Another update with horsies!


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Sep 30, 2013
Kyros is the giant horse, is that right? I find it hard remembering who is who, because they are all K names and they all sort of look similar.


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Jul 20, 2012
Good luck, Sweetie!!! You both will be brilliant. And you ARE in excellent shape, I don't care what you ate. ;) Sugar yourself up, LOL.

I'm glad you found your arm band, next time put it in a not so safe spot. :54:

Kyros is the giant horse, is that right? I find it hard remembering who is who, because they are all K names and they all sort of look similar.

BAHAHAHHA.....all 3Ks are giants. :D


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Hahahaha they are all giants! :p

Kyros is the warmblood, 17hh, pure muscle :p

Kitai is the thoroughbred, 17.1hh, he is finer, so doesn't look as big..

and Klaatu is the baby but he is 16.3hh ;)

So i guess you could say, Kyros is the giant one at the moment :p

Thank you Wendy :D We had a relaxing quick 30 minute ride this afternoon, just went up the road and back with a nice steady canter, then gave him his big bath! :)

and yes, my stupid arm band is going to just stay attached to my protector so i don't lose it again ;)
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Jun 3, 2013
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Gee, Tab, I've only just caught up with your thread and it's already well into Sunday (3am)! Good luck today! Just point Kyros in the right direction, take a deep breath and smile as wide as you can (that's supposed to promote relaxation and release tension, or so I'm told...). I looked at the course (thanks for the URL, Wendy) and it's way within your capability. All you need to do is establish a nice, calm rhythm from the beginning and relax: Kyros will do the rest. I can't wait to hear how you went!!! Good luck, you two! XXXXX

PS. Did you ever read my horse story about how we bathed the ponies before the show and then the Rat Incident happened? Don't ever assume a clean horse will remain clean, no matter how many rugs you've put on him! LOLOL!

PPS. Did you know it's a proven scientific fact that white horses are statistically more likely to roll in poop just after they've been washed and scraped and dried in the sun? It's true! Thousands of pony clubbers can't be wrong! :22_yikes:


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Nov 6, 2013
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Tab, as always I LOVE seeing pics of your beautiful feathered and non feathered friends:)
Just wanted to pop on and wish you luck today, but I don't really think it's necessary since you have heart and skill:) Have fun!!!!


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Sep 30, 2013
that white horses are statistically more likely to roll in poop just after they've been washed
This is also true of white dogs. There is nothing like getting a westie for bringing out one's inherent OCD. I don't know why there is a happy face after getting to the backyard dirt while still wet after the bath, all I know is the complete disappointment that all of your efforts were a waste of time. :(

We want videos of the event, if possible, please. Including you getting your prize, and kyros in the winner's circle eating apples afterwards.....


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Queensland, Australia
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  • #47
Well that was interesting...

It is pouring down with rain, the course was slippery, muddy, horrible

Everyone had to walk down the hill bits

Going up the hills all the horses were slipping...

Then in one section they put a cone near the pathway because it was too muddy to go there

So it was our turn.. Seven jumps, he was doing so well, went down the hill, walking and trotting, got to the section with about a meter wide pathway to get through, the rest was all this long grass

And Kyros decided to go through the grass?

So instead of putting cones, or a fence, or even a warning around the grass, it is wide open...

Just all this long grass

Yeah.. There was a huge ditch covered with grass... In the middle of a cross country course..

Safe right?

Kyros went down on all falls and fell in, his head was lying on the other side

I landed next to his head

I jumped up, had to pull him out of the ditch..

And you know not one person came to see us? Everyone just watched..

No officials ran over

We went over to get checked by a first aid man, I told him I already have a first aid course and a paramedic student so I didn't need him to check me hahaha

Mum was waiting at another jump and didn't know

She asked an official where I was and they said a rider was down..

They don't know who, they don't know what number rider -_-

Kyros is ok, a cut on his leg but nothing serious, I thought he would of broken something the way we fell into the hole

Talk about dangerous!

I honestly can't believe they have left a giant hole with grass in it Right in the center of a pathway for the course :/

Not nice for kyros, he was doing SO well! Hopefully it hasn't knocked his confidence

I just have a sore head :p


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Sep 30, 2013
Gosh, I'm not your mum and I feel myself going into a "mum-ballistic" mode. Bloody hell. It's all very well and good that you and your horse are ok, but everyone knows how easily falls can go the other way.

Bloody hell. (and worse utterances)


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This shows what happened a bit better...

We jumped the pile of logs...

and the next jump wasn't our level, even though all the smaller courses did it :S

But anyways, our class had to go around that set of jumps..

and you are meant to jump the jumps, then go through this 2m pathway, and that goes up the hill...

But because it was muddy and raining, it had gotten too slippery and dangerous in the pathway..

So they put a big witches hat/cone in the middle, and you had to stay on the left hand side..

So the opening was probably just 1m that you had to ride through..

So, Kyros did his log jump, we went around the other jumps..

and he thought, ok, theres some grass, i can easily run through that...

and i didn't think anything of it...

Kyros ran, and fell in!

Yeah, maybe he should of gone through the tiny gap of a pathway which they had half closed off..

But why not have a fence around the hole?

Why even have a hole in the middle of the pathway ?

Mum is more annoyed that not one single person came to help Kyros and I..

I told dad, and dad doesn't like horses, and he said that yes, Kyros probably went to the pathway, but if there is a dangerous hole/ditch, they should have a fence around it, or not have it at all because horses are galloping through these cross country courses..

I would be very surprised if i was the first one that this happened to..

Mum said it is lucky nothing serious happened, but Kyros and i both have very solid bones haha

It is so stupid though... He could of done the whole course perfectly if it wasn't for that ridiculous ditch :(

Most events get cancelled if it is raining, but i guess they didn't mind haha :/


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Nov 28, 2013
Waikato New Zealand
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How olds your baby? He looks very nice and uphill! And i LOVE your jacket! What brand is it?


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Klaatu is about 3 years and 2 months!

Kyros is 9, and Kitai is 7

My jacket is Spooks... LOVE it, so comfy and looks great


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  • #52
Mum sent them this email:
Good evening Committee,

I would like to express my disappointment in your clubs cross country day today the 13th April 2014 and the lack of care on the cross country course.

My daughter had an accident on your course where there was a large ditch not marked or fenced where her horse went down and she came over his hear approx. jump 5. My daughter rider number 42 Tabitha Brown was gear checked however no one told her that this ditch was on the course and as she heard the announcement kept the marker to her right, I do believe this is the same area that the announcement was making riders aware of the slippy mud.

I was waiting for her at jump 10 on the hill and became concerned when riders 43 and 44 came past. My daughter is an experienced rider of 15 years and never at an event has she come off a horse before and this occurred due to lack of care on your course. I can only be thankful that she was only trotting due to the slippy conditions and it was her horses' second cross country course, the first cross country they attended two weeks ago he went beautifully which benefitted his education and confidence.

When I asked a judge/Marshall near the water jump did they know where rider 42 was, I was told a rider had come off near jump 5. I then proceeded to ask what number rider and they used the walkie talkie to try an ascertain the rider number. The answer came back they did not know what number rider however it was a black horse. I then made my way back towards the warm up area to find my daughter visibly upset and her horse hurt.

I asked did anyone come and assist her get her horse who was lying in the ditch out and see if she was hurt and she said No, however when she made her way back the warm up area riders suggested she see the First Aid officer.

My daughter had hit her head, her horse was physically hurt and we left as soon as I could ascertain there was no emergency to my daughter and was able to come back home in our truck.

I am quite appalled on several aspects of the club and the day:

  • No markings that any area of the course had a large ditch in it, which should have been fenced off, not left for a horse and rider to fall into.
  • Not knowing what number rider had come off and not being able to have this reported is certainly not acceptable.
  • No one assisting a rider that had come off, is a lack of duty of care on the officials and clubs behalf.
  • Not checking at the first aid station that the rider is actually hurt and also the horse is also noticeably hurt is poor attention to detail on the clubs behalf.
My daughter has been watched for concussion for the past 6 hours and monitored by her parents to ensure of her well being, her horse has also been treated for lacerations that he received whilst down and lying in the ditch.

I understand riders ride at their own risk however a club certainly has obligations to ensure the course is of a suitable safety standard for horse and riders to be safe. This certainly has not been the case today and their has been a breach in your duty of care.

I can only say that the day was disappointing and thankful that both rider and horse injuries were only minor and not as serious as they could have been.

Ann-Jane Brown


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The stupid thing is...

On a cross country course, you can take your own route/shortcuts to have the fastest time..

Some people do quick turns, some go bigger loops..

So there is absolutely NOTHING saying that Kyros couldn't go through the grass section...

It was a perfectly normal pathway..

So he is at absolutely no fault...

and i understand its ride at your own risk..

But there shouldn't be THAT kind of unnecessary risk.. Sure if i came off at a jump, then we can only blame me.. But it was just an open section

Grrr.... -_-

Mum and i just spoke and said Kyros is way too valuable to be doing cross country....

We are just sticking to dressage and showjumping :p


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Jul 20, 2012
:eek: Oh my gosh, Tab!!! I'm SO relieved you and Kyros are all right.

That was a massive scare, and mum did a GREAT job with that letter. That was sheer ignorance of the folks in charge, not letting anyone know about the hazardous ditch! :mad: OMG, Kyros (or other horses) can break their legs in that ditch! :mad: Riders can get severely hurt, too. It should have definitely been fenced off, ESPECIALLY in inclement weather. Who can see straight with rain in their eyes?

And I am SO happy to hear you and Kyros will not be participating in those sort of events again. Yes, he is MUCH too valuable. SO many accidents happen in cross country. Remember I pointed out some of the jumps? The cement pipes scared the bleep out of me. :eek: Any jump that doesn't "give" when a horse knocks it, scares the hooves out of me.

HUGS, sweetie!! I'm so sorry it didn't quite go as planned. You will do phenomenal in dressage and jumping. :)



New member
Sep 30, 2013
I hope you get an apologetic reply. Of course they need to make sure there aren't great ditches along the way. It isn't just a hack where you take your chances, it's an organised event. They can't eliminate everything but a bloody great ditch shouldn't be there. Grrrrrr, also.


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  • #56
Honestly Wendy, the first thing i thought when i came off was- Kyros will have broken something

I have no idea how deep/wide this ditch was because of the grass... All i know it was fairly deep, and would of had to of been something serious for Kyros to be completely down!

We had done a log jump, the road works jump, the hedge jump, another log type, the tires, and the log pile, and then heading towards the flower jump

The 'hedge' jump was funny ;) It isn't the same as in the picture.. There are no bars on top or the sides.. Its just a "hedge"

Yeah.. It was 4 tiny little plants that weren't joined together or anything hahaha

Kyros ran THROUGH it because there was nothing to jump haha :p

Mum said the section she was watching, everyone was walking their horse down the hill because how slippery it was... Imagine shortish green grass with lots of rain, and then the tracks where everyone goes churned up with mud!!

Well next sunday we have a showjumping comp!! So that will be funner

I have loved each and every jumping thing i have been to so far..

I remember after the tamborine one day event, i wasn't sure if i liked cross country or not, i couldn't decide :p

This confirms it.. I love my horse too much to have the guts to gallop around a course like that :( haha

Mum also said, Kyros is a hanoverian, they are mainly used in dressage and showjumping, because they don't have that super speed and lightness like a thoroughbred does..

So he is heavier on his feet, where as a thoroughbred is very light, so they do have the ability to gallop around a course and not fall over!

Maybe in a few years time when Kitai is healed i will give him a go around a cross country course!! :p

Kyros's breeding lines were all showjumpers and dressagers, not cross country!!! ;)

He is probably thinking, come on tab, we don't do cross country.. We do the fancy dressage and showjumping, not gallop around a course!! :p

Once again, i had so many people come up and ask about Kyros.. 'Wow he is gorgeous.. Gosh this horse is stunning... I have just come over to admire your horse' :eek: haha


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Exactly!!! and it isn't like it was free either... 40 dollars for one ride... Well i paid 40 dollars to do some jumps and end in a ditch and have a massive headache all afternoon ;)


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Jul 20, 2012
In a couple of years you will have Kitai to do cross country with. :D He is so cut out for this because he IS a thoroughbred and light on his feet. Plus we all know he's a phenomenal jumper, too.

So then you will be taking 2 (or 3) horses to events. Kyros for the dressage and show jumping, Kitai for the cross country, and probably Klaatu for dressage and show jumping, too. ;)

Yes, Hanoverians ARE heavy horses. When they slide, there's no stopping them. When they fall, they fall hard.

You don't have a concussion, do you????


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Yes! Kitai would be much better than Kyros..

But i guess it is good to try everything to see what i like and what the horses are suited with..

Kyros is brilliant on a showjumping course and a dressage course.. and i have ALOT more confidence with that hahaha

I am hoping to find a dressage event for Klaatu in a month or two :D

Noo, i had a really bad ache in my head since it happened..

Mum was worried and asked if i had blacked out.. I was fairly sure i didn't

Then she got me some ice..

Then by the time we got home it was still aching..

and then at about 4-5pm it finally stopped


haha :eek:

But my back can't really handle shock well... I didn't land on my back.. But it was aching soo much this afternoon. It doesn't like sudden force :p


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Jul 20, 2012
Maybe you need another ride in the ambulance??? :D :D :D

...OK, I'll be quiet now. ;)

How bad is Kyros leg? He isn't lame, is he? Will he have a scar?

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