period and this alone can make some female aggressive. A frustrated female that wants to breed but have no nestbox or a male partner can get really anxious.

If Enzo is a male, he can act protective of Lola if he is sexually interested in her. The reason the attacks happens as 19:00hs is most likely linked to your behaviour in that moment of the day than the hour of the day itself. Maybe thatĀ“s the moment you have more cage contact or that Enzo donĀ“t want to have the cage covered...

Please try to give us a more detailed account of your routine with them, it could help a lot.

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