Boarding Aftermath...


New member
Jul 30, 2011
Frankie the Brown-headed Parrot
I have a Poicephalus parrot, a Brown-headed Parrot named Frank. We just got back from a 15 day vacation, and he was boarded at the breeder's house. The breeder is VERY trustworthy, and Frankie had a ton of social time with him. He handles him extreemly well. Frank is not yet a year old, but is a well socialized bird, who was very independent and sweet. Be brought him home today, and he seems edgy and nervous, and bit me twice. (He has never bit me before) He was very lovey durring the car ride home, and was cuddling and chattering to me, but once we got him out of the car, he is acting a bit strange. Nothing changed from when he left, but he is different. Its hard to explain. He also picked up some loud, macaw squacks...what can I do about that? He used to be a quiet bird... has that changed for good? Any thoughts, help, or suggestions? What should I do when he bites?? Thank you guys!
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Pardon the bad spelling....thats one skill I will never have.... :/
Alot of changes in his short life, he will probably settle down. The macaw calls you can only hope he forgets after a time. I wouldn't give them any attention, you dont want him to do it forever.
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Alot of changes in his short life, he will probably settle down. The macaw calls you can only hope he forgets after a time. I wouldn't give them any attention, you dont want him to do it forever.

Yeah, thats what we hoped would happen. We got him a CD with bird calls on it (quiet bird calls and nature sounds in the background) and he has calmed down quite a bit. Thank you for the reply. :yellow1: It helped me calm down!:p
Frank has to punish you for going away and leaving him. :) He'll undoubtedly forgive you soon, and will be more like his old self again. It's best to ignore the imitation Macaw screams (easier said than done, I know); if you don't react to them, Frank will likely quit making them eventually.
You also have to think of this: He could have very well bonded with the breeder in that short period of time, especially if it;s the same breeder who hand fed him or who you got him from. It may have sparked something in him or rekindled an old flame.

Hopefully for your sake it passes and he re-bonds with you. I had a cockatiel once that was sweet and nice with me and then all of a sudden my brother stopped by a while after I got her. Well, sparks flew and from then on, any time my brother stopped by that bird was all over him and then when he left, the bird would punish me by constant screaming, biting me, not wanting to eat. So finally after couple of episodes of this, I packed her up and gave her to my brother and from then on, she was just as sweet to me as she could be, but you could tell, she LOVED my brother. What I thought was funny, was that he would hardly ever give her the time of day. He really wasn't a bird person or a pet person for that matter.

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